Wtf now I love brendan tarrant
Wtf now I love brendan tarrant
Did tarrant make your government cuck to shitskins?
That's not nearly enough. Reparations should go much further.
i'd ask what the translation is but I don't want to know
what is that pic, mein fuhrer?
Government sex manuals for refugees.
Waiting for these to appear in Bongistan too.
wow based and redpilled indeed.
thanks Tarrant!
Sage this retarded thread.
>right, we're just going to sit here and take it!
how french of you.
what did he solve? nigger?
his actions influenced on it, dumbasses
>hey so we know you just got mass slaughtered in this country but we were wondering if you'd like to maybe stay here forever?
I just don't get it guys, what did darkies ever do to leftists?
>don’t fight back
>look at what they do when you fight back
Gas yourself kike
so are you fighting back, kike?
why are you still here posting on Jow Forums instead of removing kebab?
people like you are pathetic.
Would be quite ironic if the next shooter poses as a lefty (listening to all the leftist musicians like Ariana Grande while removing kebab) with the justification to enable more immigration and visas for the families of his victims.
how are you fighting back?
By spreading the word of Allah, obviously.
Mashallah brother, kebab is God and Pita bread (pbuh) is his messenger.
by having white babies. what about you?
a fuckton of larpers like you are all talk and no actions. hundred of faggots like you have been praising that faggot yet nobody has taken action.
this shit happened almost 3 months ago, and still no to little action from the internet crusaders like you and the other nonces.
bunch of larpers.
>muh muslim strawman
can't you kike shills be a bit more subtle?
Um, mudslimes don’t make white babies user. I hate to break it to you.
Let's larp for a moment that you are actually white guy. Which is not true, but let's.
>I have a 2 kids (in better case)
>that will surely strike a grievous wound against my neigbor Amir who has 13 kids with Fatima and another 8 with Yousra.
You people are delusional.
Mashallah, how is your Ramadan going, brother?
when i read you faggots, you feel that a thousand Bretons are ready up in arms to stand up and remove kebab, dox themselves and take power n shieeeeet.
yet you're all still in your mom's basement getting fatter and not doing shit.
it's a truly pathetic sight.
> I will have le babies meme and that will solve all of the non-white population because they themselves are celibate and it's not like their culture and religion vigorously encourages them to have a lot more kids on average than a European.
for this to work you have to convince more than half of your own race to do the same, which is currently and practically impossible and even if you were to somehow convince them over the years, we don't have that much time before each generation is more non-Y and X.
Both should be mixed, the removing and making.
yeah and not getting manipulated is part of the game too.
Come on Ahmed, no one believes you. You’re just a scared mudslime who doesn’t want the next Tarrant to light you and your little baby terrorists up
The OP in that picture literally said he is using VPN.
It's funny, I could literally switch to an israeli flag with some stolen nordvpn login off pastebin and post a thread fishing for (you)'s or even discredit an idea.
please show me wrong, mutt, go on.
prove me i'm just a mudshit shill and do it.
i promise i'll do a thread about how much of an hero you are.
those posts were flooded on here a couple of weeks ago, faggot.
>those posts were flooded on here a couple of weeks ago
what are 'those' posts. you only provided one example. this could've been a simple reaction to recent attacks by john the pianist and brenton the angry foreigner.
>show me wrong
Flag. I win.
Wow what a bunch of losers that country is
the exact same post on the pic, dumbass.
goo look 4pleb archive, faggot.
>try to evade the argument.
“Zanzu, my body in word and picture”. Zanzu is the company that deals with sexual health and shit like that.
And so are you retard
okay, so what?
so it's an obvious psyop and you fell for it like a retard.
and you ain't going to do shit either because you're just a big mouthed faggot like the other mutt.
It is over.
>it's an obvious psyop
Prove it then. Should be easy when it is so "obvious".
>show the moon to a retard and he'll look at your finger.
>"What we really have is a trained assassin, 42 years old, from a Jewish family, who trained against Palestinians and served in Southern Syria and in Idlib with al Qaeda, transiting in and out of Turkey"
This is your brain on schizophrenia. I can too write down shit ton of "articles" like that if I don't have to prove it.
