What happened?
What happened?
Theyre there. Put some fucking effort in clown. Honk honk.
Wow, you're stupid.
Seems the trust fund kid was only in it for himself. Who would of thunk it?
look at the stock market
Isn't unemployment at a record low?
What happened to the wall Trump promised?
What happened to the getting rid of Hispanics Trump promised?
What happened to the maintenance of a Western America that Trump promised.
I'm fucking livid.
>inb4 he didn't promise those.
>look at the stock market
Continued growth patterns for most of the first year and flat growth ever since?
The jobs were in Israel
So is workforce participation.
Employment and unemployment don't add up to 100%
>workforce participation
Isn't that voluntary though? I hate how obfuscated the data is. There's like 10 different metrics
getting a job where I live has never been easier, everyone is hiring. If you don't have a job it means that you don't want to work.
>Seems the all trust fund kids are only in it for themselves.
ftfy faggot
>Continued growth patterns for most of the first year and flat growth ever since?
so it hasnt dropped? are u afucking idiot 'flat growth' as if that is a negative thing
>Yes, there are more jobs than can be filled, but WHERE ARE THE JOBS, DRUMPF?!?!
The absolute state of liberal media, no wonder it's all falling apart on them.
They went into the fucking market and the jobless numbers are as low as just about ever.
Flat as in zero growth.
Are you proud?
"Good things are not so good (now that we redefined really), what happened to the good stuff while i moved the goalpost?"
How can humans with functioning brains write and, worse, read this doublethink garbage while genuinely believing it?
illegal niggers and spics took them
As in zero decline
I don't think he promised to tap you on the shoulder and hand it to you, loser.
so what ur saying is, the stock market grew significantly (which it did) and has been in a stable position since with growth
I cant say I am surprised a socialist like you knows nothing about basic economics
why do people act like the president has a big control panel with buttons and shit on it and all he has to do is slide the job slider up to make more jobs?
Nick Frost is a Muslim now?
Workforce participation is employed+unemployed out of everyone who is between 16 and 66. So 38% of people younger than 66 do not have jobs but are not unemployed.
We have the lowest unemployment rate since the 1960s. What the fuck are you even on about?
There is not enough bodies to fill them. Skilled labor has been replaced by useless degrees. Skilled tradesmen are making bank right now. It takes a sign on bonus, a tool allowance and vacation upfront to get even sub-par help.
t. guy hiring
wow, looks like record highs
you cant read graphs either
>mentally stable
>What happened
Normal people who aren't lying kike faggots are working at all those jobs.
>omg fluctuations!
come on retard
So that includes people not working on purpose.
I'll tell you.
op became a faggot everyone sage the thread
What you mean? I've got three of them.
>.-.. .- .-. .--. .. -. --.
Where I live there's also lots of jobs, but if you drive 30 miles out of town in any direction its a graveyard of closed businesses and drug addicts. Nation-wide statistics don't do a good job of capturing this shit.
aka me
>t. Midwest trash
Jesus Christ. I think leftists are nothing more than masochists. You knew you were going to get your shit pushed in, but you went ahead and did it.
He still needs more brown people from other countries to move here before he opens all these factories. It's just 790D miniature golf like (((Q))) predicted. Trust the plan and never get tired of winning.
See unemployment number seems like the wrong thing to care about when 41% of people are jobless
$15/hr -Thanks Bernie!
They are all here. In oil and gas. All refineries are undergoing massive expansions.
It does, it also includes people living in ghost towns like W. Virginia. A lot of trumps support is people who specifically thought he was going to bring THEIR town back to life, not just pump up the cities enough so they could move. They always could have moved.
>Why doesn't my two weeks at Starbucks and a couple of afternoons volunteering at the animal shelter qualify me as a Fortune 500 CEO?
>Fuck this, Trump rigged the system against me!
Same thing that happened to ALL his promises
Trump did the same. He claimed Obama’s unemployment numbers were fake and now he’s using the same numbers to boost his ratings.
