He is not very bright, is he?

Why is he rubbing his hands like a merchant?


And he thanked the horses at the end!

Attached: not bright.png (791x483, 706K)

Other urls found in this thread:


he is rubbing hands like a limp wristed homo that he is.
why would shitbag marry a degenerate tranny?

He's nervous because the baby is black as fuck and he suspects he's not the father

I hope these are not gossips and he will move to Africa with that mutt hoe.

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I used to be a monarchist. I now honestly believe there isn’t a single person in the royal family with an IQ above 90 and that the monarch should be abolished and all royals sent to exile.

Good job you ginger haired retarded nigger lover

at least William is normal.
Kate is adorable and pretty.

Attached: 1551585759826.jpg (500x1420, 122K)

his children are going to be of an even less bright skin color

Like it’s bad enough she is a nigger, but she is also older than him and a divorcee. Like my fucking God. What is the point of being a royal if you aren’t marrying some aryan white qt 3.14 anorexic 21 year old virgin model? But for real?

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to trigger faggots

How long before the divorce? Who will keep the quadroon?

>average body
>small tits
What does he see in her again? She must have some special "ability" or otherwise I really don't know.

>How long before the divorce?
Well you need to organize a car or plane crash.
How long does it take?

I think he is legitimately slow. I’ve never took him as being bright.

The real problem is why the fuck did his family, and more specifically the Queen, not step in. Elizabeth II has gotten soft since she had Diana killed.

> used to kill broads for being eccentric leftists

> now lets divorcee negresses marry into the family

So sad to see.

>He's nervous because the baby is black as fuck

Because the images of the goffel will be hilarious. This baby is going to be ugly as sin. When they finally drop Jow Forums is going to have a field day, and rightly so.

Based Mugabe.

>What does he see in her again?
It's the toes. Haven't you ever seen them?

Attached: meghan toes.jpg (317x159, 11K)

What a joke this world is. He's married someone who has managed to conceal her real appearance beneath make-up, hair alteration and god knows what else.

The baby's appearance will be a shock

Attached: f936b6375a227602ff852cced91fd40e.png (808x455, 484K)

This exactly. They are scared of the memes.

Like actually think how funny this is. The British Royal Family is currently living in fear of US because they know as soon as they release the photos we will meme this kid into King Nigger 2.0.

The elite bow to Jow Forums and they should start being honest about it and act accordingly.

>rubbing his hands
well... you know..

Attached: 1534169288440.png (578x290, 15K)

Hows shit up in Harare bro?

>the baby will be ugly as fuck
ever wondered why they didn't show the picture? kek

Because he’s not Charles’ son. They couldn’t care less.

he's in tel aviv like you don't make it like you're genuine people.

Attached: 1539206320175.jpg (800x527, 155K)

This might be a better pic. From "Meghan Markle's Feet Have Everyone Talking Right Now

We wish we were kidding ... "


Attached: meghan toes 2.png (768x960, 865K)

An*los are Literally the lost tribe of israel.

I can't FUCKING WIAT to start photoshopping the WE IZ KANGS AGAIN! Memes!!!!

I've got power and internet so It's a good day.

Go sit on a baguette Pierre.

We /Kateposting/ now?

Attached: image.png (1536x1025, 2.24M)

what is this digit?
it's a quadroon?

Attached: the pills.jpg (432x243, 21K)

That first picture is from when she was a kid though, not the best comparison ....

>will be a shock
...for some of us

go sit on a zulu spear, Kaffir

he's trying to wipe the nigger off his hands.
an endless battle


You have internet and electricity there?

Attached: 1536534184555.png (800x769, 126K)

But still - two duchesses from commoners - both of them already topless, ass out. Their kids would be completely plebeian.

Those are the digits of truth

please do.

Attached: 15514465923799.jpg (1283x1080, 809K)

What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of Abduls truck faggot.

Diana was a fake blonde?

I have weirdly long toes. Does this mean I have negroid ancestry?

>That first picture is from when she was a kid though, not the best comparison ....

It's the best comparison though. As illustrated one can chemically straighten their hair and use skin lightening products but as you're about to find out the ooga booga will ultimately come out in the genes. Can't wait.

Yes. You was a kangz too Nigel.

she was a fake everything

your situation is worse than ours, faggot, you totally lost your country and they even changed the flag to a ooga booga one.

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>Because he’s not Charles’ son. They couldn’t care less.
wait what?
who is his daddy than?

Attached: daddy.jpg (800x533, 66K)

At the same time!!?!! You are lucky!

Mick Hucknall


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this is your future Bongs

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I suggest that you keep your shoes on if you are ever around Prince Harry

Lol. Says the faggot who let his Brussels overlords take all the guns. You have no idea what's coming to Europe you cuck. You think Africa is any MORE dangerous than it was when we first landed here? You fucking surrender-monkeys aren't fighting closet-homosexual germans anymore. You're facing an enemy that will GLADLY die, just for the opportunity to take your or your childrens lives. At least our problems run the other way when we retaliate. You are SOOOOOOO fucked.

chad dianna


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do brits hate her? i found her unusual attractive on royal standards.

she was.

