Iran just said "FUCK THE NUCLEAR DEAL"

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Trump isn't that dumb to Start a war with Russia's oil supply called Iran.

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>implying the zionists won’t force him too

You don’t know anything Wayne.

I mean they agreed to it on the terms of the removal of certain sanctions. Trump choose to give everyone who agreed with the deal the middle finger and and dick slapped Iran on top of it. So Iran is taking off their pants to try and get us back.

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Iranians who can read this... probably a good time to take that vacation to anywhere but Iran in the next few weeks.. thank me later.

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They've always said that even when Obama "gave" it to them.

Basically buy more Iranian oil

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God, I want Iran to get nukes. Will be the best thing that ever happened in the history of humans on this planet.

I hope Iran nukes Jerusalem and it all will be over. No more stupid temples, no Mochiach no Second Coming no nothing. Jews started all of this shit just to build the third temple and elect a Mochiach. Evangelicucks a second biggest Israel financers after the AIPAC. They think they contribute to revelation prophecy. Mudslimes have some shitty mosque there. Just end it all.

>angry sand monkey nation gets nukes and gets angry at other Islamic nation nuking then over a disagreement

Fucking lol, it would be great.

No, Israel getting nuked would be the best.

Do Iranians use 4pol?
They're probably off somewhere else, circle jerking

also, weren't the Kurds our homies in the Afghan Wars?
excuse my ignorance.

That's what he said retard

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>Russia's oil supply
Russia exports oil

Russia is an exporter of oil you absolute fucking moron. Just kill yourself already ya fat loser. Ya idiot dweeb.


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Exactly LOL

Iranian here. Kiss my ass you fucking Zionist. We will piss on your kike masters ashes


>higher enrichment
Absolute fucking madness.

>Trump isn't that dumb to Start a war with Russia's oil supply called Iran.

The Russians stand to make billions more because of the sudden cut in the world oil supply that this war would cause.

>Iran nukes Israel
>world peace is achieved

Love u bb

>higher enrichment
can't we just send them a bunch of niggers and call it a deal?

trump's an illiterate dotard. just watch him.

>Do Iranians use 4pol
Yea. They even had a few trips.



No. If you gave nukes to Iran they would probably use it on the West.

Mossad is ready. Dont worry goyim

Stop being such a fucking good goy

What's the difference at this point?

Pipebomb was just a proxy using attention whore

Good for them. Dealing with the west is a waste of time, it's way too kiked.

Hurry up and end clown world already fucking kike.

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how it that possible. We were told that they decomissioned all their uranium enrichment facilities, building them from ground up and getting the required tech and equipment would take months, if not years.
And no one can sell them those things, because the embargo is an UN one.

I support this.

>attention whore
You don't say?

They don't want to end clown world. They want it to last forever.

Can we see the space weapons now please?
Nukes are boring. Give me Rods from God.

You're a fag retard bud

I think Kim Jong Un should keep going too

>t. faggot who'd never heard the word dottard before 2017

>only did the deal cause of fear of the USA
why wouldn't they not do the deal when the biggest threat left, and is threatening them. You think Iran fears France?

Who the fuck cares what some sandniggers say?

Kurds will be used as a proxy force in Iran, just like they were used in northern Iraq against Saddam. The United States, Israel and certain Gulf nations will wage an air campaign against Tehran until they are weak enough to be invaded. Iran will also likely be crippled by a major cyber attack prior to any military action.

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nice deflection, shill

iran has two options play the part of the deal and get fucked like iraq by rogue USA, or say fuck it to the deal because they know ((USA)) will pull the same shit on them like iraq and Saddam. the difference is trump is president in charge, and the other was orchestrated by dick chain and retard puppet bush.

USA can't fuck Iran
They can bomb them and nothing more.

Don't you?

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You have no idea, is more likely to cut a deal with russian and blast iran than you being right lambright.

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Yeah they’re off somewhere attempting to change their shitty currency to bitcoins. Iranians wake up after payday to see that their nation’s shitty currency has lost a good amount of value.

Only a dead muslim is a good muslim and every white man knows this.

t. oven dodger

Based. America wont do shit, it's all only a show to move the ships around so the taxpayers feel better about their wasted money. Also fuck the Jews.

How about stop enriching uranium or we'll send you some of our's?

Then we wills end you some of ours.

Your on your own fucko.


same tech used for enriching uranium is the same that you use to make normal uranium fuel for electricity.

l2p boon

Absolute boomer

The US can't touch Iran. All this noise and bluster coming from them is proof of.

