
Will the world as we know it really end in a few decades?
And this report does not take into account a hypothetical climate change, nor problems related to nuclear power.

Attached: limits-to-growth-world3.jpg (520x426, 38K)

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>Is this like "Peak Oil"?
Yes it is!


Peak oil is a real thing.

>implying there is infinite oil

>implying there isn't
you fucking retard we are mining oil from mars thanks to papa musk wheter you believe it or not
>delicious ayylium gas

Even if we had infinite energy, all the stocks of raw materials necessary for the manufacture of all the objects around us are limited on Earth, and their total availability is counted only decades (exhaustion for the essential before 2050). In any case, without oil these raw materials could no longer be processed or even extracted from the soil.

Attached: periodtablechart_zoomupdat-100010339-orig-1024x796.png (1024x796, 579K)

Powerful algorithms for AGI will be likely be published this year or at least studies done scaling up existing ones. Growth-oriented economies will be made irrelevant and cease to exist.

We are absolutely going to run out of oil. You have to be a complete brainlet to not realize that.

There’s a reason why this hasn’t been undated since 2000?
Like, technology advances have greatly changed the slope upwards on renewable resources and this doesn’t fit the narrative?

>problems related to nuclear power.


So true. We also absolutely are going to run out of light when the Sun burns out in 4 billion years.

More likely, only those who cooperate will survive.

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People have been predicting the end of the world since recorded history started. Calm down, it's just something used to manipulate you.

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Is this anything like whalers on the moon?

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Since we can't make new oil, I think people are gonna have to start using plant oil for fuel.

"Rare Earth" metals aren't actually rare, there's actually tons of known mines in the US, China, Japan, and random places in Africa. We always have the option of recycling too since there's e-waste dumps being maintained for this purpose. It's just not economical right now to use the mines in the West or recycle right now because China sells the metals for dirt cheap prices since they have the most active mines. This is part of their economic warfare, they've been pulling this trick since the 90s where they increase production and drive foreign Rare Earth Metal mines out of business, requiring them to be bailed out or shut down, until there's nobody left and they can jack up prices and reduce production until the competition returns (at great expense to the target countries regardless). Also, we aren't extensively prospecting mines in the West for this reason. However, a massive new source was discovered in Japan as well so we can definitely find and exploit more as necessary.

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We can already make unlimited oil from captured CO2 as a feedstock. Look up Carbon Engineering. It's a company in Canada that already has its pilot plant running. The only input required is energy, which we can get from nuclear or other renewable sources.

Oil is useful as an efficient energy source. Most other energy sources are not as efficient.
And there's no point in investing more energy then you get out of it.

Attached: oil_production.png (804x657, 34K)

>the only thing you need to make energy is energy

And its consumption accelerates due to economic and population growth, this along REAL environmental damages that fuck up food production, water, overall health and other necessary conditions can shorten humanity's existence (and I hope it does, humans are retarded fuckups).

Here are some interesting videos if you have not seen them:

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>The only input required is energy
So.. it's a ponzi scheme?

Here's a really good one that goes over the energetics of our civilization and how we're totally and utterly fucked

Where are you going with this? Peak oil, if that is what you are getting at, is largely a myth. As the price goes up, it makes the harder to extract oil profitable and starts to move people towards cheaper resources like solar energy, which can now be produced for as low as 7 cents per kwh in Canada, and half that price in most other countries.

Just for another national example, in Canada we're sitting on a ton of oil, yet it's only profitable if crude is above 30-40 dollars per barrel, off the top of my head. We have enough to supply North America for decades.

Forgot link:

>imblying there isn't a giant fusion reactor in the sky

how the fuck can they predict non-renewable resources? that shit is literally under miles of earth.
they've been predicting this crap for years.
I wish the population would crash, but fucking african niggers are fucking each other on overtime.

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What the fuck do you expect you retard it doesn't change the fact that we can make effectively unlimited oil.

This chart looks fake and gay

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One of the US governments most highly paid think tanks seems to think so.

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Look the simple matter of fact is that people claim the world will end in X years amount of time due to limited resources, over population, ect ect they have been saying this since the 1950s. But we have always come up with someway of reducing what we need in a product so no the world will not "end" we will simply find another way to make something.

>Implying the sun is in the sky
Checkmate atheists.

Peak oil per capita is already happening. It's overpopulation which is the problem.
Peak oil is too, goy.


By the way, the recent UN report warns about the sixth mass extinction: a million species of plants and animals can disappear if we do not change our habits. [and I think we probably will not change them]

Attached: cumulative-vertebrate-extinctions.jpg (685x540, 142K)

What exactly is this website supposed to be?