Don't let memes be dreams! This is THE way to save the west.

1. Learn about what an EMCEL is.

2. Make memes about EMCELs

3. Equate Feminists, Thots, roasties, etc with EMCELS.

4. This meme hurts where it counts. This is something all modern women relate to.

5. EMCEL is a bigger insult than Incel. And it hurts even more because it is true.

6. It is easy to meme and shill, because it is politically neutral.

Attached: 1557234321393.png (1277x675, 701K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The amount of buzzwords that shills have to make on a constant basis is actually hilarious. You must be exhausted.

Triggered, emcel?

>tries to start an op
>doesn't even make an original meme
pls leave

The core idea is good, but you need a better name, a better description, funnier memes... something like volbitch

this shit is hilarious, bump

Attached: 38B64F0B-9C33-46A2-BCC5-A752303F11F6.png (323x241, 134K)

seething emcel

Find love, emcel

Attached: greenblatundercover.jpg (600x693, 45K)

While I support the whole emcel thing, these memes are cringe as fuck

I am kekd.

>You must be exhausted.
womyn detected

>Criticizes for not being engaging enough
>Tries to stop the op

"That party I'm not invited to is probably not even fun."


brazil, ladies and gentlemen.

it's because there aren't enough of them around yet, the great filter of shitposting and reposting hasn't filtered out great ones to inspire more from

Emcel is effective as an insult because every woman instinctively knows her value is in being able to keep a man, not in finding one

The thousand yard cockstare wasn't a meme? Did they burn out?

Attached: 1481573425535.jpg (774x743, 137K)

>1. Something something EMCEL!!!
>2. ???
>3. West Saved

Attached: 1552923443968.jpg (400x337, 25K)

I agree. I just learned about this and see great potential. Imagine Buzzfeed and Huffpost writing about "The rise in female Emcels".

Psyop of a lifetime. And it automatically links with the Incel word aand reminds them every time that word is used as an insult.

It's to political. Will never be mainstream.

You must have an IQ over 80 to understand why this is a great psyop.

Attached: 9.jpg (852x480, 84K)

Jesus christ shill can you at least pretend you post here? This is a common meme already

No such thing as emcels or insols. Women can always date any nigger of their choice by pussy whipping him. I think this emcel/insol thing is just the newest way for secret ex-roasties to get attention. I don't buy it at all even for a sec.

Incel with no female friends detected


Dude in ops pic needs a haircut

Blacks don't respond to pussywhipping and will bounce when they stop getting pussy or the pussy gets stale. How do you think the absent father joke got started?

>This is a common meme already
>Op begs for ppl to make memes
fucking retard

saw your post in the other thread but it 404'd, here is your bump


emcel detected

I see it posted up randomly all the time bro, stop sperging

This is actually pretty great. Works for both the incels and non-incels.

>THE way to save the west
the world is not going to be saved, asshat.

>give women more bullshit reasons to claim victimhood

make love.

The emcel is a great meme concept but people need to actually start making new and high quality memes. Emcel has a lot of potential to influence degenerates and trigger shitlibs.

Attached: 1554642031066.jpg (1080x787, 59K)

This just sounds like a whore with more steps

Also this will only make more pity parties for women while real incel suffer

why not just femcel?

Easiest way to spread it is maybe to use it as an insult on Twitter and Facebook

worst forced meme of 2019

Femcel is gendered in the way that mancel would never have worked. Emcel is kinda self-explainatory.

Because femcels are retarded women that somehow don't get fucked. The emcel is different, she gets miles of cock, hopping from one dick onto another, but chad will never love her so she suffers from the lack of emotional bonding and her ticking biological clock.

Attached: 1552535201378.gif (800x600, 1.04M)

I didnt invent it. Why do you even care? Something about it getting on your nerve? To close to home?

Stop taking birth control roastie, become a natural woman for the first time in your life. Experience romantic love

This. Fucking incels.

make love emcel

Please, internet autism knows no bounds!

>Stop respect, rape women

Buzzfeed is not going to promote our views

>Where are the good men? Why can't i find a husband that makes 400k? When is someone with balls going to step up and take care of me?
>Umm when will the emcels realise they're not entitled to our commitment just because they have a vagina, like ugh, get a life.
I can picture it now and it is glorious

Attached: fucking fuck.jpg (805x708, 223K)

Wouldn't femcel be a better name?

