Mueller and his team won't testify

They can't knowing that Trump can declassify everything. If they testify and try to spin lies, then they would go to jail once declassification shows the truth. It is a waiting game and as long as Trump has that leverage, Mueller and his team will stay silent so not to risk prison.

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I don't know what they expect him to say

>Actually I lied there really was collusion and clear obstruction impeach 45 nao

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Attached: 1552341349802.png (736x400, 56K)

Smart people live in the suburbs

1. Stop spamming this
2. Nice source
3. You’re a faggot

You're right but why is Trump running interference for Mueller?

>City people all voted for Hillary.
city people will all starve and become cannibals when we run out of food next year

wow its almost like city folk are fucking retarded.

Hes going to testify and tell them that their (the media and dems) framing of Barr as being disingenuous was wrong and that Barr did not spin anything. When Mueller sent a letter to Barr asking him to include a 'table of contents' along with the final conclusions a week before the final report was released. Dems think him going through the procedural motions of releasing this report by the book was influencing public opinions. Dems are also pretending that releasing the unredacted report in whole will change things when 6 dems can go look at it for themselves at any time but they haven't because they know if changes nothing.

Lol no

I’ll wager having Mueller testify is the last thing the Dem want to have happen. But could be totally wrong.

Mueller is not the lying one in this case

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Keep telling yourself that moron.

>>Actually I lied there really was collusion and clear obstruction impeach 45 nao

Unironically yes. City people are the dumbest fucking people Ive had to interact with, and country bumpkins are frequently under educated because of our failure of a school system.

The left cant meme

Im wit hrrrr!

bump.. plausible.


Trump is going to declassify sooner or later. It, like Thanos, is inevitable. Trump is gaslighting these fuckers into saying stupid shit so everyone can finally see their true colors. Once they spit out every lie they can think of Trump will declassify and then we drain the swamp.

Reverse psychology. The more Trump runs interference, the more Ds think Trump has something to hide.

The Ds are used to leaks to stay informed. There are NO leaks going on. They are scared shitless so yeah they’re hoping to get Mueller to answer questions so they can find out how fucked they are.

Can you imagine the insane amounts of money that Mueller has probably been offered to lie during his testimony? Or the number of threats? Crazy