Ban them. Ban them now

Yet another school shooting. It's time that we do something to put a stop to this once and for all. We can't just sit around and allow innocent children to be mowed down because the NRA and gun owners refuse to compromise.

We need to stop giving gun owners a say in the matter. The majority of Americans are not gun owners so gun owners should not be allowed to dictate our public policy on guns. That's not a democracy.

Ban them. Confiscate them. Arrest those who don't comply. It needs to be done and it needs to be done now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s a good thing we’re not a democracy.

No matter how bad my life seems at the end of the day I can at least tell myself I'll never be the faggot you are.


Nah get fucked cunt. Price of freedom and what not.

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After the first few hundred cops die trying to come and take them, they'll forget about enforcement

Fuck off kike!

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Just bought my first semi auto. Can't wait to take it to the range this weekend.

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Mass shootings and murder in this country are ll cause & effect by a larger issue. The breakdown of social values/norms, increasingly becoming a heterogeneous nation, the bond of one american to another has been pulverized to where now neighbors don't care about each other let alone someone in another state, and our nation values individuals rather than community. I'm not saying we need to be like the robot chinks however some connection to the greater community you belong to is important.The real solution is to ban anyone and everyone except for white European conservatives.

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>chop up millions of babies because convienience and irresponsibility
>omg think of the 2 children and ban guns reeee.
fucking liberals

>Ban them. Ban them now.

>1 post by this ID

not today you fucking faggot. fuck off. kill yourself, retard.

Ban schools. Just have online study groups

Great idea
You take Point position in the house-to-house tactical efforts

STFU, you fucking slave

>Ban them. Ban them now.
yes. public schools should be banned.

Lower-end estimates include that byDavid Hemenway, a professor of Health Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health, which estimated approximately 55,000–80,000 such uses each year.[8][9]

Compared to

In 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the United States, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns.[9]In 2012, 64% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides.[10]In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides, and 11,078 firearm-related homicides in the U.S.[11]In 2010, 358 murders were reported involving ariflewhile 6,009 were reported involving ahandgun; another 1,939 were reported with an unspecified type of firearm.[12]

Remind me again why these retards want to ban guns. Defensive gun use far outpaces gun homicides, even on the LOW END of estimates made by leftist college professors. These stats are gun grabber kryptonite.

There are 4 kinds of anti-gunner.
>The person who just doesn't know about the subject, so they just repeat whatever talking points they heard growing up
>The stupid person who has actually been educated on the subject, but it went in one ear and out the other
>The crazy person with an increasingly tenuous grip on reality that projects their insanity onto other people as a defense mechanism
>The evil person who wants disarmed victims
You talk to the first, ridicule the second, lock up the third and fucking shoot the fourth.

Anybody STILL genuinely believe that banning guns is going to help anything?

Actually not a bad idea.
Or at least they need some reforming.
American education standards are shit anyway, even if the conspiracy of turning students into lefties wasn't true.
Putting a bunch of psychopaths together in one place was probably not the best of ideas. Even moreso now where the consequences of children behaving as they are nothing. And in some cases, reprimanding children is becoming increasingly illegal.

Why then perhaps you should be considering the attitude towards guns and teens in the school system as a pose to agitating both the legitimate firearms community and the constitution. Take Finland for example, of the 13% of guns used in shootings are 73% of the time illegal; and of a population that owns 1.3 million legal firearms between them just 64 murders took place in 2015, purportedly committed by shitskin Afghans. Now not only in Finland is guncrime resoundingly low and committed by minorities, but Finnish citizens have access to all types of firearms in respect of the law.

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Over 300 people were killed in car accidents yesterday. Let's ban all cars

I'm just going to drop in and tell you, dear sir:
The second amandment is a thing.

Just some useless suburbanites. This'll be forgotten in 3 days.

Fuck off kike

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came here to post this

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how can you ban such beauties? Never.

Yet the majority of Americans have a right to bear arms

You know, these numbers always seem pretty low to me. Are they cooking the statistics?


Lol op you’re a faggot. Kindly KYS

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>we need to ban guns so that when we finally push for total communism, nobody can fight back
Sounds like a unAmerican faggot to me.


I completely agree with you ban the schools NOW. They are nothing but very expensive, America hating brainwash factories. In fact, EVERY school shooter has been a student at the school he shot up. There is OBVIOUSLY something being done to the children BY the schools. Schools are not necessary. All instruction can be done online, and maybe have the students show up at testing centers a few times a year to be tested. Schools are wasteful, destructive anachronisms. Close them all down IMMEDIATLEY. And the school shootings will stop.