>this old meme
No. Israel does not stamp your passport, they give you little paper slips you put into your passport and then throw away upon leaving. What is next.
Collection of articles literally do not prove anything. At all in fact.
>We da moosad will teach u a lesson by killing non-whites in your country. Take that goyim!
I could livestream me shitting on some islamic country's flag and somehow retards like you would spin the whole event into some big mossad false-flag meant to discredit Y and X.
He literally posted schizo-article that states that Tarrant was a professional Israeli hitman who worked in Syria refugee camp with Isis members and also trained with Maidan snipers.
sure kike. totally believe you on this one.
didn't he went to turkey and pakistan? faggots?
also, his "touristic destinations" are pretty unusual to say the least.
This faggot kike from AUS/NZ with a Czech flag again every single time
>sure kike. totally believe you on this one.
Stop being an absolute tool.
>"Since January 2013, Israel no longer stamps foreign passports at Ben Gurion Airport, giving passengers a piece of paper instead."
Three fucking seconds with Google.
>Turkey and Israel are unusual tourist destinations
Really nigger?
Pakistan is only stranger one. But then again, he traveled half of the world too. It also somewhat makes sense, if you want to see authentic Islamic culture without too great danger of losing your head.
>Already proved him thrice I'm Czech
>He still shills
If I go to Russia and China before I do X that means I must be some kind of Asiatic assassin that helps those two countries in some way. I don't get your point.
Not really. Visiting Pakistan doesn't mean he worked for ISIS, nor does visiting Israel mean he worked for Mossad.
btw if you compare with the Ernst shooting :
>Ernst was really untrained, his gun jammed and couldn't make it work properly
>the shooting is already being memoryholled.
>no mass shilling of Ernst manifesto, or his actions, or threads praising him.
Sloppy job Mossad.
i'm not saying turkey is unusual, but
what about north Korea?
>pilpul intensifies
>bring the rest of your family here so they can get revenge and commit jihad!
>or threads praising Earnest
I have defended the guy from falseflaggots on this board repeatedly.
>what about north Korea?
What about it? It is strange travel destination, but if I would have the money I would absolutely go there as well. How many options to see absolutely isolated totalitarian ethnostate you have in this shitty globalized world? I know a girl who went there and she brought some great stories. Tell me you wouldn't visited it.
>memeflag sharing a memeflag post
He's absolutely correct, Pierre. Simply having visited a country means fuck all.
As for Ernst, he was some incompetent faggot teen and his manifesto was shit. Of course no one gives a fuck.
>don't fight your oppressors, you're giving them an excuse to oppress you more
>you should do nothing instead
>just go gentle into that good night goyim
>maybe have an extra kid, I'm sure that'll do the trick
>pilpul intensifies
Not an argument. I applied the same concern logic you applied in your previous post.
>dismiss Ernst, praise (((Breton)))
They were going to do it anyways
they were going to give passports to the families of breton victims before he kills them? interesting.
Give me one good reason why I should be giving that faggot any time whatsoever.
he had a bright future, and sacrificed way more than that retarded looking dingo loser..
>I took your words out of context to fit my agenda: The Post.
His manifesto is not that bad, mate. Mind the lad was 19, everyone is a faggot at that age. He didn't planned it enough, he didn't adequately prepared and he probably panicked as well. But he has a heart on the right place and balls of steel. I can respect that and so should you. People should not follow his "example" in regard to preparation and planning, but absolutely should respect his willingness to fight and to sacrifice everything for the idea.
He was a fucking sperg who wanted his face on the news. Tarrant on the other hand was not.
pls someone cue that pic unblurred of Breton.
bloke looks like a brainwashed 70 IQ nigger.
His manifesto is absolute spergy trash. There is nothing worthwhile in it.
>h-he didn't want to have his face on the news!
>t-t-t-that's why he streamed his coup and filmed his face at the begining
Stop being retarded, you are so biased against the guy it hurts. You sound like angry female.
Ernst was a textbook copycat.
It's a Muslim pretending to be a Frenchman.
i'm not biased, this psyop screams secret services
show flag before saying i preted, filthy jew.
take a good look who's siding with you, fucking memeflags, kek.
kys kike
no the jews did
>this psyop screams secret services
I already asked you for proofs. You didn't delivered any and you only proved that you are a liar. You are starting to sound like a shill.