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Iranians were the first Aryans

A fucking leaf
At this point, we should just glass the Middle East. Whole place is far more trouble than its worth, and the rest of the world would thank us.

we have another nuclear deal for them

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the Cuckening of Thor, by St. Boniface

>Around the year 723, Boniface was traveling with a small party in the region of Lower Hesse. He knew of a community of heathens near Geismar who, in the middle of winter, would make a human sacrifice (a child, typically) to the thunder-god Thor (yes, THAT Thor) at the base of their sacred oak tree, the “Thunder Oak”. Boniface, in part from advice from a brother bishop, wished to destroy the Thunder Oak to not only save the life of the human sacrifice, but also to show the heathens that he would not be struck down by lightning at the hands of Thor.
>As the story goes, Boniface and his companions, reaching the village on Christmas Eve, arrived at the place of the sacrifice in time enough to interrupt it. With his bishops’ staff (crozier) in hand, Boniface approached the pagan crowd, who had surrounded the base of the Thunder Oak, saying to his group, “Here is the Thunder Oak, and here the cross of Christ shall break the hammer of the false god, Thor.”
With a small child laid out for the sacrifice, the executioner raised his hammer high. But on the downswing, Boniface extended his crozier to block the blow, miraculously breaking the great stone hammer and saving the child’s life.
>Boniface picked up an axe nearby and, as legend has it, took one mighty swing at the oak when a great gust of wind arose through the forest and felled the tree, roots and all. It lie on the forest floor, broken in four pieces. Though afterwards Boniface had a chapel built from the wood, our story takes us to what stood immediately beyond the ruins of the mighty tree.
>And so, the Germans began a new tradition that night, one that stretches to the present day. By bringing a fir into their homes, decorating it with candles and ornaments, and celebrating the birth of a Savior, the Apostle of Germany and his flock gave us what we now know as the Christmas tree
*tips fedora*

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sloppy job

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Nuclear deal only limits Irans enrichment program, not destroy it.
2/3 of the centrifuges had to be put in storage while the other 1/3 are still operational.
Even if they did not secretly breach the agreement so far they are estimated to have a "breakout time" of 12 months, i.e. need at most 12 months from withdrawing from the agreement to have a completed bomb.

kike worshippers wont do shit

I got their nuclear deal right here lmao

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this would improve my life by 0%. Probably make it worse even. So lets not do it.

kikes and kike worshippers being too obvious

You mean like they "didn't do shit" to pretty much every country neighbouring Iran? Oh wait no, they;re a collection of smoking craters...

I would prefer that the west just got the fuck out of the middle east, but come on now...

national socialism lasted as a governing body for 13 years and during that time not only succeeded in causing a large white genocide but got the Japs nuked twice resulting in the rise of china. The same people that concocted national socialism also invented regular socialism, and communism, and are presently on "global socialism" or more commonly known as "european socialism." Stereotypes aside you'd have to be pretty fucking retarded to follow any form of socialism.

This is why it was a useless deal anyway. Hopefully we get some comfy strikes on their ports and in Hormuz.

Who let all these fucking turks in?

take your meds schizo

if they don't the us will invade them.

>Russia's oil supply called Iran
We are worlds biggest oil exporter in the world

Implying they already don't have a few nukes

Persians have been through a lot. I think it a mistake for Trump to think he can make cower. Iran would actually put a fight up unlike Afghanistan / Iraq. Don’t do it, trump!

rich comming from a juden nigger

enough to light up israel 3 time over hopefully

Dont care about these retarded nazi posters. Israel will stand forever and the west will support you.

Iraq was the strongest in the region before Iraq wars 1 and 2 happened to them. Iran are a third rate power and only even on the radar because of Israel.

Iraq only dragged on so long because of insurgency and the war on terror. The actual tanks and soldiers war was over in no time. If your goal is simply to fuck up their industry so they can't make bombs, America can achieve that inside a week.


Good for them. The US reneged on the deal already.

tick tock oven roast

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Iran getting nukes would be interesting, maybe then we’ll get off this ride.

None that they have tested anyway.

same as fire / fury in nk right? end it boomer

They would be stupid to not have them
Ehh they are more than capable to make a functioning one

Can't wait for Jow Forums to call me a kike shill for suggesting that this war only benefits Israel

stupid bong, if they could they already would with the hatred they have for israel, truth is they cant, iran has nukes

They have not tested any. Even North Korea has and their tech is from the 60s.