We form a militia to citizen arrest Hillary Clinton and Deep State actors.
The time for a peaceful approach is over and if you faggots are willing to just sit around and do nothing then you deserve to be replaced by low IQ migrants because you are lazy faggots.
What we need to do to rectify this mess is put Hillary Clinton on trial and execute her for crimes against the people of the USA. To do that we will need a militia, which is legally within our right in the US. Executing Hillary Clinton will be our first strike back against the deep state, we will then continue on to ececute individuals like George Soros, the Rockerfellers, the Obama's, the Bush family, etc. Basically anyone who is on the short list will get swift notice and a rope from a high tree or a bullet between the eyes (whichever is more convenient I suppose).
No more clown world, no more blind acceptance of being destroyed, no more, we fight now. What do you say Jow Forums?
Faggots like you are cowards who won't do shit anyways . We literally don't need anyone like you in our movement because all you are is hollow on the inside, a blowhard who looks down on minorities and fancies himself a superior human being while sitting back and doing nothing when it counts. You're fucking coward who would've been executed by your own parents 300 years ago for being too weak to fight when it counted
Ian Ramirez
You're an idiot.
Oliver Jackson
>Actually succeed in forming said militia despite high level of autism >Actually arest Hillary >Get killed by feds >CNN goes batshit crazy "we must arrest all right-wing people" >??? >Don't profit
Hunter Butler
Phosferats are soooo strong.......
Adrian Bennett
>What do you say Jow Forums? I say you livestream yourself doing it and we will all be entertained for a few days
Samuel Allen
You are the one who is stupid. Do you think "The System" which purposefully chose to not protect the border and chose to weaponize blacks with BLM and chose to create an endless war for nothing in the middle East cares to put Clinton in jail? Clinton is their hero you dumbfuck moron. If Clinton is executed it will make the Deep State very desperate
Ethan Ortiz
Organizing is fucking retarded. If you want to accomplish something, convert to being a Muslim, post about how you love the Islamic faith, and go gun down shitskins.
Brandon Foster
What you are talking about is vigilantism....which is a crime. I also love how you say "we" but you really mean "people other than me." If you were really upset, you would go on a suicide mission to take her and her corrupt friends. The reality is, the wheels of justice turn slowly, but are unstopable. Trust in Trump, he is cleaning up the DOJ. Plus all the damage Clinton can do has already been done, now its about making sure she cant leave behind seeds of corruption to grow. Once thats done, they will go after her.
Andrew Evans
>trust the plan >the rabbi in chief is on our side yikes my dude
Yea, maybe I would be killed but I did the right thing unlike you cowards who fear death. I have been enlightened by the black sun, the leftists and atheists fear us because we are unstoppable force of nature. The Deep State most certainly would try to execute anyone who worked against them, did you morons think differently? Sometimes in life, you have to be willing to take sacrifices to do what matters most.
What you describe is not a citizen's arrest, as it would not be done to stop immediate harm of another citizen. It is however just and right. I just don't see how we could form a sufficiently large group to do so without being gunned down by bootlickers. Even more problematic would be infiltrators, the plan would never get off the ground. And that's all we would need, for it to at least get off the ground. Even if we ultimately fail getting to a certain point would inspire others.
Their whole charade is collapsing right in front our eyes. There is no need to do anything.
Jaxson Garcia
why hillary clinton? so dumb. dumb boomer shit. there's plenty of reasons to form an organized, interstate militia with the concept of protecting the vision the founding fathers laid out for america but nabbing hillary isn't one of them.
Easton Murphy
All people do on this board is sit around and do nothing while obvious shills scream "muh FBI" - I'm not scared of feds and I'm not scared of death. Everyone else here is though obviously
Reminder that FBI and CIA are so corrupt and decaying you unironically LOST against a mail-order steaks salesman/former gameshow host so badly even normies no longer trust your agencies.