All of these things came about after the advent of capitalism

Stop false flagging us CIA

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If you ACTUALLY needed a gun to defend yourself then maybe I'd support the Second Amendment. That being said, there are so many alternative ways to protect yourself WITHOUT killing someone.

It's ridiculous to think otherwise.

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you need to read the bill of rights fag

It is not up to you to decide what I need or don't need, or what rights I should or should not have.

OP is a paid shill
or very very gay

read the bill of rights


So the rest of us should just be held hostage by a bunch of gun nuts? I don't think so my man.

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Second amendment doesn't require your support.

2nd amendment is about protecting yourself from the government

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Once, again, what you think does not matter, man. The problem is the schools. They must be closed down. Evil brainwash factories, funded by oceans of stolen money. Your odds of being hit by lightning are 11,500 times greater than your odds of being shot in a school shooting. No one is holding you hostage, retard, except your overactive imagination and propensity for hysterical hyperbole.

Yep, Muslim did something we can't blame all Muslims. One idiot uses a gun because they are on meds and you blame all guns and gun owners. What a fucking useless tool you have become.
To those posting shit like they don't need a gun for protection you have just proven how little you know about the topic of gun ownership. Yo bitch boy take a walk in my backyard one night. Your fucking kung fu will be fun to videotape as the fucking black bear, wolves, and such malls the stupid right out of you.

Nope. Every child in America could die and I still wouldn't give up my 2nd ammendment rights. What you don't understand is the government doesn't have the authority to take them away because the government doesn't grant them in the first place, God does. So long as I'm a breathing American I will have guns. If you want them so bad you can personally confiscate them, one bullet at a time.

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Border control now
Race war now

You did one heck of a job there plantation Joe...

How many more kids will he kill if elected...

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We really need to start locking you retards up.

Out of my cold dead hands

60 % of gun deaths are suicides. 3% of gundeaths are from ar 15s.

"... a state authority is entitled to demand respect and protection only when it meets the interests of a people, or at least does not harm them. There can be no such thing as state authority as an end in itself, for, if there were, every tyranny in this world would be unassailable and sacred. If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led toward its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty. "
>"In general it should not be forgotten that the highest aim of human existence is not the preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the species. And if the species itself is in danger of being oppressed or utterly eliminated, the question of legality is reduced to a subordinate role. Then, even if the methods of the ruling power are alleged to be legal a thousand times over, nonetheless the oppressed people's instinct of self-preservation remains the loftiest justification of their struggle with every weapon. "

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The OP is always fucking gay.

Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban
ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban
ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban!

You leftist cucks sound like a broken record. FOAD with that shit Pinko.

You want to stop giving us a say in the matter?
Try it and see what happens faggot.

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>So the rest of us should just be held hostage by a bunch of gun nuts?
are you talking about stalin or its citizens?

Link? Article? Sage and report this trash guise

>The problem is the schools.

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Ban Doctors NOW! Fucking Tard!!!!!! According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins, more than 250,000 people in the United States die every year because of medical mistakes, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

>Ban them. Ban them now.

PS - the Las Vegas shooter? Jewish.

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*Yawn* Get gassed kike.

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What's it like to be an ACTUAL potato? Does it hurt to think real big?

The majority of Americans are not cowardly faggots so cowardly faggots should not be allowed to dictate our public policy on anything.

That's some dangerous speech, I think you should be stripped of your 1st amendment rights.

Fuck off. Shall not be infringed.

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mildly convincing bait 3/10

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Well since guns are the most efficient weapon in human history, the person who has guns and is willing to use them is the strongest. So yes, you should be held hostage by those stronger then you. git gud fag.


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>kikes keep pulling false flags in their own "gun free zones"
>banning guns will help
No kike. The rifles are for you.

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>thinking their false flags are real
nigger you just went full retard

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Ban cars.
Ban them now.
Yet another DUI killed someone. Its time that we do something to put a stop to this once and for all. We can't just sit around and allow innocent children to be mowed down because Americans refuse to give up their cars.

The #1 cause of death of young people is cars. We need to stop giving car owners a say in the matter. Nobody NEEDS to drive a car, not with Uber and Lyft and public transportation and the coming self-driving automobiles. The bitter clingers who hang onto their cars should not be allowed to dictate public policy on cars. That's not a democracy.

Ban them. Confiscate them. Arrest those that dont comply. It needs to be done and it needs to be done NOW.


innocent children, says who?

Look at the filename

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You are a bit behind the curve.
But better late than never.

We’ve compromised enough. You shills need to back off.


So when you gonna come get them faggot? I'm waiting.

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