America is literally a third world nation

America is literally a third world nation

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If true I bet it's not your government provided healthcare
It will be private

Great more retards clogging up our health system because their finger feels funny.

Anyway it's funny.

Keep them. No backsies

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>a caravan of "Americans"
They put the quotes around the wrong word

build a wall and make Trump pay for it,

>government fucks up healthcare

i heard they also don't poo in the loo in some state

Unfortunately for them Canada is actually pretty strict on immigration

Knowing his negotiation '''''''''''skills''''''''''' he probably would end up paying for it

I would have sex with this

Only for whites. Same as the EU.

And Canadians have to go to a 3rd world country for medical care.

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I heard your grandfather died in the holocaust when he was ten.

Shut the fuck up, Shlomo.

America sucks

We know.

insulin costs $10 a day in america and requires no prescription. These people are retarded.

What's that in hamburgers?

americans don't get free healthcare for moving to canada

I may not have much money. But I would gladly renounce my US citizenship to go to Canada, just to survive from not being a victim of discrimination in America. Already found out I have cancer and DVT really bad. Disability in America doesn't care. If I was a Spic, Chink, Nigger or a fucking pajeet. They would literally get on their fat hybrid asses to lick the shit off the bottom of my feet.

about 13 white castle sliders with tax

"Americans" in the Central American sense.

Canada doesn’t have private healthcare

Why dont we tax the shit out of non citizens?


Every country has private healthcare, unless you're literally a socialist country

they cant get healthcare free either unless we accept those americans as refugees.

>I got 3 job offers last month
>Live in a safe neighborhood
>Ate so much I gained 3 pounds
>Last pandemic was in 1734
>Had to ask the cashier to put my stuff in 2, 2 BAGS!
God I can't stand this country. I'll be in my 3rd world paradise soon and Jow Forums will be BTFOd forever.

Well there’s a black market for private healthcare in Canada but it’s pretty risky. I don’t know anyone that uses it. Even patients can face jail time if they are caught receiving healthcare that isn’t government-sanctioned

Kek, just keep making your welfare benefits better and better. The shitheads will walk right through the USA.

You're telling me you can't buy faster and possibly better care with money? I don't believe that

Sorry sweatie, open up the gates

Too bad Canadian "healthcare" is for citizens only.

Citizens, permanent residents and refugees.

The left want's state run healthcare so they can weaponize it against right wingers just like the USSR did.

>Hardworking Canadians are now subsidizing the medical care of American boomers
Is Canada, dare I say, cucked?

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