Pelosi worries that Trump won't accept defeat in 2020

Will he refuse to step down if he loses? Will it spark a civil war?

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>satanic whore worried trump will stop election rigging
looks like she has nothing to worry about right now

The practice of headlining articles with these silly mouth agape photos of the subjects is by itself sufficient evidence to not take a publication seriously

The question is sort of "what if?"

>Nancy Pelosi is worthless at her job
>This is somehow news

I agree he’s a nut job

Every statement democrats make is pure projectionism.

Hillary still hasn't accepted her lose, saying it was "stolen" from her. Now we have Nancy saying Trump will say the same thing.

They are all lying rats that subIQ voters fall for.

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It's not only Pelosi who's worried...

>won't accept defeat
You mean like the Democrats have done for the past three years?

Can't even hire original scriptwriters

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The Democrats were literally cheated out of the election.

I hate the Dems, but we have to admit that much, at least.

>sowing the seeds of election fraud ahead of time again
So transparent and nobody sees it

Cheated by what, polls?

The Democrats were literally cheated out of the election.

I hate the Dems, but we have to admit that much, at least.

>I mean, it was her turn

die in a fire after being infected with AIDS



>2 years so far of democrats desperately trying to find a way to overturn an election result because they can't accept that he's president
>"will trump accept the election result (assuming that we win with the worst and most unelectable line up in democrat history)"
How do they project so much?

We have had an orderly transition of power 45 times in a row.

Who cares?
Civil war is coming regardless. Better sooner rather than later.

First off, they've been saying this type of shit about every president since George HW Bush.
>this president is going to be the president that declares martial law and crowns himself king. Every fucking president. They also do that shit where the current president is the Anti-Christ, I'm surprised you don't see that about Trump.

Also the Democrats are the ones who refuse to admit defeat. How long has it been now, and they still won't fucking stop.

You are literally disregarding all the fake democrat votes from sanctuary states with no voter ID requirement, any mexican can go vote four times for whichever party disregards the law to let them stay

it's moot since Trump won't lose

Holy shit kill yourself immediately

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Da fuck is going on here

Does that mean it'll last forever? This last transition hasn't gone very smoothly...

they can't handle the prospect of their candidate going through the same shit they've been dishing out for two years if they win.

They were saying he wouldn't accept the election results last election as they were spying on his election and creating a fake narrative against him.

The "scholars" cited by the article are the goddamn Jews (((Allan Lichtman))) and (((Laurence Tribe))). Of goddamn course they are going to cite goddamn worthless Jews to back their article. Jews are the goddamn worst and deserve total eradication.

"Lichtman was born in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City into a Jewish family."

"His family was Jewish."

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They said the same thing is 2016 and look who actually chimped out...

>The Democrats were literally cheated out of the election.
Voter ID laws would stop all those illegals from voting for Trump. Maybe not 100%, but a hefty, healthy dent nonetheless

They said this shit in 2016, too. Retards.

She’s right we will hang any elected Democrat.

Didn't they say this last time? Democrats never learn do they?

>what do you mean, "check mate?".
>Who cares if you got my king, look at all these pawns I still have.
>You cheated.

O they weren’t, fuck off with that noise, also militia to voting stations next year

The jews really are going neurotic over Trump.

>Top story: Pelosiy says "EHHHH" while Trump says "OOOOOOH"

Trump will start a war with Iran if he senses defeat.

Can a president just refuse to step down and leave the white house? Wouldn't the SS step in? That would be awesome if he didn't.

That or invade Venezuela. He'll rally the neocon boomers somehow.

Subscribe to Pewdiepie

The bots are fucking up.
>totally organic goyim, Jow Forums is with her now can't you see?

They're all at it...Hillary Clinton joins vast Democratic campaign to undermine faith in US elections:

The Democratic Party’s unofficial campaign to cast Republican-won elections as illegitimate is in full swing.

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, for example, suggested this weekend that she would be in the White House now were it not for the “fact” that the 2016 election was stolen from her.

"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," she said Saturday evening.

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>didn’t go smoothly
I don’t know what you saw on 1/20/17, but I saw Obama get on a helicopter and leave DC just after Trump was inaugurated. Bobama even waved when he left for his free ride to Palm Springs, CA. No one had to point a gun at anyone else. Trump waltzed right into the White House without a fight.

Let me get this straight, she is worried that when the DNC, the NPCs, and her close friends tried to steal the election from him and got caught, if he loses to another corrupted process, he might be suspicious of the result

fucking genius she is

How come the American public doesn't call Pelosi and her self-enriching kind out on their bullshit? This stupid fucking cunt has made a career out of politics and gotten insanely rich because of it, she shouldn’t by any measure have the fucking wealth she has. The only thing she’s good at is backroom dealings, even her manner of speaking isn’t charismatic or in any way interesting to listen to; none of her talking points make sense and she’s just constantly speculating or using retarded doublespeak.

How come this dumb cunt with a face so obviously filled, stretched and cut-up over the years even gets any fucking votes at all. How the fuck do you look at an obvious nepotistic cunt like this and think: “well gee, this geriatric cunt with none of her original face left and unable to hold an interesting debate is someone that deserves my vote”.

So basically they had the same question in 2016... And who didn't want to give up power? That's right.

That one user was right. This is all just D&C. Literally repeating the 2016 oct talking points again because us goldfish don’t remember. I’m sure a toothless trump tweet will follow SAD

toothless tweets that won an election

seems like a winning strategy


An election in a pozzed government. Really think anyone gets into power Because they had good ideas?

Why should he? The Democrats haven’t accepted their defeat and it’s been two years! He would be a fool to. Just wait until the Rats find out the reason he was ahead of them every step of the way is he spied on them. They are gonna be purplectric!

Dems know they have no chance of beating Trump in 2020 so they're setting the narrative for the inevitable chimp out.

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This is the beginning of the Dems plotting their recount-type of dispute when Trump wins again.

The dems are planning to obstruct and keep Trump from governing in his second term as well. Dems want to keep him tied up in litigation, then bitch about Trump not fulfilling campaign promises...

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING a dem does, is always calculated, orchestrated and non-organic in their actions.

This shit already? Every election since 2000 the internet goes crazy with stupid speculation like this. Trust me, the guy who carries the nuclear football around doesn't care what Trump wants. He's going to do his duty and take it to whoever wins the election.