It's symbolic you moron, you might be too dumb or young to understand what symbolism means but it's when you send a message by killing off a high rank party member and or officer of an organization. God fucking damn, did I fail to mention the militia doesn't need morons?
ok so what are we arresting her for, name the law otherwise it would just be a bunch of retards kidnapping someone they dont like
Joshua Brown
Sure I’d be willing to form a militia although I don’t have any guns.granted the millions of “conservatives “ that have guns don’t go to dc and restore constitutional sovereignty by taking all politicians at gun point and dealing justice to all known actors and then finding their handlers kind of proves my point. Weapons are useless in the hands of the sheep. They don’t need to take your guns. Just keep them locked in your safes.
desu i stopped reading after the whole "organize" part read the arrest and execute after posting lol everyone is right, OP made a blatant glownigger post
Brody Barnes
it's the right wing equivalent of "orange man bad". "orange man bad" is symbolic too. doesn't stop it from being retarded boomer shit. the image in your post ironically says it all, trump and hillary are two heads of the same beast.
if you think you're going to build a militia without accepting morons you aren't going to get far. if you think you're going to form one on the premise of offensive action and not defensive action you are going to be stillborn. not that anyone who isn't intelligent enough to secure a large amount of funding is going to be able to form such a network in the first place.
Ethan Adams
>a call to arms to execute someone >legal
Ethan Jenkins
I fucking understand that, I'm not an idiot who has an IQ of 3 but there is popular support for putting Clinton on trial therefore many boomers especially (people you want on your side) would view the situation as rectifying wrongful behavior. We cannot put a sitting president on trial but we can put GWB, Hillary and Obama on trial.
Carter Rodriguez
et me tell you what happens after a citizens arrest. you turn the person you arrested over to the police. the DA declines to press charges. You get arrested for assault and kidnapping and whatever else they can think of. then spend your life in prison. wow what a great idea
Ian Fisher
What OP is basically saying: Guys, let's kill the puppets and leave the people behind the curtains free to find more puppets and keep doing what they are doing.
You fell into their trap, OP, and you are to dumb to notice it.
Jace Rodriguez
No, what OP is saying is "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GLOWIE!"
Josiah Gray
Really, all we want is to negotiate with whoever is actually running the show. If we put people on trial we will force Trump to talk or we will force the Deep State to make a move. Who actually is running this fucking country? Wouldn't you like to know? I'm fucking dying to learn this fact. Is it one man sitting in a throne room somewhere gleefully rubbing his hands like a James Bond villain? Is it really the evil corporations? Who the fuck is in charge of this country? I say we put people on trial until we find out the answer.
Justin Wood
I will repeat, because no you do not understand.
if you think you're going to form one on the premise of offensive action and not defensive action you are going to be stillborn.
what you want is and will be viewed as terrorism. not revolution. it is the equivalent of left wing mobs lynching trump and pence. in the US civil war, the south tried to break away from the north and secure a separate territory from what they viewed as tyranny. it was a defensive action. that is the only way a large scale revolt is feasible in the US. what you are advocating for will only be viewed as terrorism, and that's why everyone here is calling you a glownigger.
James Green
I want you to know that when the bullets start flying I'll be hiding right behind you....all the way
Thomas Lopez
I do wonder if this guy is a fed or just a really stupid guy who cracked under weight of clown world.
Chase Bailey
you dont get to put people on trial, the DA does.
Angel Murphy
waiting on my AK to get in the mail
Christian Flores
but we already know who's running the country. corporations and kikes. you can run uphill trying to cut off heads of a hydra ad nauseam or you can secede from tyranny. the second is the only thing that can possibly receive widespread support and runs much less risk of futility.
Noah Kelly
We need lawyers, judges and military officials to legitimize our cause. Stop being a nigger and think, we are trying to fight the forces of Satan, the forces of evil , the forces which chain us down and impede freedom. Did you think this would be easy?
Michael Ortiz
As if this is any easier? Jesus
>>Muh billion dollar solution is easier to implement than forming a 10k man militia to put some heads of state on trial for criminal activity
Lucas Anderson
I don't need permission to recify the government's mismanagement and/or corruption/incompetence you faggot
Ryan Morgan
good luck, all youll end up as is the face of right wing terrorism
Evan Sanders
Say you're a hardcore muslim or jew.
