Say hello to the new Polish wonder, following Świebodzin Jesus: the Opole Atlas
Say hello to the new Polish wonder, following Świebodzin Jesus: the Opole Atlas
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What the fuck?
>poland getting fucked in the ass holding the world up
seems accurate of what poles think about themselves
He def needs an "If you only knew how bad things are" caption.
what did they mean by this?
Is this a monument of the Polish butthurt?
Fellow Anons from Opole? Niiiice, haven't seen that statue when I was walking through those gardens few days ago, can you give some more details on what the fuck is that thing and who came up with this?
This world will fuck you in the ass
>The incomplete sculpture was bought in Germany by prof. Stanisław Nicieja, who is currently the curator of the University Hill. The sculpture he found in Germany had no arms and legs, only a face. Here, Rafał Rzeźniczak, a sculptor and conservator helped Atlas by making arms, legs and the globe.
Its even worse than you think
There's no end to (((polak))) niggering
kek, pretty accurate considering he was a greek.
Kek. Also some locals already dubbed it as the "taxpayers monument".
Looks cool desu
Jesus Christ, Polska, what are you doing.
thread theme
I mean at least the name of this """" monument""" makes sense. Suffering Atlas.
lmao wtf
Hes got the North Pole at the bottom of the snow globe. who needs the whole thing when you got a city inside a bubble shaped king dome crown of a hemi demi semi sphere with a /(((trap queen eh Zoidberg))).
who de Fuck nose. ask finland
What are you talking about bud
I'm pretty sure that's Russia
It's all one and the same to that german lowlife living in britain.