Is there any newer movies that has been spared from the SJW-propaganda?

Is there any newer movies that has been spared from the SJW-propaganda?

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The sjw are the ones who cry and complain online because a woman or brown person is in a movie or video game instead of a man or a white dude. These npcs are so cringe.

There are no good new movies, there is no good music, there is no good new art, there is no good new architecture, there is no good new science. Everything is shit user.

There are movies made outside of Hollywood without SJW propaganda but they will not be very will advertised or made to the standards of kike agenda loving Westerners. Some of you goddamn morons might be surprised to learn that not all movies are made in Hollywood.

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All you goddamn niggers do it bitch and complain until every character is replaced by an out of character diversity hire. You ruin what could be good entertaining movies with your cancerous bullshit then complain when others call you out.


Last good movie I saw was the batman series. After that it seems like everything turned into shit

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Tarantino movies are all pretty pozzed desu

Even movies not made in Hollywood are made by sjw film school grads and are funded, distributed and promoted by kikes.