There’s a labor shortage
No one wants to work for 12$ an hr and live off crap
>t. Average trump voter
I got a free $900 bonus at my work. They gathered everyone in the company and said it was the Trump bonus.
>a fucking mitten
There is, at the same time, a labor shortage AND a job shortage, because the people without jobs don't live in the places that need workers.
record low unemployment
Just like under Obama?
Michigan is the mitten
Yes, I know. And Michigan is full of fat frozen retards
>flat growth is bad
>we're at a 50 year low in unemployment
>we're at a point where wages are growing
>there are more available jobs than workers currently making it great market to find a job
You kikes will never admit you were wrong. Only the day of the rope can cure the cancer that is leftism.
No that's just Obama leafs sperg posts with no verifiable source
Trusting corportations to stand behind their campaign pr stunts even if they didnt get a shit load of government money.
41% seriously?
>So 38% of people younger than 66 do not have jobs but are not unemployed.
A small portion of that includes people who are still in high school and the retired, but it's still a disaster.
Unemployed: 3.5%
Not employed: 38%
No, you didn't. You called Wisconsin, "a fucking mitten."
Nice nigger tier IQ you have there.
>41% seriously?
Yep. If the economy was actually healthy, the labor force participation rate would be ticking upwards. It never recovered to its pre-recession height.
Housewives still exist you dumbasses. Literally every economic indicator is good right now. This is what a good economy looks like.
Fuck off nip, it's leg day, I'm allowed to confuse irrelevant states between sets.
If its housewives, shouldn't the number of people in relationships be up from 10 years ago, not down?
>t. Hillary Clinton
>Housewives still exist you dumbasses.
Where? A one-income household is virtually unaffordable in most areas of the country.
Well OP I'm not sure what you want exactly, we've got the first real wage growth in decades, unemployment is down, the stock market is up, at this point you should just go find the childless hags at the old folks home because you fit right in with the rest of the people who just want to bitch for the sheer love of bitching.
Lmao that old cunt passed out when it was 80F. This shit is a whole different animal
There is no contradiction. They are bogus numbers that make him look good. The term "unemployed" to a normal person does not exclude NEETs who aren't looking for a job. Unless you are in employment, education, training, or retired you should be consider unemployed.
NEET s don’t count as unemployed
The workless rate are much higher
So what youre saying is the real number is 41% of the US has no job while the costs of living are increasing
Given to those beloved immigrants
If you are the president, how do you create enough jobs for nearly half the country?
>using Jow Forums in public
>If you are the president, how do you create enough jobs for nearly half the country?
Go FDR or go home. That's the only thing that I can think of.
Yea and I'm like 1 of 3 white people in the gym, I don't give a fuck.
you must have missed out on them
People still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019? Wasn't the guy exposed for molesting one of his teen fans?
Yea and he did like 7 shootings.
Fucking retard
No, what he's saying is please ignore dividends like I did.
AOC happened
and keeps happening
and will keep happening until anyone that wants to work will have to work for free for their first ten years any entry-level job
>and will keep happening until anyone that wants to work will have to work for free for their first ten years any entry-level job
Most people supposedly have to work for 5 years now.
Unemployment is a measure of how hard it is for someone with a traditional skillset to find a job if they want to find any job. Basically if it's 5%, 5% of people might always be rejected for a job regardless of how qualified, that's pretty bad, but realistic if let's say a certain sector of the economy is dying out, or if there's a recession.
"Each pizza is $20, but costs $1 to make, netting a profit of $19, disregarding state and federal tax. If PizzaBarr sells 100 pizzas a night, they would make $1900. The owner decides that his business could easily produce 500 pizzas a night, but is only hitting 20% sales. To increase sales, to get his brand awareness out there and have people like and return to his PizzaBarr business, he distributes a coupon program to entice customers to buy a pizza at $10. If he sells 300 pizzas at $9 profit per pizza, he makes $2700. Assuming that the previous is correct, how much a bug eyed communist is AOC?
The money was required for Israel
>stock market soaring
>if all the kikes who own big businesses are doing well then surely you are too, goy!
who the fuck pays $20 for a pizza
they are about $8 a large here
I'm working at one