>Why do you even care?
I’m just here to bully the incels who think autistic memes are going to stop roasties from roasting

Obviously it's the perfect counterpart to incel to adress degenerate whores. But social media is cancer so this most likely won't work due to a lack of manpower.

Attached: 1556402906619.jpg (1024x683, 118K)

Potentially hilarious

Bump for potential

Nice meme flag kike. Why would anyone be opposed to their loved ones getting off a class 1 carcinogen? Worried about your investments pill pusher?


Found the roastie.
Fuck off EMCEL nobody will ever settle with you !
Enjoy catlife

Absolutely garbage meme, what happened to Jow Forums you used to be atleast funny

Femcel sticks better. Just say it stands for Female EMotionally celibate.

Massive trigger potential.
You're right. If it takes off, the best ones will float to the top.

A Emcel

>tsya a ?abèt
Do you even into russian faggot mutt ?

>Stop respect and rape women
With pleasure

No retard, the point of this is to shine light on depleted oxytocin from female bodies due to birth control. No oxytocin, no pair bonding, no emotion.
female celibate
emotionally celibate

You joined and killed it.
Go away, take your friends and we can be funny again.
And take off my flag faggot

>Femcel sticks better.
It really doesn't, and loses the parallelism with incel
>Just say it stands for Female EMotionally celibate.
If you have to explain an abbreviation to avoid confusion, you're doing it wrong. Femcel is extremely easy to have its meaning distorted.

Femcel is already taken. It's really ugly women, often black. They have a hilarious subreddit

>she is has


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Attached: Oh yes.jpg (237x240, 8K)

True, it’s almost like roasties before they become roasties. Basically fancy sex dolls.

Attached: 5EB74DA3-26DF-491E-AD4A-E686E526E64F.jpg (1891x334, 578K)

ITT: incels

Are slags emcels too?

Attached: perfect braphog.png (773x1024, 1.1M)

So, basically, feminism is a giant, chemically induced shit-test?

lol emcel detected


Jow Forums vs tumblr is just legitimate high functioning autism fighting its own kind

Great effort OP

And best of all, it carries a great deal of Truth

FInd love loser emcel

They're another type of Emcel. Instead of becoming introverted and withdrawn, they instead overcompensate for their lack of natural bonding patterns by extroversion and unnatural sexual aggression.

We should probably divide them by type, give each of them a name or something.

Phase one would need to be collecting socmed posts by women lamenting the lack of real relationships.

>implying tumblr is high functioning autism

*and foreskins too

Attached: tumblr_pe3wk4LCNJ1vv5jvto1_1280.png (720x602, 184K)

Emcel is perfect. Take it from a professional psychologist involved in marketing.

>Mfw scientific studies from non-meme university’s and laboratory’s support this and it’s not some homegrown shitpost
>Mfw the only scientific study that contradicts this is from 1987
Put me in the screenshot lads

Attached: 8F7E9841-2899-4712-8A4D-531C42D6E3B9.png (886x670, 475K)

>meme flag faggot seething
it's working

Birth control pills had a huge amount to do with it. It was only really researched by 2015.

Attached: 9CBCBA0A-5002-4888-98F8-23FFCC73C90E.jpg (1389x1336, 1022K)

stay mad emcel

Attached: 1s31pwgi1eh21.png (800x600, 46K)

Incel is not an insult


Oh right

A femcel is just a woman who can't get laid due to extreme physical ugliness, they are very rare. An emcel is a whore who can't get commitment from a man due to being a whore, and can't feel emotionally fulfilled due to destroying her pair-bonding potential, they are very common.

Hmm, I think the "in" is more important than the "cel"

Emotionally celibate, doesn't really make sense because celibacy refers to a lack of sex which is the opposite of what is happening. And "emotional" doesn't really capture the phenomena here.

So it is women who cannot obtain a loving commitment, even though that is what they crave. So it's actually the "involuntary" part that should be ported, not the celibate part.

Involuntarily _______

Fill in the blank and we might have something to work with here.

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So emcel is a fancy name for whore or roastie.