You first faggot. I think the psyop here may well be yourself.
listen i'm tired to argue about this shit and repeating the same shit since this happened.
>dude comes out of nowhere, has shady past with no links to the world.
>visits weird place
>phony manifesto, conveniently don't name (((them)))
>mossad had an operative base in Christchurch.
>the christchurch mosque sent converted whites to fight for (((ISIS))), Israeli operatives might have been behind this psyop.
>the usual muh exercise taking place at the same time.
i might forget stuff, but this smells fishy as fuck.
funny how this wasn't targeted to you yet you get made about me calling someone kike.
you glow, jude.
You have been being a disingenuous faggot all thread. You are trying to work an angle, shill.
how am i faggot? what do i gain from that?
actually, how do we benefit from his action, and not the kikes exactly?
By your actions in this thread, and you are trying to push your false narrative about what went down in NZ.
For what I'm not sure, but you are.
>dude comes out of nowhere, has shady past with no links to the world.
Pure rubbish. There is plenty of ties that even MSM show you moron. His family, coworkers, shooting range owner he trained at and boss at the gym included.
>visits weird place
No, he does not, already talked about it. It also proves nothing.
>phony manifesto, conveniently don't name (((them)))
He calls for total expulsion of all kikes from Europe (p. 50) and literally says that he is okay with kikes that only live in Israel and do not engage in subversion of white countries (p 15). Stop lying.
>mossad had an operative base in Christchurch.
Nearly decade ago. I love how you always "forget" to mention that. Also from information we have it was possibly only small-time passport forging operation.
>the christchurch mosque sent converted whites to fight for (((ISIS))), Israeli operatives might have been behind this psyop.
>"He was a mossad op because he ruined mossad operation"
Are you retarded?
>the usual muh exercise taking place at the same time.
Police does that, you know. They train. Special police trains every single day if they are not raiding. And there is not five or twenty policemen, there are thousands of them, thus you have to train on rotations. I can guarantee that if you live in some bigger city, there is a police training going on right now and quite possibly for some kind of terror attack. This retarded larping meme need to die. Even just in Prague there is large-scale trainings with hundreds of actors on semi-annual basis, large ones on monthly basis and small ones every week and day. Also what does this proves in your head?
What next do you have.
lol nz deserves this for cucking so hard
not a single other basedboy picked up a gun to continue to circus show; you all retreated into your cuck caves shitposting about how you're eternally waiting for the right moment while wage slaving away to your grave for a day that will never come because you are ultimately not the change that you hoped you would be but just another worthless cog in the machine letting everything your ancestors gave you slip through your fingers like sand
and do you know what this is doing? radicalizing white citizens further to the right. this is called 'accelerationism', and is important if you don't want your rights and demographics nickel and dime'd away by the kikes over generations until there's nothing left.
if this doesn't anger whites in new zealand, then they've already lost their country.
I was present
gib visa now
The anti immigration opinion was growing until his bravado.
Strange that he did not attack the initiator, the bankers and politicians.
>by having white babies
have you had more than fifty? if not, tarrant has done more than you to fight demographic shift.
>vår ære er troskap
Is norwegian and means "Unser Ehre heisst Treue" (old natsoc saying)
At least 50 can not apply for visa anymore
>Police does that, you know....
in that exact same place at the same time?
>Nearly decade ago. I love how you always "forget" to mention that
it was in 2011, do you think they run covert operation for 2 months?
>about the mosque sending people to fight for ISIS
some operations can override others, especially now that ISIS is dying. plus that could provide the theater of operation + intel about the scene.
>about the manifesto
he calls "semitic", never point at them directly, talk about the great replacement without ever talking about who engineered that, pretty coincidental heh?
>about his past
idk man, you might know more than me about that, but getting all his money from the bitconnect scam etc.. idk man.
>memeflag on top of a memeflag
why are you so obvious?
here's your psyop calling for copycats going on right before your eyes.
>anyone who stands up for whites is a mossad psyop shill
can't wait to see you swinging from a rope with the rest of the shitskins and traitors
that's not what i said, imbecile mutt, kys