Hi, i was wondering if you could tell me how you got into such extreme politics? i promise my article will be fair and honest, if x happened and not z i will report on it, both negative and less negative backstories. My goal is to get a better idea of how someone become redicalized and i think its important to remain as neutral as possible in order to come to any rational conclusions and find ways to heal or society away from a possible destructive path.
Any here are some questions for you, please do try to answer as many as you can, thanks.
How old were you when you became "redpilled" as you call it ?
What is your social situation like?
Are you public with any of your more extreme opinions irl?
Also lastly, you can fill any stories in your life that lead to where you stand now, Thanks alot guys. PS: i cant directly quote swearwords but otherwise it will be as fair as possible.
Hopefully you find the picture funny, idk