Attached: Diana, Princess of Wales on a visit to Pakistan in 1996. She is walking with Imran Khan, the then hu (468x810, 169K)

>Mick Hucknall
It's most likely James Hewitt, who admitted to having an affair with Diana in the 80s and early 90s. There are tons of pictures comparing the two.

A theory could be that Harry's lineage is an open secret among the royals and the fact that he dated almost exclusively model-tier white women before ultimately marrying an older, divorced American mutt is a public warning to other royals of the consequences of infidelity.

Attached: 54ff68546698b-ghk-1988-feb-05-princess-dianna-best-looks-s2.jpg (980x1428, 188K)

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Kate is a used up roastie party slut.

She has a very, very mixed legacy. Everyone liked her at first, then a lot of conservative-minded people turned against her when she and the prince divorced and she lived a celebrity lifestyle. Then there was a completely over-the-top reaction to her death, as if the whole country was in crisis, and a few years later she was voted the 3rd greatest Briton ever on a TV programme. Most people have since seen the reaction to her death as a national embarrassment.

He’s like he’s in a religious ecstasy of cuckold satisfaction. I am deeply ashamed of him and on behalf of Great Britain I wish to offer our apologies to everyone else on planet Earth.

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Or getting mugged or shot by the baby.

with that hairstyle she looked the best, imo. she aged to beauty.

chad Imran Khan must have dipped the biscuit on that plebeian


I'm completely unable to understand this, ok he's not a chad but being a 7/10 + a fucking prince should allow him to land something passable.
Average white woman on the street has higher quality than the mutt divorcee past the expiration date he married

compared to this she's Queen Victoria.

Attached: 1550424930453.png (668x710, 624K)

a Royal nigger.

>completely over-the-top reaction to her death
yeah, i even remember the funeral in tv, my mother bought two books about her afterwards. it was pan-european hysteria.

Shes a prostitute, he basically married a stripper

I can't believe that CNN actually printed this

"How black will the royal baby be?"

It's in bold type about 1/3 of the way into the article.


Can somebody explain to me why so many British people have such ---big--- noses?

I can't wait for the royal and male (instead of mother) version of this

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The same reason they're so perfidious.

>tfw they bleach the baby photos and there is chimpouts in chicago because of it.

I cannot wait until they reveal this tar baby and it comes out that megan uses skin lightening cream and surgery.

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where is the matching pic that shows she is a call girl?


I wonder what Princess Michael of Kent will do. Another Blackamoor pin?

weird how you can see how upper class the are just from their face


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Lost tribe of Israel.

Attached: young Diana.jpg (500x583, 56K)

Meghan has been an escort in a country where an escorts main duty is illegal. It’s possible to view images of her in bed with other men supporting a promiscuous lifestyle and we know she’s a escort, admittedly. An escorts job is to prostitute her or his self, sometimes the job includes being a concubine or a white knight and accompanying a client out or soothing, romancing and entertaining a client but to be fair it’s nearly entirely about offering sex for money and ‘escort’ is used most frequently as a euphemism for ‘’call girl’ if you will.
A call girl or escort like Megan is one tier up from a brothel whore who is one tier up from a street walker in countries where prostitution is legal. Strippers are more expensive than escorts by the hour but that’s because you are renting the club too where that is legal. America is not one of those countries so is Meghan an unapprehended criminal?
Tell me has this been answered or even asked and what’s up if no one has asked? Am I tripping on shrooms or am I the only one who knows what a whore does? They tried to glamourise it a bit in the press here I saw one column comparing being an escort to being a solicitor and wondered if they’d mixed those two terms just to confuse the normi cunt, soliciting being another aspect of escorting.
It’s like I’m trapped in an alternate reality where everyone’s fucking puddled. SHES A HOOKER FFS. I wouldn’t do what that mad cuck has done. The dirty little bugger. You do them but you don’t make them princesses because that’s when you’re country gets rid of you as not fit for purpose.

Attached: young Diana 2.jpg (500x499, 156K)

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Attached: young Diana 4.jpg (290x458, 34K)

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Not surprised to see the monarchy be infested with (((them)))

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how it will be in the uk 50 years later - do rich arabs, chinks, russians count today as upper class? I have read about old aristocracy, how many of them were empoverished. when everybody is racemixing, it will be completely merchant elite. with negroes there will probably not be class system at all.

>"How black will the royal baby be?"
le 56%

This obviously exposes the royal family as nothing more than a free loading family of actors control by the real elites. Much like a politician is controlled by the real powerful and is just used as a proxy to be assassinated by pissed off normies when the real elites push things too far, the royal family are no different.

This essentially is the beginning of the end of the royal family. They will push a SJW agenda further and further now until they are as exposed and untrusted for the frauds they are much like CNN and mainstream media have gone since 2001, despite braindead normies only noticing it in the media in the last ~3yrs.

Give it another 5yrs and the niglet will be on hormone suppressors because he identifies as a girl and then the normies will see it plain as day and see the royal family for the irrelevant, fraudulent tools to manipulate the general population into marxism that they are.

Screenshot this for Prince Tranny Tyrone.

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Is this true? I tried Google but it just comes up with stuff about her being "escorted" places.

You know for certain that he is stupid because he thought he would not get any better than this roastie. How many years is she older again? He is a rich fucking prince, he could have got everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. Look whom he chose.