This Is Rigged

Not a Bernie fan, but no way can this be accurate. So, the news is rigged, polls are rigged. Are vote counts going to be rigged too? (one asks rhetorically)

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That or there's less suckers around

Social media is rigged too.

you are now aware that all of the media is just bullshit conjecture and no real proof is ever used.

California is rigged.
Arizona is rigged
Florida is rigged
Cities, also rigged.
We have a group of criminals in government folks, we didn't get a fair election in 2016, we need NEED NEED a fair election in 2020

Biden's last rally had about 8 people... Bernie at least gets a few hundred. Obviously the polls are rigged.

Media dosent want him to win at all. He would tax millionaires and they are millionaires. They want Biden who will do nothing.

It probably is true, but taken from favorable poll results

More fuel for the anti-US government fire

Dem presidential primary has always been rigged thanks to the superdelegates who just give the DNC's chosen candidate a massive lead before any citizen ever casts a single vote.
While it's tough to rig the vote counts, it can be done through ballot stuffing, ballot destruction, people "finding" mysterious boxes full of uncounted votes, and other such absentee ballot abuses. As long as the voting official is a dumb nigger, then they can easily get away with any of those things even if they get caught doing it.

they polled people over 50. boomers must die

It's almost like people over 50 make up a huge percentage of the electorate
>it's the jews

boomer genocide when? children of the corn rise up

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I severely dislike Bernie's politics, but yes, it's rigged. He'll never get the nomination. I'd never vote for him, but others should have the right to. Trump is going to kinda win by default cause all the Dem candidates are awful. At least with Trump we know what we're getting. The Dems losing their shit every day is just a bonus.

This. The mindset of the progressive is easy to understand and no progressive is going to want a senile, old fart moderate for President. While Bernie has a passionate fan club. Absolutely impossible for this poll not to be manipulated.

biden is a 90's establishment democrat, a macron-like centrist neoliberal technocrat. he's not human, he must be disabled,disassembled and recycled. boomers are the scourge of the earth. the rule of the dead over the living

Yeah, no shit it's rigged against Bernie... again.

>At least with Trump we know what we're getting.

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Biden couldn’t even beat Hillary in 2008.

Trump is going to win, unless the polls and votes are rigged.
You think Pelosi is possibly projecting when she already is saying Trump will contest the election? Maybe she knows something.
If the polls are rigged and if the votes are rigged, the outcome can be decided by the powers that be. Democracy can be overridden to prevent the “idiot deplorables” and “Walmart shitstains” from electing another non-elite who doesn’t understand the “big picture”.

>people over 50
You shill are at it hot and heavy today.

the trouble is is that Bernie will "respectfully" lose again. he's too old and spent too much time as a politician to fracture the party if he's cheated out. Trump had no qualms about fucking over the Rep party if he lost, a Dem like Bernie wont do that, he's too "civil". he's just go back to his dog house

Voting is for slaves. Civil war NOW!

Shill trying to create dissension. Fuck off.

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Well I got news for you. 50% of the dnc is niggers. They will so look the other way when joe the children ridin Biden.

90% of Biden supporters have grey hair

stop boomer supremacy now.

c'mon fag, 3 posts in a row with your gayboy shit. at least break it up some when you shill so that it's not so obvious that your a cucksucking shill.

Listen. Bernie is weak. He bent to Hillary. He’s already agreed to support whoever the democratic nominee to help unseat the bigot racist homophobe xenophobia the democrats will give the nomine to a career politician (read as liar) Joe Biden and Sanders will cry at the nomination like the little bitch he is. I know this thread will head to page 10 but remember either Bernie is just another politician (again read as liar ) or he is to limp wristed to do anything to bring his utopia. Trump is now another politician. Ah well not like the people on this board have iqs above reddit.

Double space.

>The commies are finally learning.

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and your source is what?

>they want biden who will do nothing
i don't know, user.
he wrote the patriot act, so... there's lots he could fuck up.

It's been rigged for thousands of years. If you're a nobody and someone gives you a vote, it means the vote is useless. You're just growing up and realising it. Congratulations, welcome to adulthood.

bernie will have a completely fair and unbiased shot just like last election

Verbal salad much Kotter?

Polls are rigged and totally fake just like elections are.

>Are vote counts going to be rigged too?
were so blatantly rigged last time? yes, so just let the dems use their Israeli voting machines and their bots vote, I can't see how turnout will be any better after what they did to Bernie last year

>He didn't realize that polls were 100 percent worthless last election

A DNC lawyer admitted under oath they pick their chosen in back rooms in the Bernie case after the 2016 election. The Democrat establishment is cancer.

If you didn't lean that lesson after the first round, you may be literally retarded.

>to fracture the party
he already did that, you think democrat loyalists are going to show up at all after what they did to Bernie you must be kidding, only the most die hard of political wackos will bother this time around, so you'll have the 80 year old grannies voting and nobody else

You didn't really think the Bernout was going to actually challenge the establishment candidate, did you?

