Can someone red pill me on Molech and the Jews? As in, why do people say that Jews worship Molech?

Can someone red pill me on Molech and the Jews? As in, why do people say that Jews worship Molech?

Molech was the Canaanite god of child sacrifice. Canaanites were Semitic, yes, but they were enemies of the tribe of Abraham, the proto-Jews, and the Old Testament/Torah says that Molech worship was punishable by death. Jewish texts actual speak negatively about Molech worship and child sacrifice, so where does the meme come from? Is it just because Canaanites were Semitic?

Canaanites did presumably become Jews after they were conquered by Abraham’s tribe. Is the theory that the Canaanites never really converted to Abraham’s monotheism and still worship Molech?

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Other urls found in this thread:,8599,2053761,00.html

Late term abortions are sacrifices to moloch

I get the meme, but the Torrah, specifically condemns sacrifices to Molech.

So who is actually worshipping Molech?

The Jews ARE the Canaanites. They are a faction that continued worshiping the god El after people started worshiping his son Baal instead. There are many references to it in the Old Testament, such as the council of the gods in Caanan being called Elohim, as used in the creation story of Genesis. It's also why Moses got so pissed that they Israelites made a golden calf (Baal was reborn out of a cow). Asherah was El's wife and the Israelites tried hard to eradicate her worship from among themselves in favor of El.

In the Talmud Jews acknowledge the existence of all of these other gods and goddesses but that El (Yahweh) is prime among them. So it would be no big deal to sacrifice to Molech as long as you had no other gods before El. King David and King Solomon famously worshiped all of these gods and had shrines to them.

hashem melech, hashem moloch
that's one of their prayers
pharisees (canaanites) after getting converted, started to slip Babylonian pagan magic in it.
Jesus called them out and got cruficied for it
the Talmud is the Pharisee pagan-influenced rites in oral form
part of the kikery.

The Torah and Talmud are both different things, made up by different authors
check the free Yale UN video lecture on it, it's about 60-parts long
she spills the beans on Talmud kikery by mistake, the poor jewess

All the Jews promoting late term abortions... How is this not obvious?

Judaism was infiltrated and corrupted long ago

Moloch is baal/saturn/satan
Saturn's wife is rhea who is also ops/kybele
A lot of nwo worship goes to the black Madonna, who is not Christian but rhea in disguise
Black kybele = black cube
Black ops, ever played black ops? "the numbers, Mason, what do they mean)
Jews have black prayer cubes, Muslims worship towards the kaaba (meaning" cube") which is black
Saturn even has a hexagon on its north pole

A lot of (((their))) organisation's are named after the black cube

If you are looking for a true way to grow spiritually, I suggest falun dafa
The books are free on
Like this one

Here is an interview of master li hongzhi with time
I think you might find the last parts very interesting,8599,2053761,00.html

you started based but fucked up at the end
Christianity is the only way to fuck mossad back to it's hell pit

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Jews are a mix of Egyptians escaping persecution and local tribes in the area of Palestine in which they settled. Judaism was infected by Babylonian Occultism long after their encounter with the Canaannites.

Osiris, Baal, Moloch, Isis are icons of the hidden religion and some aspects only appear in Judaism after they return from exile in Babylon.

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>Torrah, specifically condemns sacrifices to Molech
Jews that go to synagogue don't believe a word of the Torah. They go to hear a sermon from the Babylonian talmud, which is not a religious book, but a Jewish Supremacy book with racial doctrine and subversion methods.

Jesus was an enlightened being
A lot of things he said don't fit mainstream christianity
He says his followers (the ones that believe him, not in him) can do the same things he can, because his way leads to enlightenment (I go unto the father)

John 14:12
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

And this passage refers directly to enlightenment
1 corinthians 6:17
"But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit."

I think you might benefit greatly from reading the bhagavad gita and the christian apokrypha (the things (((they))) excluded and didn't manipulate at things like the council of nicaea)
and then read the new testament again

Hindus are technically speaking monotheistic

Btw., Falun dafa is persecuted in china like Christians were persecuted in rome

Falun dafa also fits this prophecy of nostradamus

In the year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror,
In order to bring back to life the great king of Angolmois,
Before and after Mars reigns in the name of bringing people happiness.

