How does the German public education system explain Hitler's rise to power? Is there any discussion of why so many people supported his policies? Here in burgerland they just tell us your grandparents were literally evil incarnate.
How'd he do it?
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I hear he’s worst then satan
I hear he's worst than Hitler.
the (((education))) system in Merkelstand is Green Socialist Communist
you dou the math, burger
The man who killed Hitler was a great man, and should be taught about in schools. He was a hero.
I hear he's almost as bad as Donald Trump.
Much was talked about the poltical system, for example the communists and the nazi could vote together to kick the president nowadays you would need a new president to kick the old one.
Also the president had too much power he could call for reelections and was master of the reichswehr. The economic factor is always mentioned heavily.
Communists are not the heavily mentioned but its also not forgotten.
I can just speak for myself i voted for history class in highschool
mostly a mix of beeing angry about WW1 turned out and a financial crysis
To find out why he gained power, you have to know about what was before him,
It's actually cartoon-levels of comical how much they intentionally omit in the education system in the US. The lessons we learned in high school on WW1 and WW2 are
>1914: WW1 happened because of a web of alliances
>1918: Germans lose, blame Jews
>1933-1945: Germans evil incarnate, killed Jews for absolutely no reason at all, remember to worship Jews forever they're the perfect victims goyim like a box of innocent kitties
We absolutely were not taught about communist terrorists and the Spartacist Revolt which directly triggered NSDAP's rise to power. I didn't find out about it until after college reading a random book.
It's so funny when kids ask in class, "So... Why did Hitler hate the Jews? And how did he convince an entire nation to hate them too?"
Did anyone really believe that? I always thought that was an odd excuse. I always thought there must be some REASON or REASONS that maybe I would disagree with, but being of German descent I knew Germans were a smart group of people and wouldn't just mobilize against the Jews for no reason. I think most people are too stupid to question anything though, sadly.
I didn't even know concentration camps were just segregated work camps until college, then it hit me how the US did the same shit to japs. we probably killed just as many japs as they did jews desu
Literally what they teach in American schools, in case anyone is wondering.
Germans decided to, for no reason whatsoever, elect Hitler and then gas Jews.
Can people recommend good reads to learn more about ww2? Literally in school we were taught that their economy was bad and that hitler blamed jews as a scapegoat. That's it. Never heard of weimar until pol. Never heard of jews being 5 of the 7 communist overthrowers in russia around the same time until pol. I'd like an actual education on this pivotal moment in western civ. Ww1 too I guess, which is barely taught at all.
watch brainlet
My old history teacher told us a stories from the time of Weimar Germany, because his Grandmother had lived it
She was a housewife on a farm and saved up for a little tractor for a decade
Suddenly, she couldn't even buy a loaf of bread with all the money she had saved up and threw it in the river
Kids were playing with coins on the streets, people used money to paper their walls, just burned it for warmth and so on
That's what is going to happen, if not worse, before it get's better, as the saying goes
war of 1918, communist jews essentially sabotoged the country and forced germany to lose ww1 and tons of germans died.
its weird they dont teach about it to nearly everyone, but the banking elite did the same fucking thing its trying to do in america now.
>it's weird they don't teach about it
>same fucking it's trying to do in America now
The SPD which had largely Jewish leadership, lead labor revolts in factories as early as Spring of 1917. Once the Russian Revolution began, they started seriously undermining the war effort.
What a hero! I'm sure he made a positive impact on the world in everything he did.
Oh this country is definitely going to collapse this century, it's guaranteed. There's no stopping it. Christcucks decided to invite in 50 million fucking foreigners during their lifetime and the demographic change is permanent. We'll stagnate, collapse into socialism because of all the brown people outvoting the 25% of whites who see the writing on the wall, and then the tax base will collapse followed by the nation itself. My main wish is that whoever is manning a SAM battery or a railgun turret that day shoots down every banker Leerjet fleeing what they caused.
> communist jews essentially sabotoged the country
The most blatant aspect of the whole "JEWS DINDU NUFFIN" bit is that commies take pride in the strikes that were organized by communist Jews between 1916 and 1918. But then they get their panties in a bunch when you point out this means the Jews did in fact sabotage Germany and there was no "scapegoating". They believe two directly opposed things at the same time, and then they beg you not to notice.
Then the Russian revolution, the Spanish revolution, and the Spartacist Revolt sealed the deal in a lot of German minds about the intent of the Jews for their country. NSDAP did not form in a void. It was a product of the conditions of that era.
Are we seeing the same conditions now user? I think so.
>He was a hero.
>not an hero
what a newfag