What's the j*wish equivalent of "remove kebab"?
What's the j*wish equivalent of "remove kebab"?
Other urls found in this thread:
Remove oven dodgers
gas gas gas
this webm really spooks me out everytime. They're possessed
>What's the j*wish equivalent of "remove kebab"?
Make America Great Again
In my country there is problem
And that problem is the Jew
They take everybody money
And they never give it back
Throw the jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party
>What's the j*wish equivalent of "remove kebab"?
Hey, Tyrone, did you know that all slave owners were really jewish and that they've been using you as attack dogs ever since the 13th amendment.
A good old fashioned holocaust.
>Donald trump is the biggest supporter of the Jews
Remove nose.
mangle matzo
Shalom goy
remove bagel
Pretty good but too long
These don't sound too good
You didn't get it at all huh
Nooooo, they're just being fucking jews, man.
Filter gefilte
delete diaspora
I think "The Unchooser" would look smashing down the side of a machine gun
shoah shekel
funny how Sasha Baron Cohen likes to mock middle class America and depicts muslims as idiots (Borat, the great dictator) but has no jewish stereotypes.
imagine a stadium full of jiggling khazar milkers
Remove Knish
Cancel Knish
Lose Latke
Stop Lox
"Fuck Your Bagels" might be a good secondary inscription in addition to one of the better ones here as a primary.
Oven bagel
>Baron Cohen was born in west London. His mother, Daniella Naomi (née Weiser), who worked as a movement instructor, was born in Israel.[10] His father, Gerald Baron Cohen (1932–2016), a clothing store owner, was born in London and raised in Wales. Baron Cohen was raised Jewish. He is fluent in Hebrew as well as his native English.
You must understand: His career is the Jewish stereotype.
Nice. Gas Gefilte.
fake jew kike amalekite shemites love their carbs
while their brother shemites the sand nigger arabs
love meat/protein.
>remove the challah
export mountain rock (bergstein)
Challah Chillah (pronounced "Kallah Killah" unless you're really jewish then those "K"s turn into outright loogie horks)
come back, OP. here, have a bump of cocaine before the jannies start ((jannying))
Remove Humus
He IS the Jewish stereotype, nonce.
I unironically started singing this out loud. Borat was a genius and must not take the train to Auschwitz!
Kings and Exodus.
>Yahweh says these people are evil and squatting on our rightful promised land, so let’s wipe them out down to the last man, woman and child.
Do note that a number of Israelite leaders decide not to completely genocide their enemies and get PUNISHED for it.
I was hoping the rafters would collapse but no such luck.
Ben "Unloading my 9 into Schlomo's spine" Garrison
every time, this video.
> brief glimmer of hope I'm about to see a rekt
> all jews survived video
> soniamdisappoint.css
>imagine the smell
remove foreskin?
imagine the smell
Remove Goy
it's really not that bad once you get used to it
gas the kikes race war now
Delete kippa
Burn Bagel
Gas Grabbler
Cook Kike
Yeet Yid
Shoah schlemil
gas & hamas
I just thought of:
Burn bagel
Remove matzos
Bretty gud m8