The persecution began in July 1999
Angolmois means mongol, or in this case, chinese
Mars refers to marx, communists think it brings happiness, but in truth it brings suffering

Literally translates to "Hashem (God) is king, Hashem reigns". Retard.

Torah is given by God, Talmud is for the most part a collection of old rabbinic interpretations of the Torah, not considered strict law by most means and not universally accepted as 100% doctrine - just some people's opinions

You've never been to a synagogue, have you?

It's irrelevant.

Try harder schlomo

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Hashem means "blessed be the name"

To avoid defeat and stop Destiny, the Jews plagiarized the cosmic crucifixion of the Sun God, the Black Sun and Cold Birth, with their Christianity, with the crucifixion of a Christ they call ‘Jesus’, the name given by the Gnostics to the pituitary gland in the skull where there was situated the knowledge of our divine past, with the UR Rune. This material crucifixion is, in truth, the representation of satanic ritual murder in which the Jews bleed an Aryan victim on a tree or log offered to their God of vengeance, Jehovah.

Christianity was merely the bait with which Judaism hunted unsuspecting Aryans, neutralizing, castrating, killing them in their essence, cutting them off forever from the true Kristic revelation of Wotan and Mithras…The apparent opposition between Christianity and Judaism was a clever Demiurgic trap, similar to what we have today with the simulated opposition between Marxism and Capitalism, only the Christian trap has been active for almost two thousand years.

Which means God. Either way, completely irrelevant to the retarded and bizarre idea that Jews worship ancient pagan gods

>Egyptians escaping persecution
A thing to keep in mind is the Carthaginian diaspora that happened just before the degenerate Pharisees emerge. Rome destroyed Carthage and salted the lands so a huge group of Canaanites appeared out of nowhere, none of them could identify with Carthage so there's no documented relationship. Rome considered Carthage the epicenter of degeneracy and child sacrifice, they were kikes.

>Can someone red pill me on Molech and the Jews? As in, why do people say that Jews worship Molech?
>Jewish texts actual speak negatively about Molech worship and child sacrifice, so where does the meme come from? Is it just because Canaanites were Semitic?
Which Jewish texts? You mean the last 2/3rds of the old Testament? The ones where the prophets kept coming in and telling the Jews "stop that shit or God is going to wipe out Israel"?

The books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are also known as the Books of Moses, and as the Torah, and supposedly the FOUNDATION of their religion.

Ask a Jew about these things, be agreeable, get him talking, none of them literally believe the stories of Adam, Abraham, Lot, Noah, Moses actually happened. None.

They disbelieve the foundation of their religion.
...and what's worse is
>A 2011 study found that HALF of all American Jews have doubts about the existence of God, compared to 10–15% of other American religious groups

50+% of every Jewish congregation is openly atheist. The other half (including the rabbi) don't think Moses and Adam are real.

They go to read molloch stories in the Talmud.

Because it's not really the Jews. So-called Jews are not real Jews. It's always been the Carthaginians.

To clarify: usually either Adonai or Hashem is used ("my master" and "the name") because Jews like to avoid directly saying God. That's why you see orthodox people saying "G-d" when speaking about it in English.

The psuedo-bible studies on Jow Forums are pretty funny reads, even if the memes makes literally no sense. Nice material for a good book, though.

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I'm a Jew, and it's clear you don't know what you're talking about. We draw wisdom from the Talmud, but generally condemn the shitty stuff in there depending on your level of observance.

I'm largely agnostic - I just do it because the tradition is important to my people. Plus it's fun to engage in the nonsense.

Unless you're ultra orthodox, though, Torah will always supercede Talmud. If you're conservative, Talmud matters even less, if you're reform, Talmud is irrelevant.

Canaanites were one religion of many that shared striking similarities, like Phoenicians, Minoans, and Egyptians. All practiced sacrifice for their Bull deities.

This evolves into Saturn, or Cronus, El, Yahweh.

Similarly, you see the rise of Jupiter, Zeus, Ba'al Hadad, Teshub and Amun.

It's all poorly understood, but I think we must study this further to understand how we ended up at the conclusion we are at.
>Saturn even has a hexagon on its north pole
I think people spend a lot of time chasing strange alleys that waste their time.

Ancient people knew certainly more than a lot of us can give credit for, but they sure as shit didn't know about its pole.

