Saw this posted on FB. Is there any truth to this? Are people like this legitimately happy because they say they are?
Saw this posted on FB. Is there any truth to this? Are people like this legitimately happy because they say they are?
Roastie cope
It’s just sour grapes, user. In fact, the prevalence of feminism in millennials is a hive-mind, sour grapes reaction to the lack of financial stability available for them to have a family. It’s the same reason for extended adolescence.
If they we're happy they wouldn't feel the need to constantly reassure themselves. They're looking for validation. If everyone in the comments went "you still may not feel that way forever" and "that's a shame, kids are the greatest joy in the world" or "something is missing, and you'll notice later", she would pop out 3 kids as fast as he could.
Women rarely go against the groupthink. She wants to be seen as a reproductive rebel, but needs the approval of the herd to do so. Her whole life is a lie.
What in the fuck is wrong with phones. Don't correct things that are already words.
Now kys
>cool wine aunt
Check back when she is mid 40s, unmarried, no family, no friends and no men interested because she is old and deteriorated. At some point she'll realize there is no longer a chance and maybe go crazy and try to adopt or an hero.
I'm digging the fact that they, along with their shitty attitudes will die out in one generation.
fb proud bullshit hidding roastie regrets
Threadly Reminder: "Breed, pleb, breed!" is literally capitalist rightwing think tank propganda to continuously increase consumption so billionaires can keep sucking up more cash (which they absolutely do not fucking need and can't use) while the future is destroyed for everyone.
Implying roasties with kids don’t do this 1000x harder
Yes goy, white demographic decline is the best thing for the world long term.
You'll love your mullato grandchildren.
Genuine lol
I didn't imply a damn thing. The difference is one is actually happy and the other is probably addicted to pills, and will OD in her 40s.
The want and need to reproduce is instictual faggot. People don't need to be told to have babies.
If you think the rich care who breeds, you're mistaken. This is exactly like the false dichotomy of choosing low wages or choosing illegal immigrants. How about neither?
Then why does the right wing spend so much time demanding it?
They don't need us to breed for that, they have immigrants. Idiot.
literally no reason to believe they are unhappy
>facebook cope trying to convince everyone and yourself that you're happy
I can't believe I'm about to post this but *cringe*
No woman in their 30s doesn't want kids more than anything, and any claim otherwise is a bold-faced lie. Most women around this age are pretty much in the middle of a permanent breakdown where whatever they claim reality to be is now reality for everyone.
nobody talking to themselves on facebook is happy with their lives.
See literally the post above you.
Why does the world NEED another little (You) running around? I'm asking seriously. Pay attention to the question please
>i can stop smoking crack-cocaine anytime I want
White women who traded their children and husbands for getting to feel empowered while manning a desk for some opportunistic manger building a harem using diversity as a cover not only have irrelevant opinions to anything, they should be left to die when times get hard because letting them live will just give them more opportunity to poison the minds of younger women out of spite.
To all our generation and our zoomer cohorts, I am sorry that we have been given a shit deal, the consolation is any white man who survives the wars to come will have his pick of women.
More important than OPs question is how to determine which men were enabling thots and supporting or profiting from the status quo once shit has thoroughly hit the fan so we can make sure none of them live on?
The world doesn't need anything, dipshit.
An entire generation of roasts are playing chicken with their fertility window and it's beautiful.
>No kids
>Nothing is missing
Holy Kek. Women don't even enjoy hobbies, she can't tell me she isn't missing anything at all.
And it certainly doesn't need more humans.
doesn't change the fact she will still die cold and alone eventually
Every woman I've met that's passed menopause that doesn't have kids regrets it.
They may mean it now but once the option is off the table it changes their view.
>are they happy
Maybe. Who cares? I certainly don't.
More humans and less orcs and nephilim spawn is exactly what is needed and white women have abused their position to the point where when this system is weak any man advocating rights for them will be killed
Why should you care about the future? You won't have any investment in it.
Beginning a statement with "yes" or "no" as if i asked the question in the first place is cringe af. How do people not get how irritating that shit is
No. Fewer hominids is what is required. And it is absolutely what will be had whether you like it or not.
I absolutely do.
>re people like this legitimately happy because they say they are?
No, they're obviously totally miserable because you say they are.
It needs better humans, not billions of niggers and bugmen.
Why shouldn't you kill people for their money and maybe skin?
There is no such thing as a good human.
There's no such thing as a good shitpost either but there are degrees. Some are more appreciable than others.
Then hang yourself.
Some have real-world effect.
Lying to themselves and never realizing why they're miserable.
Who said I was human, you filthy primate?
I thought you said the world didn't need anything
I don't care if they care. I refuse to be replaced by animal swine.
Your mistake is assuming that I care what anyone else thinks.
She's gonna be lonely and promote assisted suicide when she becomes invalid in her mid 60s with nobody to take care of her because all of her family is dead or just as old.