>in other news, water is wet.
The Dems already got caught rigging the primaries, saying they are "ceremonial." Biden is the chosen one, Bernie, while I dont like him, is the actual popular candidate, but he is not a Dem insider therefore they will not let him get the nomination.

>they are millionaires
Good observation. The elites want votes by creating victim classes, but they absolutely never want the victim class politics to harm their lust for wealth and power.
This is why AOC is such a threat to them.
What is a shame is that working class minorities and working class whites are being successfully divided when they have 1) shared economic interests, and 2) economic prosperity is the most essential ingredient in enabling people to enjoy quality of life and in lessening the economic burden on inefficient government programs.

“Respectfully lose” = get paid to get out of the way.


Good goyim the elites have decided that Biden wins. Your votes don't matter we need to make sure a "safe for business" candidate is on the ticket in case trump implodes.

american armed yellow vests when?

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>yellow vests
Could we maybe go with aquamarine or turquoise? They bring out the natural colors of my eyes.

>so im not a fan of X but
Whenever someone starts a conversation out like that, they're always a fan. Just like when migatards post on fb and twitter with "im not a trump fan but!". And then say something about giving israel more money.
>Bernie sanders
What a coincidence
trump is going down this time and joe's not letting him spit

Ur mum is rigged

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let me ask you this, user.
did the DNC rig the primaries against bernie last time?
were they remorseful, or did they insist they did nothing wrong and that they could rig their primaries if they wanted to?
so, knowing this, why would bernie willingly try to run on the democrat ticket again?
and, there's your answer.
he knows it's rigged, they know it's rigged, you know it's rigged.

Front page of Drudge

about we had a pres who has a real feel for the people

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>they’re always a fan
Au contraire
Free market man all the way.
Bernie is an accelerant as in he will accelerate the collapse of the economy.


>were they remorseful?
Sociopaths do not experience remorse. Only regret when caught.

That's a touchy subject, user.

>accelerate the collapse of the economy
>being this jewish
W/e you say schlomo

Bernie looks like an unkempt barely coherent old folks home escapee who doesn’t even dress himself anymore.

Bernie never had a chance hes a fucking socialist... Everyone hates them, atleast everyone with a brain

Bernie isn’t democrat his base is mostly independents that’s his appeal.

I do not see why so many people want to leave government to geriatrics who have no notion of the realities of the 21st century.

>get a load of this faggot
Do you think rich people didn't "accidentally" get access to the information the DOJ required them to archive? Do you not remember the hundreds of system breeches we had over the last few years? Who do you think funded and profited from those operations?

This. Media are notorious for grabbing a single abnormal pill result and then running with it like it's significant. Remember, they also said "Trump's polls PLUMMET after Mueller Report!!" No such thing happened.

>We have a group of criminals in government folks, we didn't get a fair election in 2016, we need NEED NEED a fair election in 2020
go to and contact your local constitutional governor

Itt Berniggers berniggin

Biden will be the candidate of choice for the DNC ironically because of his "pedo uncle joe" controversy. The whole thing is a ploy to do 3 things

1. Make the 2020 election centered on rape accusations. Yea Joe Biden has done sketchy shit that seems rapey. Know who else has a bunch of rape accusations levied against him? Trump. This is going to devolve quickly into whose the bigger rapist and as a result woman will be highly motivated to vote.

2. Normalization of pedophilic behaviors of older men. The fallout from comparing Trump and Biden's sexual abuse allegations will lead to the perception of Biden lightly touching and sniffing young women as "harmless" in comparison to the pussy grabbing orange man. As usual this will be used to push pedophilia more mainstream from the left.

3. Even if Trump wins, they will have more ammunition to try for impeachment because "he literally raped people". The DNC is going to dredge up every single accusation it can to the extent that there will be no way to actually determine the truth of them all, especially with parades of protesting women adding extra pressure.

Biden is really a win-win for the Democrats. If he wins, they have a Democrat in office. If he loses, theres more slander they can lay on Trump and try to force an impeachment. No matter what happens, there will be a strong push to normalize pedophilic tendencies.

The dems realized that progressives are the only ones who give a shit about primaries, and they don't want someone like Bernie who can't win because he doesn't actually appeal to middle america. So they rig the primary for obiden because they're hoping to coast on muh bama nostalgia.

right, they got nobody and last time around the crowd they did have got shafted, whats that going to do for their historically low turnout?

meanwhile you got Trump on the other side who has a decent dedicated following, even lefties enjoy watching him be an asshole to the political class and he sold more campaign materials than any other campaign in US history in 2016, nobody in the history of this nation ever sold as many buttons, posters, bumper stickers etc

we all know it's going to be another 4 years of Trump, I think the Dems need to try and prove they can meme by running Anthony Weiner on a ticket with Eric Holder,

I would vote for that just to see news anchors have to say weiner holder all the time

otherwise yes Bernie is the guy the people will rally behind and the dems will destroy him along with any chance of them defeating Trump because they don't want to do the song and dance they would have to do with a Bernie Biden ticket

yeah so we have the ability to do all the crazy shit Bernie said he would do because we have the votes, but we're not doing that instead lets have Bernie sell you a war in Iran!

how fucking dumb are berniebots to support him again after he shilled for HRC

>us daytime captcha is the fucking WORST


Joe has way more ammunition stacked against him in this department and I could see voters bucking against him and creating another upset that eliminates their possibility of winning, we want 2 parties who are actually trying to win here

not their fault they have nothing better

And now think about all those pathetic reddit fags who AGAIN threw their money in for his 2020 campaign.