The significance of the square, and hexagon are a lot more geometric. There's a lot more mythology reflected in both the bible and in the theory of number expressed by Neoplatonists, Pythagoreans, that run parallel with all of this than I could care to get into right now.

Just want to clarify - it's late and I'm tired. The Torah ALWAYS supercedes the Talmud as far as importance is concerned at any level of observance. Torah is God given. Talmud is a collection of rabbinic sages' interpretations.

No, christ really was an enlightened being
The persecution started very early and the wonders he did were real

Only after they manipulated the original teachings became christianity accepted in the Roman empire

That's like saying "tetragrammaton" means god
It means four letters and is used a a substitute for "god"

The nwo actively worships moloch
Hashem moloch means "blessed be moloch"
"god rules" could be expressed in a lot less ambiguous way

>I'm atheist and am active in my synagogue
Thanks for the affirmation.

It's a different language, dumbo. Transliterated Hebrew is different from English.

It means "God is king, God reigns". That's what you'd say if you didn't mind using God's name in English to express the same idea. It has nothing to do with ancient pagan gods. The "ambiguity" is due to the Jewish practice to respect the name of God. Hence the "Hashem" and "Adonai". The words in question absolutely mean "is king" and "reigns", though.

>The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]
>Onkelos the son of Klonimus..desired to convert himself (to Judaism)..he brought Yeshu (forth by means of/in) Séance..(Onkelos queried to Yeshu) whom is of importance in that world? He (Yeshu) answered him; Yisroel (the children of Israel). (Onkelos furthur queried) what/how (do you advise) to cleave to them? He (Yeshu) answered; "their benefit (lit. goodness) seek, their harm (lit. evil) do not seek (as) all/whomever touches them (with intent to harm) is as if (he) is touching the pupil of his (god's) eye". He (Onkelos) said to him (to Yeshu); the judgement of that man[7] is how/what? he (Yeshu) said to him (to Onkelos) "in excrement (that is) boiling". (the Talmud goes on to praise the fact that Yeshu -as a Jew- spoke favorably about his Jewish bretheren, as opposed to Onkelos's preceding dialogue with Titus and Bilaam who both advised Onkelos to provoke the Jews); "come and see (the stark) difference between (even those) sinners of Israel and the prophets of those nations who worship idols" (i.e. even a "sinner of Israel" is of superior spiritual quality than the prophet of idolatry)

—Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 57a

Talmud-kosher-kikery will not pass unnoticed
shill harder at your Babylonian child-sacrificing rituals you kosher motherfucker

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You don't believe in God yet think to know what the symbolism means?

Moloch worship of the nwo is a fact
Now here are some (probably manipulated) jews singing "hashem moloch"
and you doubt the meaning

If you are telling the truth about your atheism:
Do you want proof of supernatural things like chi and chakras?


Yeah, most Jews in general in the world I think are secular. If not most, I'd say probably half.

Why does that matter? It's mostly about tradition to a lot of people, myself included.

>It has nothing to do with ancient pagan gods
Your Talmud was written in Babylon about 600AD where pagan God's reigned. All of the actual Jews (those who loved God and patiently awaited the savior) in Jerusalem saw the fulfillment of prophecy of the Messiah in Christ Jesus and became Christians.

I know all about your kikey ways, you fucks should not have allowed that jewess from Yale to post those videos
I watched most of that shit pedo jew, you ain't fooling no one
Talmud is pure kosher-kikery-babylonia evil pagan rituals
do you want me to quote the passages that says rabbis can fuck 3 year old cause their hymens will grow back?
pedo-kike scum

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According to Gnostic sources, Yaweh was conceived by Typhon right before he was defeated by Zeus.
Yaweh than created his chosen people in order to execute his father´s plans.

Take it as you want.

1. Not sure the relevance of that passage in this conversation
2. Yeshu is probably not Jesus

In the Talmud, one of the so called learned rabbis waxes at length trying to rationalize sacrificing one's kids to Moloch. Yep, the jews in their sick talmud go completely against the Torah and try to say roasting your kids for a satanic idol is fine.

for (You)

I don't think a person who is of Jewish or Christian religion can be objective enough to interpret the meaning of a triangle, honestly.

