Swedish teen gets his ass kicken by an immigrant


White Swedish youth have been brainwashed cucked pussies, afraid of conflict and fights. Afraid to defend themself. He doesn't defend himself, his friend in the car doesn't help him. It's ridiculous!

How can we fix Sweden?

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>How can we fix Sweden?
i don't think you can Sven, not while everyone is way too comfy!

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Swedes are pussies.

You cucks are beyond saving. Have been for awhile.

Why are his pants hanging off his ass?
Did the guy pull them down or is this a swed wigger?

You cucks make fun of us, calling us AMERIMUTTS and praising how great the EU and Muslims are. You reap what you sew

its up to you to take care of yourself

Don't make me blackpilled now!

Lol based immigrant! Fuck Swedes. That pussy white boy deserves even worse.

Immigrants are the future and you white boys are a relic of the past. Amiright goys?

By sending you to the ovens will be a good start
Daily remenber to sage any demoralization thread that try to portray the west worse than already is so we dont raise and fight

Your Viking ancestors must be very proud of you guys

Swedish people used to bully me because my mom is from finland. They were really racist against me in school.

I take great enjoyment the last 10 years seeing swetoids look down on ground as muslims and black completly cuck them to death, and they dont dare to say anything, unlike when I was alone in school. I hope muslims manage to breach into the upper class neighbourhoods and rape their daughter.

How is this worse than it is if it actually happened?

>How can we fix Sweden?
Man up and learn to kick some niggers ass. Do you think the Vikings would have taken such a beating?

Cumskins are so pathetic LMFAO
It's a wonder how you survived for so long while having such effeminate men

Go back to Finaland.

>I hope muslims manage to breach into the upper class neighbourhoods and rape their daughter.

Okay i support this, these upper class people are leftists and are supporting immigration.

>Afraid to defend themself. He doesn't defend himself, his friend in the car doesn't help him.
They maybe didn't want to get their lives destroyed because of the inevitable hatecrime lawsuit that would follow

Kids a weak fag. What are they feeding you faggots up there? Drink some whole milk, not onions milk.

>fix sweden
with more refugees because apparently they're the only one that aren't eunuchs in swedistan

This. Honestly, if these pieces of shit, who have absolutely no desire to assimilate, didn't have complete impunity to do whatever the fuck they want, they wouldn't be as "tough" as they love to pretend they are.


Sounds about right. Weak afraid Nordic pussy men.

What do you mean with "onions milk"?

This ,can some other swedish user ask the shill some personal historical question of the country unknow for the outsiders?

Swedes should just dress up as women and please bbc

SojaMjölk, nybög

What are they saying in the comments?

You know what I mean newfag,

It's impossible to respect swedes.

Don't listen to Amerimutts. All of your problems are traced to America, quite literally.

Let me explain:
>America arms and finances ISIS and Al-Nusra and fucks over the secular Assad
>America, which pretty much covertly controls your nations, forces you to open borders through traitorous leaders.
>ISIS and crazy Muslims pour into your borders, some of which are actually resentful for the crazy situation NATO backed

It's like, imagine if China were to fuck over your country and then let you guys pour into their borders. Wouldn't you be a bit resentful?

The issue is with how you are a literal satellite or vassal state of USA. You have no real independence, no real army, or etc. The best thing you can do is to direct all of this hatred to USA, try to find common ground with others with your hatred towards USA.

hot. should have made him suck dick and take it up the ass. only thing y'all white boys are good for these days

Is this super low testosterone or something? A few years back 6 guys jumped me. Now 6 on 1 you'd think no chance but when they hit me with a fucking baseball bat I exploded in a rage and fought them all and because I put up a fight they ran off. Sure, I didn't beat them all and I was a bit bloody. But shit, how can you not just lose your mind and rage when people are beating you.

They were white too.. if they were immigrants, it wouldn't make me want to fight less I would be 10 times more mad.

It just seems anti-nature or anti-evolution to just take it.

Men det är "onions" på eng...

Thank you, my american friend. But i will not blame america for everything. It's neoconservatives and PNAC. Their fault, but they're fully aware what they have done.

Jag vet inte hur det går till.

That's because ALL of Europe is under Amerimutt subjugation and have been Americanized since 1990s. Literally none of them have a real military like USA. They just do whatever the USA wants of them.

>ISIS and crazy Muslims pour into your borders, some of which are actually resentful for the crazy situation NATO backed
Muslims are merely one small component of the greater brownification plan for Europe. It has nothing to do with displacement of refugees due to war.

