I just spent the last week in a mosque & trying to explore islam & find a reason not to KMS "did this in a church a...

i just spent the last week in a mosque & trying to explore islam & find a reason not to KMS "did this in a church a month ago came up equally empty" & almost took shahada saturday but it was just to stupid

its an ideology that tries to make you ignore the wider world & complex ideas to live by the teachings of 7th century people & i understand why that life sounds so appeal to some but to me its lying to yourself ignoring reality burying the questioning part of yourself to belong for structure this is why so few people leaves islam in the west we look to the stars the future technology in islam they say the right way to live was achieved1300 years ago

without the idea the lie the soulless hollow emptiness is back WHAT TO DO give in to the lie or face reality for the emptiness it is

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>i just spent the last week in a mosque
Lol kys

>ignoring reality
No one even knows what the fuck this is anymore
>burying the questioning part of yourself
The questioning part of myself brought me to God

>trying to explore islam
>& find a reason not to KMS
The suicide bomber religion was a shit choice.

>The questioning part of myself brought me to God
everyone in the mosque keep telling me god lead me here"to the mosque" so follow his path but that path will leave me locking off that questioning part of my self WHAT THE FUCK TO DO

That questioning part of you is the devil attempting to lead you astray akhi. Life is simple. Worship the almighty and try to live justly and give glad tidings

You obviously WANT to suck Paki dick, so I suggest you return to your fulltime occupation sucking Paki dick, Mr Pak E. Dicksucker

I mean, you must be pretty familiar with the floorplan in Minecraft by now.

Zoroastrianism bro, trust

Return to your roots and practice older religions

ISLAM IS PRETTY MUCH THE 40k Imperium of Man after the death of the emperor & the abandonment of seeking truth it tries to put the human mind into a limited state that kinda works at the expense of true freedom & KNOWLEDGE & VS THAT I AM HONESTLY CONTEMPLATING TURNING TO CHAOS "clown world"

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Is this how they say "I am going to suck Paki dick" nowadays?

Attached: a_winner_is_you.jpg (512x384, 18K)

on this board & dont know 40k KYS

Imperium of Man=islam
CHAOS = IS ENEMY OF Imperium of Man

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I owned the original Black Warhammer books when GW was called "Citadel Models" (approx 1983) - but I still maintain that you're still a cringy faggot who badly wants to suck Paki dick.

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might i interest you in historical materialism

>Imperium of man are towel heads
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Put a bolter round in this faggots head. The Imperium are super fascists, you idiot.

Reality is so 2012, and what the fuck are you doing in a Mosque?

I ADMIT IT PART OF ME WANTS TO GO BACK give in & take shahada & give a hand bk to like but part of me also wants to fuck lady bois what choice to make

>what choice to make
Decisions, decisions, eh...

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>I ADMIT IT PART OF ME WANTS TO GO BACK give in & take shahada & give a hand book to life

>thinks going to a church will make you a devoted and happy Christian

Just kill yourself, Mudslime.

what part of islam isnt super fascists you will see pretty soon when they take over Europe militarize & come knocking on america door every part of islam represents the inquisition & the west represents their enemy chaos

Did you try taking medication?My therapist told me that getting scary existential thoughts is a sign of anxiety disorders. I used to be terrified of the fact that I'm a mortal lump of meat in a huge universe but a combination of mirtazapine and xanax healed me in a few months.

Just don't give them your social like I had too...... It was the only way I could visit the middle east. Most countries don't accept tourists visas unless you have a rea$$on for traveling there. Long story short I went to SA for Umrah and came back with a better understanding of Islam. It's not pretty lmao. That culture is so backwards it's not even funny. Now it's the Jews turn however I'm almost positive I'm on some weird list and won't be let into Israel because I'm a tall pasty white kid who "converted" to Islam for travel purposes. Oh well... At least I got to bang a couple of Mussie chicks along the way ;)

to broke for medication

Fpbp. But if he kills himself now then you he might blow up.

all you need is one session with a psychologist and some money for a few months worth of medication
it cost me less than 500 euros total

The part where they fuck each other in the ass, have no Emperor or European roots.

>no Emperor

Attached: n-PROPHET-MUHAMMAD-628x314.jpg (620x464, 55K)

>fuck each other in the ass
emperor's children

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He's dead and was an illiterate nigger. The Emperor still lives and was an Atheist. Try again.

They're chaos, retard.

I hope you reach something good with your journey , nihilism is a problem and a popular one in modernity , find a goal or a purpose or a higher spiritual thing that will distract you
smaller goals will maybe work

im no expert so dont take my word as a religious text im struggling like you

with all the power the Emperor is getting from humanity worship when he comes back he is going to embrace being a god people like the pope & muhammad dont really believe the shit they sell its a means to power
they were faggots in 30k before the HH

>the pope & muhammad dont really believe the shit they sell its a means to power
...and so you happily want to assist them? How much of a servile 'tard are you (although your "flag "says it all, really)..?

