I'm drunk and sad.
Help me go full Natsoc please goys.
I'm drunk and sad
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You're already there lul
Being a drunk fuck doesn't seem very natsoc to me. being JQ woke doesn't make it better, it just sucks more.
WELL maybe you should go form a political party then
>being JQ woke doesn't make it better
At least you can look at retarded faggots to see how ridiculous it all is. That faggotry doesn't even deserve an argument. what do you mean by full natsoc
Idk dude I'm a fucking failure but I want to embody the values of NSDAP Germany,
Don’t go full natsoc; the Nazi’s tried and failed. Untermenschen, the lot of em.
Take the emotional tsunami you feel today and apply it to a productive tomorrow. Fuck only knows what your life is like, but take a step forward every day. Read a book. Go outside. Shoot a compliment at a girl you know won’t throw you anything back. Go work out, consistently, just get in the habit of improving yourself. Brush your teeth on occasion. Pick one vice you know you submit to and remove it from your life. Get a job, or a better job. Odds are you’re more attractive than you think, you’re at least as smart or smarter than you think you are, and you’re more powerful than you admit. You won’t be shit, Nigger, unless you go out and decide to be it. The world isn’t going to wait for you, the world isn’t going to cry for you - go out and seize the opportunities that are waiting for you - and don’t waste a second worrying about how people perceive you. The fattest fucker in the gym gets laughed at as a he crawls his way through a treadmill- yes, they laugh today, and yes, he feels like garbage - but soon he won’t be garbage, and soon, they will envy. You have the power, user, and only you can unleash it. Don’t waste any time worrying about muh Aryan gods who lost to a bunch of Slavic niggers; you’re not them, they're losers, they’re dead, and you’re alive. Go out and seize what you know is waiting for you.
Bliss is the passing of time; blissfully, time passes you.
Fuck that. Dont be a nigger to any paradigm. Believe what you will but keep it to yourself and try to act accordingly. Its all you can do in this day and age.
This video should help.
Thank you brother. I needed to hear that.
>I'm drunk and sad.
nice blogpost idiot
r9k are fags fuck you.
juden peterstein you know you dont get paid to post on pol right
This made me laugh
Fuck off with your discord
I’ll just add this.
I used to soak up motaviational horeshit, like Jordan Peterson’s YouTube bits, feel good about myself in the moment, and go nowhere.
They key, user, is to simply get in the habit of self improvement. I used to work out sporadically until I decided that I was going to commit to it. Occasionally I’ll have an off day, but in the long run, I committed to it. Once I tethered my life to something consistent, something that was progress, something I could measure myself yesterday against, the rest fell into line. I’m not gonna bore you with my fag ass backstory, but I submit the argument that in your life you have multiple angles you want to pursue, but actively face none. Face one head on, tether yourself to the feeling of daily progress you make from it, and you’ll naturally start to add additional tasks of improvement.
Take it from me, t. user Faggot who’s been there and done it.
Thanks user, I'm gonna do the fitness shit first.
I appreciate you actually giving your insight with how fucked this board can be.
I am going through the same thing bro!
Started lifting and eating healthy two weeks ago and am feeling alot better.
Try taking kratom to replace the alcohol it helps alot.
Start setting small goals for yourself as well as an endgame goal. give yourself something to live for even though the world around you is burning.
Go to church. yeah Christianity is cucked but there are a decent amount of good people to form connections with, including good women.
good luck brother.
I'm lonely and horny
Help me guys
>in your life you have multiple angles you want to pursue, but actively face none. Face one head on, tether yourself to the feeling of daily progress you make from it, and you’ll naturally start to add additional tasks of improvement.
I really needed this. Thank you, user.
Look I’m just as fucked as the rest of the board, but I know all too well the feeling of “I’m fucking going nowhere, I’m a fraction the man I could be, this is all a futile waste of time, let’s get fucked and pass it all in numbness”. I know the feeling, and I’ve learned how to overcome it. In reality, no matter how persuasive or influential anyone on man can be, only you can make the decision for yourself to act. It’s hard to capture in words, but I have a feeling you know what I mean by that, or you will.
Once you start taking the steps, once you begin to markedly improve yourself, once you overcome the forces that pull you and persuade you to take up your easier, comfier, worthlessway of life, you’ll look back and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Remember that, because you will find it to be true.
I believe in you user. Don’t be a bitch ass faggot your whole life - be the envy of them.
This is why I love you goys
kratom is an opiod.
Go to an orthodox church next Sunday. Don't ask me why. Just go. Do it.
Jil Jorseph Jew
You subject unto Reincarnation, Do you want your next life to be as a SHIT SKIN or WHITE?
very intrigued by your post.. i would like to awaken, where do i start? i have the will for it, is there a starting point or a guide you can direct me to?
finger yorseph
very funny post man, i really laughed
fug u leav fgt
there are many, very many subjects to study see all listed,
for a psychedelic dxm (only active ingredient 300-1200 mg) cold water extractions MIXED in white grape fruit juice (natural MAiO) is a legal safe option, as a Dissociative
based /deceleration/ boomer
user. Get a job and always show up. Waifu a chan and bang out as many as you can
is there a guide or a website/video with the instructions needed?
Gay advice sorry bro,
I'm 26,
as far as I have seen there is only ever lucking into finding somewhat useful or true(ish) data
Which I'm trying to somewhat condense here
I made this for you
Listen to Doomer ~Please Shuffle~ by PRHSLN on #SoundCloud
Not gonna lie, all these shitty motivational posts aren't worth anything to me. I work out consistently, have a good job, own a house and nice car, at 26 years old.
I am not married which may be fulfilling but I do not know if I will be able to get past the degeneracy of the world. Though I have my nice things, and can build a bubble to live in for the rest of my life, I can't just bury my head.
I am close to either a breakthrough or a breakdown. My personal relationships don't help because I can't talk about the insane shit going on in my head because I know they will drug me because of some "illness". I walk the streets looking for negative energy so I can have something to destroy. I am extremely compassionate and empathetic but at the same time cold, ruthless, and unforgiving.
Can't make friends, nobody holds my interest with their autistic infatuation with material things. Have no trouble with girls or getting laid, they either bore me or leave me because I appear to be unstable.
How fucking doomed am I?
you're not doomed
you're perfect for a national socialist society
trust me, almost everyone here feels the same way you do. just gotta wait it out a little more and not be rash. wait for it, its coming
A highly addictive one - AVOID. Honestly people are better off with alcohol than this monkey shit.
Even Nazi top-brass used to get arseholed on beer & wine at their parties, nothing wrong, just don't do it too often.