A Christian would tell you that the Pentagram is a magical symbol that reflects God over the material world, or whatever, without knowing how it had first been adopted or what its original meanings were. I digress, but, we could get into that discussion if you like.

to prove you all are pedo-blood libel-loving scum
degenerate fucks that sacrificed children and killed the Messiah

Yes, please give me natural proof of the supernatural. I'd very much enjoy that. You clearly just don't understand that those words just mean "is king" and "reigns", and I'm not sure how else to put it. It's praising the only God, Adonai/Yahweh. Not Molech. Makes sense that Molech would be the name of a god though, considering its variations have meanings like "king".

Oh. You're a kike.

Yeshuah is Hebrew for iesos
Iesos is Greek for jesus
That's like saying John doesn't come from yohanan

You might want to read the new testament
It's not an instruction to hunt jews

That was my entire point here that Jews, even the ones that go to synagogue, do not believe in God or believe the Torah (the foundation of their religion). You subsequently agreed with me by admitting you're an atheist that goes to synagogue and that most Jews are just like you and are atheist. I didn't really need your affirmation, but still appreciate your concession.

Your religion died 2,000 years ago when Christ was crucified, resurrected, and ascended. What you have now (what you actively participate in) is an atheist death cult that meets for cultural subversion and reads/studies from a secular jewish supremacist manual called the Talmud.

You disagreed for some reason

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Who are you, really? For Alfred Rosenberg you are the organic lie. And Nicolás Palacios, author of Raza Chilena, years before at the beginning of the 20th Century, also asserted that: "the Jew can never tell the truth," recommending that before reading a book we should learn its author and, "if it's a Jew, do not read it, because it is false."

Stop deluding yourself.

If the Torah is against it, it means a significant number of Jews were engaging in it. Like the meaning behind the Golden Calf, or why god is described as pissed at Israel every two seconds.

Jews worship Yahweh, retard. Christians and Jews worship the same main deity, the biggest difference is Christ being the Messiah.

You realize most Jews in the US are either non religious or reform, and they don't hold any sort of divine significance to the Talmud, right? Even conservative Jews don't take it as absolute doctrine.

Even if so, it was thousands of years ago. Get over it?

Yeah, I said that already

>Gets mad when people call christcuks retards

Yeshu means Jesus, yes. Jesus wasn't the only person ever named Jesus though, even in the Talmud. There are people mentioned by the name Yeshu in passages that were written hundreds of years before *the* Jesus was born.

I've only ever been to reform synagogues and have literally never even seen or read a word of Talmud while at any sort of service. Rabbis talk about it, that's about it. It's largely irrelevant to the practice for reform Jews.

Depsite the Torah telling you
Leviticus 18:21
"And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD."

Baal means king
That does not mean he rules a country
Satan is of named the lord of this world
I don't know if that comes from enki

This posture puts energy into your third eye chakra
You'll probably feel a sort of" pressure" on your forehead
Do as instructed, facing east and all

Sit with your legs crossed, facing east, spine comfortably erect (straight but relaxed)
Put your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards
No space between the individual fingers or between your thumbs and hands
Hold the fingers in a ~45° angle, like you're holding a bowl in each hand (palms still facing upwards, fingers diagonally upwards, away from you)
tilt your head slightly backwards, close your eyes and relax

If you want to know more about spirituality and similar things, I suggest you read these books in this order

1. autobiography of a yogi
2. Falun gong
3. Zhuan falun

we're not talking about the low-ranked jews here, but the higher-tier ones, you kike fuck
of course must people don't engage in blood libels nowdays, they made it elite shit only.
you can't argue against the fact the Talmud has explicit references to pedophilia and sacrifices, even though the Torah specifically says not to do so.
Torah is for the plebs, the Talmud are for the elite
now JIDF, are you done shilling in the name of Zion?

The Jews follow the Talmud; not the Torah (with orthodox Jews being the exception).

Love shit like this

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Back to/x/ schizo

Okay? So some dude said everything every Jew says is a lie, so you take that as truth?

What if I said "Jesus was the Messiah"?

by god.. imagine being so naive.

Real jews worship ahayah, you should probably know that if you are not lying

I'm a millionaire - also pretty actively practice. What "elite" are you referring to?

