I just figured out how we could probably use the swastika in complete and direct opposition to the mainstream media without them being able to turn it around on us.
I present to you my idea- This can be applied to all major news outlets, don't let the focus only be CNN; We've done Fake News Network, now it's time for Fascist News Network.
The idea here is not to be disingenuous and be as bad as them, the key to success here is to spread the facts about their lies and do it while completely tarnishing their brand by associating them with what they for years have been calling all of us. Pic related.
So, with less of a rant and more of an action plan, here's what you do. Photoshop Nazi and other controversial yet equally true imagery behind, or subtly on top of the logos of these news publication platforms every time they run fake news in a way that always makes the news publication logo take the focus while the swastika remains as the side focus. This makes it very difficult to simply blame the neo nazis, as the symbol is not the focus but simply the insinuation. As for independent journalists, you photoshop it over their face icons. Those with video editing software and skill should manipulate brand logos within videos and so forth.
This was tried many times yet never quite so directly, or in such a way to my understanding. There have been ideas to try and associate the swastika with these fake news publishers but usually it was an indirect slide that contained just the swastika while decrying fake news. This makes it far too easy to decry the ideas as neo-nazi, so by effect when you make the swastika the side focus and have the brands logo at the forefront, you are insinuating THEM as the nazis. Tyranny through misinformation, after all.
This can be expanded upon, but the idea is to smear the smear merchants. Let's go boys, we can make a shit storm. Make sure to drop flyers like the image seen in this post around school grounds and other places.