Brit hate thread

Laugh at the floating island of trash

Attached: 0E068A8A-5D49-4EE3-8C6D-7BD080146154.jpg (765x720, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: DC17DD45-8476-484C-9D89-0125862277C3.jpg (600x800, 75K)

I wanna laugh but we're all just like them.

Attached: 03394815-59A5-4DD2-8362-375A11B04CA2.png (281x531, 183K)

Our women are the best in Europe

Attached: WelcomeToBonglund2.jpg (1333x10000, 3.43M)

Take the clown pill, Britain is the worlds number 1 source of comedy

Fuck off mutt, you don't have room to talk.

Attached: dee.png (680x413, 435K)

Attached: 57C252A4-76F9-4338-8A76-1E8B7E3FFA3E.jpg (778x584, 75K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1547865283380.jpg (630x960, 58K)

based and incestpilled