>>America, which pretty much covertly controls your nations, forces you to open borders through traitorous leaders.

I would love to see you actually prove this

There is no brownification plan. A lot of Middle Easterners actually think your women are ugly and look like men. Most of the rape is happening because they want to give you the message to fuck off from the region already. All of NATO is complicit.

Good things, they're saying "we must stand up for ourself"

Why should I prove anything to a Jew lover? Everything kikes have to say about goys in the Talmud is true about Americans. The best thing you can do in your life is DIE as soon as possible in the next big war.

Sure. That's why white birthrates have plummeted in every European nation, while hordes of (non-muslim!) brown people flood each nation, displacing them within a single generation.

It's all of America's fault. While I don't agree with Varg on everything, he is right that USA is the genetic trash of Europe.

we are all fucked from top to bottom. if the migrant had lost he would have got a go-fund-me and a house over here. vote for better people in power

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All of NATO is literally in war and creating failed states in the Middle East. You people keep disposing secular alternatives too. It is literal war, faggot. What those mudslimes are doing is logical because you won't fuck off from the region. Stop being slaves to kike wars and maybe then you can come to reasonable solutions.

Why not fight back? Get pissed and kick some teeth in. Sure, you'll get arrested. So what? It's just jail. People have an irrational fear of prison, ESPECIALLY in Europe where prison isn't even a dangerous place.
For fuck's sake.

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Lol your woman are fucked

Your country is beyond cucked. There is no saving it. You're better off letting your country collapse and the rebuild it from the ground up.

The problem is if you beat the shit out of one of those guys, his friends and family start harassing you. Expect no backup from police. So, until they have their own 'backup' friends, family, app, it's pretty dismal.

Amerimutts are the last people to talk about fighting back. You lash out against everything but your kike overlords. I recommend suicide.

>that USA is the genetic trash of Europe.

nobody stayed in europe because of patriotism.

Isn't Sweden something at their entire population is 30% born outside of the country? Aaaaand that other 70% does not take into account the kids they've shat out while in Sweden? You guys really need to close your borders and deport these people before Sweden is completely erased. Not that I'm one to talk. We're well on our way there as well.

> How can we fix Sweden?
The traditional way.
Kill the men and rape the women.

Stay strong brother. swed*stan will burn.

>no proof

Oh wow so surprising

Still waiting for that proof Ahmed

And to think these guys were vikings...

Here in Brazil every migrant group respect the local population. Last time Venezuelans migrants tried to harass us, they got their refugee shelter burned.

When will i be able to buy a swedetrap slave?

>How can we fix Sweden?
stop shilling, get hunting

Probably could now if you know the right people

I'm saying Amerimutts are the reason you're all fucked. For example, many Deep Southerners believe in "Rapture", worship Israel, continuously engage in dumb wars, and etc. You also have no real independence, on both a cultural and economic level, from the USA. You are all living in America and no longer have connection, barely, to your past European artistic greats.

Is this the same Sweden of Ragnarr, Rurik and Erik the Red?

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Dude, America litterly owns a large percentage of Norwegian oil. If Norway said no, they would be invaded. I'm retarded because I look at america with admiration, growing up with american movies and all, but the harsh reality is that America is the inventor of interracial pornography, interracial relationship between white and black, inventor and HQ of LGBT insanity, HQ of Jews, inventor of degenerate popmusic that turned teen/children into sluts. You also worship niggers as seen by sports and music.

The list is so long, but the basics are simple, you invent and export everything bad, the worst filth in the world, you are a demonic nation. I hate to agree with muslims, but you are big satan.

I think the only reason we like you is because you are "white-passing", we mistake your mongrolized people for being white so we subconciously think you are like us. If you had another skin colour we would recognize you more easily for the evil you are.

PS: America is litterly a jewish colony today. I dont blame the American people, because you are also victim to whatever oligarchy is running your country. I also believe, once the second amendment disappear, us europeans will silently be rounded up into detainment camp for extermination. If they do it now, Americans would realize its not a "conspiracy theory" as the media claims

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Stop having down syndrome then pucko

I have nothing further to say to a dumb Amerimutt. You are subhuman trash. I would have more to say to a respectful European, but I have some important things to do now. Eat shit and die. Your country is the literal Demiurge of the modern world, and you are a soulless cunt who even Jesus would want to sacrifice.

