We need to talk about the epidemic of race mixing

By white men. I’m sick of Jow Forums blaming white women exclusively when I see a white guy with an Asian or Latina girl on his arm every single day. How do we stop white men from race mixing? How bad is this phenomenon where you are?

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assuming that just cuz they're together means they're gonna have kids. it's when they get kids it gets all messed up.

I’ve noticed it too. White men bring ugly Asians into our communities and destroy them.

At least coal burners have the dignity to move to a ghetto and live there forever, out of sight, out of mind

Hilarious with using the word "ASIAN" which is just a geographical location where 4 BILLION people with phenotypes that range from Blonde-haired Slavs to Brown Dravidians to Black Negritos.

AMWF : East Asian male with Slavic, Eastern European or Russian female
WMAF : Beta Anglo or Northern European Male with brown SOUTHEAST ASIAN from a 3rd world nation such as Thailand or the Phillipines.

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give prince Harry the Diana treatment

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You need to understand this. Mother is the foundation of the family. Mother ensures that the familiar bloodline remains untainted. Father can fuck and impregnate the whole world with his bastards, but only legitimate sons with Mother, in marriage, counts as heirs of name, tradition, lineage and land.
Therefore, if Mother opens her legs for Dindu, it's a very heinous crime. It destroys the certaintyvof lineage. Is like a massive security breach.
If Father produces too many bastards, we can always declare a war to some shithole and enlist them. Nothing of value will be lost.
Now, you should see why is not the same problem, and why you can't whine if you didn't behave like is expected from Mother. Welcome to the White race.

Why are you sick of something that makes sense?

women of all races should be trying to make babies with me as I am clearly superior. (in my mind only and only judged by myself, lets be real here)

people from Asia are Asian, you Mongoloid.

The only people in this country with more than one baby mama are blacks. People that fuck Spanish and Asian girls end up marrying them

Lmao. No chance that girl is going out with that ugly fuck. Definitely a selfie with her friend.

Would live for you to prove otherwise.

I only race mix cause I can't get any white girls to date me. It's either be an incel or bang POC cuties. I prefer the later.

Yeah, it’s pretty discouraging as a white female on this site. We’re accused of getting with black guys when that’s a very small minority and plus, where I live I see white guys with Asian/black/Latina etc.
I guess I am ok with Asian girls, but black girls? Gross.

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That’s a cop out. Make a tinder and there will be hundreds, even thousands of white girls wanting to fuck you.

Some mixed girls are really cute though. And are more based than white women.

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It’s not impossible you idiot. Try not banging them on the first date and maybe they’ll respect you a bit more.

not bad, lol.
Anyway, in murrica statistically it doesn't even look that bad. Maybe 7% of white women go out of their race and maybe 9% of white men
that's why they try to make whites breed less, since they don't want to race mix

I don’t care lmao. My boyfriend is Japanese.

that's gay, bro

>tfw blond blue-eyed dad but deformed hispanic mom
at least im not black

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>as a white female on this site
prove it

She super cute.
Would cuddle so hard.

im p sure you'd do more than that, Mohammad

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I feel the same way and I'm a white man.
I live in the Pacific Northwest and the amount of white men I see with brown women is absolutely fucking disgusting. A lot of them are brown Asians. Good luck with that shit and having ayy lmao sons.
BMWF is something I see like....once a year?
WMAF and WMHF I see all the fucking time.
How in the living fuck a white man is okay with having house full of mental illness and Asian inlaws demanding your children play the piano and all this bullshit is beyond me, especially when they had the potential to have white children in a comfy house without mental illness.
Like fuck I'd take a 4/10 white woman as long as she isn't fat if it came down to it.

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Based. Especially Italians and Anglos. Wow do they mix...

Alright? Why are you crying about white boys not wanting you then?


Shut it pervert

>how do we stop white men from race mixing?
Lose weight. Stop being a slut

fuck it i'd date her.

i want to hold her

As a race-mixed person I find other race-mixed women to be increasingly hotter. This isn't an epidemic; it's freedom.

Not crying, I feel bad for other white girls for the most part.
You’re Irish, I truly don’t care if YOU race mix.
top tier white men are Slavic

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Pasadena/Los Angeles CA reporting in.

Its everywhere here and there is no cohesive American identity or community. Fuck this place.

>Father can fuck and impregnate the whole world with his bastards
It's the same exact thing. It ruins the world and and results in the extinction of Europeans/whites.


I'm Slavic. Serb from Montenegro. And yea, Irish people are a race of goblins. All ugly af.

>Not white

>I see a white guy with an Asian or Latina girl on his arm every single day.
Yes. Honestly this is the main problem the white coal burner thing isn't as common as every TV commercial implies it is. Of course it's also hard to get precise data seeing how most black boys (stop calling them men! They aren't!) most black boys abandon the masculine responsibility of fatherhood just like everything else in their child like lives.

AMWF is super rare. Only depressed animefag girls like asian boys because the watch too many k-pop novels.

On the other hand WMAF is much more popular. Asian girls of any nation wants to be conquered by the white race

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Why does it matter? It's a process of normalization. Once its acceptable to date its acceptable to have kids. The game is already over anyway, any conception of white self preservation is over. All I see is interracial couples 24/7 whenever I go outside.

What if I already have three white kids and a vasectomy? Can I have sex with minorities?

I just want a qt gf to hold. Fuck sex.

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Naze jap desu?

How many times a week do you post the same race mixing threads, user? You don't even change your meme flag either. You think people dont notice?

How you told your kids that you loved them yet today?