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>they were faggots in 30k before the HH
No, they were perfectionists.

>with all the power the Emperor is getting from humanity worship when he comes back he is going to embrace being a god
Yes, Muhammad isn't God in Islam, Allah is. Thanks for Checkmating yourself, Gaylord.

>its not about believing the shit they sell is if the shit they sell is better than nihilism

im curious whats the thing that turned you away from a religion just like that

and wtf did you just change religion for a trip

>better than nihilism
Both systems of belief ultimately amount to nihilism, IMHO

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bro religion dont work if you just buy into it to make your life better

it will torment you even more if you get into religion half assed , you will crush your soul like that

Brainwashed after about 6 months of sleep deprivation, I did take Shahada, I did pray 5 times a day, I did do the full Halal thing, I did go to Mosque.
After roughly another 6 months I was being accepted by those born into Islam.
They started getting relaxed around me, started having conversations that turned my stomach.I continued to attend Mosque, but now I was there purely to listen, to build up my own case for hating these people.
When you read and re-read Q'ran several times you notice the subtle way it states that Islam will take over the world and the tools required to do so are all in there.
Lying to those who are not brothers or sisters is fully acceptable, turning the Jew against the Christian is acceptable, using non Muslim women as sex slaves is acceptable, killing non believers is acceptable.
Then once you've read and re-read Haddith you see that their opinions on non believers....the women are nothing but whore to be raped, the men nothing but oxen to be used for labour.
Talk of beheadings, bombings, setting up islaamic compounds in the Scottish Highlands,stealing from each other INSIDE the Mosque.

Eventually I found out much more than can be explained, so much so I can't even talk to anyone in fear of being branded an Islanophobic nut case.

The general public just have no fucking idea just how deep the Q'ran rabbithole actually goes and if you try to point it out you're nothing but a right wing hater.

The whole religion is based on lies and deciet, keeping non believers from learning the complete truth and starting a new Crusade.

There are so many things I saw and heard but can't have a decent conversation about it's fuckin annoying.

>the men nothing but oxen to be used for labour

While there researching they were making me do all these back breaking shit jobs saying its preparation for Ramadan & kept asking if i took Shahada maybe i i did they wouldn't gave me shit jobs

& when i joiin the little talk groups before prey they always ask if i took shahada when i answer no the topic changed from what ever they were going on about to me or something new

So Tarrant did nothing wrong, from the sounds of things?

t. Chaim


No thank you, I enjoy having a sex life too much.

dont lie to yourself... you like islam because it will give you power over people. dont be weak.

>it will give you power over people
& women im not lying to myself just weighing the pros vs the cons & control is a pro

Nah my taken name was Tariq Mohammud.
Tariq because at the age of 19 Triq expelled the Crusaders, mainly English, from Gib Al Tariq, or Gibraltar as it's now known.

Exactly. Also the reason why when I worked for a huge cadh and carry owned by Muslims I was kept away from the heavy graft of moving pallets of beer and spirits etc, I was put on styrofoam containers or crisps etc

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and all that, but yes I was highly fuckin delighted when I first saw the Go-Pro footage

I was never Muslim. I changed it for a trip because why not. However I was very intrigued by Islam. The thing that changed it? Happened at the holy mosque in Mecca. On the right you have the holiest site in the world for muslims. On the left literally across the street you have a GIGANTIC mall. It was like going to a larger Mall of America. While I was inside circling the kabba I noticed a young boy praying on the ground. There was a lady pushing another lady in a wheelchair and ran into the boys head. The lady pushing the wheelchair saw this and instead of moving two inches to the side, she ran over his fucking head and stepped on him. I wish I was joking. I looked around and NOBODY GAVE A FUCK. That behavior is completely normal and anytime something like this happens Muslims will say "God wills it". These people are inbred savages. Do yourself a favor and visit it for yourself if you don't believe me.

The open secret is that Christianity is no different. It is just as vile and deceitful while projecting a facade of goodness and repeating a dindu nuffin mantra after every destruction of another culture and genocide of another people.

In my case I'd never been religous, brought up in an athiest household, only time I got a bible was in primary school, it came in useful for starting camp fires, the paper was so thin it was perfect kindling.

Oh I wholeheartedly agree, I've renounced religion and I;m happy back being a non believing athiest.
Besides I really fuckin missed bacon sandwiches, seriously fuckin missed them.

user, what the fuck do you want to achieve?

Are you a half human? In the sense, that you are not hole.

Do you want to fill that hole?

dude i was AM literally trying to hide from another existential crisis through islam or religion because i know when the next one hits i might eat a bullet

>ignore the wider world
99% of people have absolutely zero impact or choice about the "wider world". There's a reason we say "the best thing you can do for the white race is sort your life out."

Ask for the highest Truth or God to reveal Himself and guide you to Him. He will.