I agree that a mass dieoff is coming, all the more reason to reproduce
Anyone who feels the need to say that is trying to convince themselves - partly by soliciting public approbation of their life choices.
Imagine talking about your life in that way, its what a neurotic and insecure person does. A person who doesn't care what people think has no incentive to write this.
But you do. That's why you spend all day on the internet pushing rightwing propaganda. You're retarded, and like the bacteria you share an IQ score with, all you think of is mindless reproduction.
> the script
Seriously though, I've seen this (((exact comment))) posted in dozens of threads in this same context.
Hmph, fair. Slip of the tongue. Let's say "it could use" instead of "it needs" then eh?
Because it's the logical response to this retarded "overpopulation is a myff" idiocy. Why SHOULD there be any more than fucking 7 and a half billion of you fuckers. There's too fucking many of you as is. I don't give a shit that Jack Ma and Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos want more money. Throw them into the fucking see along with about 6 billion other humans.
What? You won't be there. No part of you will advance with the human race.
Except for (((them)))!!!
It's a pretty common question in response to the "you must breed" meme
Some of us have now investment in the future because opportunities we're stolen from us before we were born, it's a lot more difficult to find a wife now.
The human species has never advanced. You're sill the same marauding, biting, shit-flinging apes you were 3 million years ago. My concerns are not for the future of mankind.
Now - *no
The capitalists want you to breathe oxygen so you can continue ue to co sums - so you should stop doing that
That looks boring as fuck, nigger.
They all will feel regret once they turn 50, and if they do have a child at that age, odds are it will grow up to be like Chris-chan.
Why am I even replying to this shill BS?
Did you have a stroke?
>Nothing is missing
this is correct, the allies decided to convert to economies that require a large number of slave laborers
this slave labor is being imported
the native population of allied nations are not genetically adapted to the economies
there are a lot of people who, if they had kids, would have kids who want to be free
those people realize the economy does not want or need free people
so it is true that people who would have had genetically maladapted children in fact don't need to have children to support the economy
the free races are dying and the slave races are booming
this is genocide
>Too many of you, there should only be (((us))))
>literally spouting the party line
You realize the majority of mankind agrees with you, right, retard? You're not a genius rebel. You're the literal definition of a consumer whore NPC.
Something tells my this guy collects vapes and fedoras...
>Why does the right wing spend so much time demanding it?
We spend time showing people the natural outlet for their desires amd the consequnces of ignoring them. These women displace their mothering insticts in pilitics and pets and eventually die alone and miserable while work I g to make everyone else the same way
That's right. There should only be US.
It’s ok fren I kept going
If she really didn’t care then she wouldn’t be posting about it
Well gosh I can't really reply to that can I?
Your opinion is now important to me. I guess I just pop off and commit suicide or something.
>We're not telling people to breed more, that's just the natural way of things. YOU'RE the ones telling people to breed less
Maybe it'll have more appeal after you're old enough to be on this website.
Kekkles savage
That's bullshit. She's probably been told by literally everyone she knows and plenty of strangers how to live her life and demanding she spit out useless shits like every other golem on the planet.
Where are the fucking trees, you jew?
Theyre still flying high by 30
One day they'll enter menopause and then they will ree hard
If you can't have children because your bits don't work, that I can understand. But survival of the fittest, is survival to reproduce. The fittest make their own opportunity. You are captain of your fate.
You guys have gotten pretty good.
Interesting how I almost forget that you know nothing about me and have no basis for forming an opinion.
>What in the fuck is wrong with phones.
Then the discussions not for you.
>"I don't want kids I'm happy I swear!"
Yes, those exist.
Do your fucking homework and stop shitposting on a school night faggot.
>implying I won't buy land and build a farm and teach my sons and daughters how to be independent
All right wingers with families should do this and network.
Keep the land and the houses in the family to pass down.
>He hasn't heard of Tom Brady
This 100%. Women always play the shit game with men, always looking to trade up. What they don’t see is the end of the coaster hanging over a cliff until it’s too late. Divorced wife who was hitting wall, thyroid bullshit, never cared for family. Life is goood.
Women have nothing but regrets If they are single, they want to be a part of a man’s grand story.
He’s right this is instinctual. They don’t know why they do this dumb shit, women are just animals that way and lack introspection that men utilize. They never do it maliciously so it’s really on men if this type of shit is tolerated and allowed to flourish.
I know younger women or women in relationships who think like this.
>not spreading memes to shape the world as you see fit
Your entire personality is just social cues and pseudo philosophy from adult swim
Look at this thread, you fucking propagandist baby brain. Literally every single post that isn't mine or about three other people's is "YOU HAVE TO BREED AND YOU'RE BAD IF YOU DON'T". That is the majority view not just here but outside as well. You're not a rebel. You're not cool. You're not a genius. You're just the mediocre white blond spawn of middle class entitled parents, which is why you're a little shit who thinks he's special. You're not and there are far too many of you.
the correct answer
criminally underrated
Convince me not to reproduce a third time. Form a reasonable argument and change my mind.