The white men can have sex with other races

The white woman can not! She must be protected

>nigger hair

I live in central glomohomo and hardly ever see it.

At first I thought I would be alone forever, then I thought I would eventually race mix because western women are hopeless, then i thought i might find a white woman who wasn't completely fucked, now I am back to thinking i will be alone forever. I'm a handsome guy especially if I am clean shaven but I have a kind of nihilistic autism that makes it hard to take anything seriously, I also do nothing but box and work so there are not many opportunities to meet anyone. What do I do fellas.

was talking about killing her
ofc racism was also implied since i called him a muslim name, but murder was heavily implied

it's you who went to sex instead of murder, which makes you a pervert and projecting

My favorite flavor of American mongrel is what I am and most of the people around where I grew up are which are Germans mixed with a grab bag of various Slavs. We have most of the powers of the German autism and industriousness but the Slav DNA makes us not cucks.

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I shot Walter Block an e-mail about the libertarian approach to miscegenation and he said it's pretty straight forward from following the NAP.

>non-white penis in white vagina

>white dick in non-white vagina

Seems about right.

Interracial dating isnt that common. And when whites DO date nonwhites, its hispanics LMAO

What can you do anyway? Kill em?

Meme flag kike makes the same slide thread multiple times a week...only posts once... and you gullible faggots squabble over which ugly shit skin is the least ugly.

Stop falling for this shit. SAGE

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gooks are fucking disgusting
its like fucking woman withd own syndrome
black girls from the other hand...

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Isn't that St Peach and her boyfriend?

now I know you're larper, homo boy

Bleaching other races is preferable to allowing homogenization of racial competitors.

Probably every 3rd or 4th couple here is some form of interracial, but then again I live in the center of degeneracy of Canada.

>Every woman is impregnated by a white man
>The next generation has the exact same number of white people but every other race is now 1/2 white
>Same thing happens
>The next generation has the exact same number of white people but every other race is now 3/4 white
>Same thing happens
>The next generation has the exact same number of white people but every other race is now 7/8 white

How are you too retarded to understand this?

Same thing here. Hey, at least I'm taller than my dad, mestizo chad ftw.

Her hair is amazing. Slovacuck.

Let's make some beautiful white babies



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White women are terrible inside and out. God bless you if you can find the rare good one. But on the whole they are the absolute worst.

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Gook women are disgusting. The ones you see in media are 1 in a million. I see hundreds of them daily because my uni is flooded with them. They have flat moon faces.

That's true, even Brazilian monkeys such as yourself have an easy time for Asian ladies.

I love Latina girls and they love me

look Jerry, what the fuck did i tell you about pretending to be female to attract attention? You need to stop

If you're into sheep

Why has no one given this subtle jab a you?

Most whites marry hispanics when its non-white so more whites most of the time

t. virginal virgin

>How do we stop white men from race mixing?
Remove non-whites from white countries?
>How bad is this phenomenon where you are?
Virtually non-existant.

i noticed Brazilian girls are the thirstiest for white guys.

Because white men are a delicacy in Brazil.

>implying down's syndrome girls aren't adorable and loyal
>tfw no qt3.15 gf

expat weeb girls really have not much of a choice, because Asian men are intimidated by them. So they can be super cute and still have trouble finding a man there, because white men are besieged by local girls. So I wouldn't count it out that they're real couple

LARP better.

I’m sick of white incels complaining about race mixing. Shut your faggot mouth and start colonizing every womb you can.

>Top tier men are slavic.

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lonely cucks make betabux

Does that mean this will happen in the US, too?

uma delicia
nota bene Brazilian language might be the most ugly sounding language in the world. Even worse than German. Yeah, I know I'm not one to talk.

WMAF is really the standard for the Bay Area. white guys of high status date the attractive white women, white guys of middle status date attractive asian women, and white guys of low status date the ugly white masculine/feminist women. I imagine the 6-10 women fled the Bay Area or got absorbed and destroyed by the feminist movement.
Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough desu.

It's to prove they're not racist without going all the way. Plus Asian women are good at math which helps nerd guys.

yeah white women are ruined im marrying a gook

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Latinas are the redpilled choice in women.

Hopefully you're joking

Of course not. They're all boys. I show as little emotion as possible and never let on how proud of them I am. If your sons aren't constantly questioning whether or not you even love them, they won't better themselves constantly trying to earn your approval.

feminists should demand the deportation of all non-white women
white men can't help themselves and import Asian women to play out their colonial fantasy

only non-white men are allowed to immigrate to serve the sexual pleasure of white women.

Why are you in their country

Go to church on Sundays. Take up hobbies. Meet people naturally. Don't punch them unless they deserve it. When you find someone worth connecting with, the nihilistic autism will cease.

t. white roastie

To be fair I dont think there'd be a lot of white women capable of resisting Moaner either, she can't even resist herself.

why does this delusion continue to persist
anybody with the absolute basic knowledge of human evolution already knows that current man is mixed as it gets
the only way to progress the species is to continue to mix and hope that your genes produce a random enough mutation to be successful to produce a new dominant version of man that can take us to space where we will cut a bloody swath turning the stars red with blood and forge the first empire of man because current iterations of man arent cutting it

t. paid shill

Perhaps. I believe the anti whiteness creates a forbidden fruit effect on females

In Puerto Rico, (from my experience) most girls were after whites/light skin

Sure thing wladymir Kolodzjiek

It sort of is happening already. But individuals won't notice it that much since you are still 60% of the population.

Stop acting like white women race mixing is marginal and white men racemixing is rampant when everything shows the opposite dumb jew

Gas yourself, kike.