Kevin Reed
That would kick off a civil war of sorts because, rightfully or not, you would be obliterated. And that would at first create a conflict locally that my then go national. Militia can defend themselves from the tyrannical government, that's true, but if you try any offensive without the government making the first move (like Bundy's ranch for example), you will get killed, because you will be called a terrorist and a nazi and all of these, so the other militias will stir clear of you AT FIRST.
William Ross
The irony of course being that my great great grandmother was apparently a Jew. I despise their cowardice more than anything else I think. I despise them for being sly and subversive idiots who think that somehow the Jews will survive being blotted from the earth by negroes.
Charles Nguyen
youtube.com/watch?v=B-HNrkrw-k4 the constitution is not about you, you have no right to it, if you try to form a militia without the government telling you that it is ok, you will then suffer the wrath of the government who the constitution was made by and serves. stop throwing yourselves into the mouth of the beast. golems need paper, constitution is paper.
I realize the danger of what I'm saying but I see no other way. The Democratic process is over with so what alternatives do we have other than resigning ourselves to having our civilization completely obliterated and being lorded over by international foreigners via multinational cartels. Do you think I'm unaware of what's at stake? I'm far from stupid I just don't fear death either. Death is not the end my friend and if it is fate that our people all be thrown in the blender of multikulti, do not fear for we are not done. We are not the end of things, just as we were not the beginning. God will guide mankind and you must have faith my friend for that is the only truth in this life worth dying for. I want my children to not look at me with disgust for my inaction or complicity. I want my children to grow up in a nation they can be proud of, not some Chink and nigger multiculti shithole.
Anthony White
Why not a militia to take care of mexican border?
Lincoln Clark
This post is so retarded and cringey it's not even worth responding to. In the trash it goes. I do not care about your opinion you weak minded pleb.
Blake Cook
Because none of the corruption will stop unless the people responsible for it are put on trial. We need dramatic action, just as your shithole did 80 years before you were born, in order to restore the nations sovereignty and pride.
William Perry
And yet, you responded to it
Michael Young
This right here is why the deep state has won and always will win. Nobody trusts their fellow man. Imagine if George Washington was too chicken shit scared to talk of revolution with Jefferson and the rest.
Michael Howard
I want to negotiate my fate or die trying. If you all are okay with letting others determine your life then fine, you have resigned yourself to a life of serfdom and slavery which I myself cannot tolerate or abide by.
Jackson Young
Just for you nigglet ;)
Blake Torres
LMAO...you glow niggers need to come up with better bait. But I will give you thumbs up for laughs....
Get fucked chickenshit. Again, I will repeat myself. There is no point in living life a serf and if it's my time to meet god then so be it. But when I stand in front of the gates of heaven I will know that i lived my life for my family and countries prosperity where cowardly shills like yourself sat by screaming "muh glow nigger waaaahh" like a little 14 year old. You are not one of us, you never risk anything in life in order to gain glory, all you do is shit post your life away on an user image board where if men like myself were to have executed Hillary months back, you would be shitposting about how you "won" and "owned the libs". You are literally part of the problem with this country. Bunch of chickenshits, fools, faggots, imbeciles and niggers. You will never know the glory of looking your children in the eyes with your head held high because you are ultimately no better than the niggers you look down on with disgust. My family built Dallas and fought in all wars including the Alamo, my family built South Dakota and conquered the mighty warrior Sioux, my family is composed of scientists, engineers, businessmen, military officials and public servants and I cannot let my families history be destroyed in a single generation through inaction.
Austin Powell
>our Who do you serve?
Luis Collins
The thing about this tweet is Comey is Evangelical and Evangelical don't know about Amos because it's one of the books the Protestants threw out.
Now go look up how Norwood Jewell pleaded guilty a month ago. Jewell was a DNC Superdelegate and he resigned from that as well as his position on the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan board.
Now look up prisoner's dilemma and put 2 and 2 together. The college admissions scandal was due in part to William Singer pleading guilty in a different case and then wore a wire to get the goods on people in the admissions scandal.
>The time for a peaceful approach is over and if you faggots are willing to just sit around and do nothing then you deserve to be replaced by low IQ migrants because you are lazy faggots.