Wow. Sad state of manhood.

yeah i don't buy this shit either. i also think they went way overboard. it's weird, it's like everything is accelerating by a day. they lied about Hillary being ahead but not by that much, they knew it would look dumb and North Korea tier. they stopped giving a fuck i guess. Trump should be aware of this, they will cheat openly and blatantly at every corner in the general too.

This shouldn't surprise you. Biden is the normie candidate on the dem side. Bernie was never going to get much support.

Yea I noticed this in 2016 too. Trump rallies were jam packed while Hillary rallies had empty seats. There's no way more people are going to Biden rallies over Bernie rallies.

Attached: biden rally.jpg (678x639, 48K)

If you’re still here, sorry for my first reply. Am an aszhat this morning.

These things don't matter to normies whatsoever, they barely follow it. Policy matters far more

It's all theatrics user. Biden has been chosen by the DNC and all the other shit is just for show.

There are districts, especially in California, with 110% +/- of voters vrs eligible voters. Since we know average turn out is like 55%, there's how many illegal alien and dead people votes you have.

Might have fucked himself by saying convicts should be able to vote. No one will vote for a commie Jew anyway

The nice thing about it is that the MSM is incapable of being subtle anymore. They're letting it be known that they want Biden.
When villains prefer you, that alone is reason enough to make him suspect.

Yes we want 2 parties that are trying but realistically the DNC is like a snake without a head atm. They have no reliable candidates that have broad appeal. The old guard doesn't appeal to young progressives and is seen as stale but stable by most moderates (low enthusiasm), but the progressive wing alienates the majority of the voter base enough to rile up trump voters to go to the polls. The best the DNC can hope for is something to continue lambasting trump over for another 4 years. Kavanaugh was just a trial run for the shitshow that will be the 2020 election.

If course it's rigged! Seeing Bernie get completely fucked over is what let me to embrace MAGA 1488 in the first place, this system cant survive nor should it. I used to be a pretty left leaning dude.

>the MSM is incapable of being subtle anymore.
unfortunate side effect of putting a Cray XE in charge of the news

Biden's campaign so far has been far more anti-white than Bernie's. I don't buy his supposed middle America appeal.

>realistically the DNC is like a snake without a head atm
this is the case across the entire government, it really does seem that foreign powers are destroying us from within, we need a real strong man behind the scenes, for now we got none, someone dropped the dime on Clinton, GW is gone and nobody left with enough influence to gather up the parts and run the show with them

so go run for office

Joes biggest problem is his Son
The one who is fooling around with his dead brother’s widow.
The one who shook down Ukrainians for cash
The one who shook down China for a $1.5 billion investment into his hedge fund.
Papa Joe already said, “come on, China’s not a threat to us”.
That comment will bite him as it is becoming increasingly understood that China, not Russia, poses the greatest existential threat to the American Empire.

Biden was always seen as a joke and a loser by the American public I can't believe he's lasted long enough to be a front runner

tfw they realized they got Berned the first time around.

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every fucking democrat has the same drug addict crazy stare in the photo on their website

go check it out and find the worst ones and post them

they have the crazy blank meth stare like why am I taking a photo when I could be smoking freebase kind of look

The skyrocket economy is gonna help that.

> Democrats want an electable candidate, VP of their beloved President and not redo the 2016 shitshow all over again
>It's riggged!!

You're a retard. And probably a commie.

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please please please nominate sleepy joe
he's a slow witted idiot

same op. total faggot and can see it's rigged.
also yangfag and tulsi oklahoma are getting ronpauled out of the debates.

abandon the left, ye who are still faggots.

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as long as Biden doesn't make a huge gaf then the DNC will make sure hes the nominee. .

yeah Joe's son getting caught on photo handing money to Iran is a big deal but Joe got caught on camera doing the same thing, that won't play well with the dem voter base, he's done before he gets out the gate

Creepy Joe has zero chance while running Bernie and getting him into the General would be a historic moment in our History, the first openly jewish man to get into the general, now traditional wisdom says a jew can't win in the general but some of the Crays are projecting that the hate does not outweigh the support right now

what we need is another Carter, a guy willing to take on the big corporations and take them to task

>self-admitted aidsfaggot