The swedes allowed this state of affairs by allowing the jews to set up a system where the white gentiles are subjugated.


Good post. I would drink beer with you while discussing Swedish artists like Kay Nielsen. Death to America.

must feel shit when all that work on the racial hygiene is gone byebye sweden btw how does it feel that the forest people have higher iq then you?

>guys friend is in the car
>Doesn't help

Fuck that guy, seriously. It's not like there were 10 of them. It was 2vs2

You don't lmao, sweden has around 104-105.

wonder how long until white swedish guys start getting raped.
nothing but pussies over there.

People who go to jail in sweden will have forfeited 5+ years of their education, they will lose their friends, family, and their job prospect forever, forced to live on socialbidrag.

Everything you say is true, but isn't it also the same for Sweden? After all you're the ones that took in millions of jews from Poland, and you're the cultural degeneracy center of Europe.

Another butthurt chinese figured out how to use a VPN

>I have nothing further to say to a dumb Amerimutt. You are subhuman trash. I would have more to say to a respectful European, but I have some important things to do now. Eat shit and die. Your country is the literal Demiurge of the modern world, and you are a soulless cunt who even Jesus would want to sacrifice.

All I asked for is proof of your claims and all I get is this shitty cope lol.

Everything is as it should be.

This is a good thing. Swedish boys should fear the alpha migrant and watch them fuck their women.

Why they all are so skinny

Then they deserve it.

Let the weak get hit. Then they may get stronger. And finally strike back of this treatment again and again. We must make whites hard again.

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Oh please Sweden, everything that has happened to you is due to the weakness of your people and that is nobodies fault but your own.

wtf are you smoking fucking hurri....

I'm starting to question if it's actually fear and not just a Fetish for Scandinavians.

>You guys really need to close your borders and deport these people before Sweden is completely erased.
It's already over, newcomers will out breed them. Especially considering how much welfare Sweden already gives out. In 50 years, Swedes will be minority. Separatism might also brew out and make the country of their own eventually, this is possible scenario for all countries which accepted mass immigration and/or political turmoil similar to US is currently experiencing.

at this point I dont feel sorry for these "swedes" I have tried hard to redpill fellow swedes for the past decades but you have no idea how smug and sociopathic the average swede are. You cant save the ones who dont want to be saved.

Since when do swedish cars have steering wheels on the right? Or is the video mirrored?

I would be happy if other swedecucks wouldnt want to know me, so whats the problem?

It's not only Swedes. Anglo-saxon and french Europeans here are equally as traitorous and self-destructive. People love to blame jewry but maybe it's time to admit that there's an inherent genetic component in Western and Northern Europeans which makes them do this shit.

Something similar happened to me. It was 4 vs 1, two of them were black. It happened so fast and out of nowhere so my initial instinct was to just protect my head and when they kept on going I raged out, tackled the one guy. When he went to brace his fall his elbow hyper extended and he was screaming in pain like a bitch and they all ran off. My face was bloodied and I had a chipped tooth. Would rather that than a hyper extended elbow desu

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Based and justice-pilled.
Good evening brother.

nonsensical post. has absolutely nothing to do with what i said. but yes, i'm sure that the poor, the cowardly, the unambitious that stayed in europe are "superior" to the ones that went beyond the horizon.
and here you are, fellating a swede of all things. disgusting.

Sure, tell me how to destroy Jews if you know how.

>but you have no idea how smug

When you really look at white genocide and white progressive views you'll notice it's almost all built on arrogance and superiority.

>We must help the poor shitskins because we are so privileged and superior to them. We must handicap our own existence to cater to these inferior beings.

It's going so far with the white savior complex that you genocide yourself

“And when they seek
to oppress you
And when they try
to destroy you,
Rise and rise again
and again
Like the Phoenix
from the ashes
Until the lambs
have become lions
and the rule of Darkness
is no more”

IQ went 3 standard deviations down as more immigrants poured in, it used to be 104.

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Make webm. I can't do right now.

>They will harass you

Bring it on faggots

it's clearly a japanese car you proxy dweeb

Can you guys even begin to imagine smart, homogeneous, 105 IQ Asia vs ~90 IQ brown Europe/US in the next 200 years? They will literally dominate the entire planet, probably including the Jews.

And look at the dumb Amerigoy golem refuse to admit any responsibility. You will lash out against EVERYONE but the Jews. It is literally in your blood at this point.

Nothing like a good bat can’t fix

How is it "clearly japanese", you snow nigger?