I'm not mad

Then we know you're lying. The talmud calls Jesus by several different names, and blasphemes Him a lot. It also tells horrible lies not only about Him but His blessed mother as well. And while I'm not accusing all of you pieces of shit of worshipping Moloch, the Talmud does contain arguments for "when it is permissible" to pass your children through the fire for Moloch.

How about you explain why the fucking talmud says its okay to fuck a 3 year old toddler because "their flower will grow back" you fucking kike.

And then how about you put yourself into a fucking oven and fuck off our site. Pro jew shilling doesnt fucking work here and Zion will be destroyed motherfucker.

Moloch and Yahweh are equivalents.
See, Though the parallels and relations become muddy and objective study becomes difficult as a result of people who take old testament a bit too literally.
Ba'al was most commonly used to refer to Ba'al Hadad specifically. It would have been safe to assume that is who someone would have thought you were referencing by just saying Ba'al.

Your Falun Gong cult shilling is weird.

>Christians and Jews worship the same main deity
>Most Jews are atheist like me
Please at least go 2 replies in-between contradicting yourself.

Your religion is a dead religion. A Jew in the old testament and new testament is one who loves and fears God the Father with faith and who patiently awaits the fulfillment of prophecy with the coming of the Messiah. You are not a Jew by the Biblical/religious definition. You have no temple, no sacrifice, no fasting.

You're an atheist which by definition hates God, and modern Jews by definition reject God the Father because they do not have God the Son - nor a temple, nor a Messiah on the way.

Whites are the israelites.
Beware those who say they are Jews but they're not.
They have taken the name and ran with it, and became imposters.
Guess why we crusaded against the mudshits.
It's not because they were so brutal towards Christians.


The fact there is doubt one way or the other means that he is, but it's not polite to admit it. It's dangerous to admit to goyim.

>not believing in unicorns means you hate unicorns

Ok? So your evidence that Jews worship Molech is that the Jewish religious text says not to fuck with Molech? Leviticus is pretty clear about it - and it's in the Bible too, in case you forgot.

As for the rest of the post, valiant effort but... Did you take your meds this morning?

I'm literally a Jew you retard

This is actually not true. Yahweh clearly hates Moloch.

>Canaanites were Semitic, yes, but they were enemies of the tribe of Abraham, the proto-Jews, and the Old Testament/Torah

Talmudic jews don't follow the Torah

It's YWHW, ancient Hebrew didn't use vowels so a lot has to be inferred. Another reason Jews say Adonai most often

being a millionaire doesn't means you're rich you kike fuck, that's plebs money
again, you're a low-tier jew/atheist that follows the Torah simply for LARPing reasons
if you studied the Talmud more you would be ashamed of wearing those kikey caps, pedo scum
again, are you done shilling in the name of Moloch?

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That posture is not part of Falun gong, it is a kriya technique

Moloch is earthly power. If your child dies in a war for earthly power he was sacrificed to Moloch. If you want to identify him with someone recognizable it would be Satan.


Satan, saturn, Shaitan

You probably don't even realize that a Jew on the internet convinced you to forsake God and you are now copying his blasphemy. This is very much like the way malignant cancer spreads in the body.

Do your parents know you're a kike (denier of Christ)?

Sure, a lot of ancient text is fucked up and outdated. If you think modern day Jews at any level of observance think it's ever okay to sacrifice a human in any situation let alone to a false idol, you're a retard.

The shit was written thousands of years ago by fallible men. Not all of it is taken as true, doctrine, or halakah.

>Whites are the israelites.
Do you think that Europe is the descendants of Syro-Phoenicians who were conquered by Assyrians and ejected to colonize all of Europe and make wood shoes?

Moloch and Yahweh are definitely not the same entity. After a cursory googling, the only sources of this connection seem to be conspiracy websites and YouTube videos. Good work!

Yahweh also cucks El by taking Asherah.
But previous this happening Asherah was consort of El.
Judeans are a jealous people though, and got tired of people continuing to worship Asherah so much, so they took her out of the picture.
It's basically just regional politics of Judeans in enforcing their language.

Sort of like if Romans tried to force Greeks to start calling Zeus Jupiter.

Ah, now I know you are shilling
Just specify
When the Torah says moloch it means the kanaaite god
Yet you say when modern jews use it, it has different meaning?
Using moloch to mean "god" then would be profaning the name of god, something that is forbdej by the toarah

Either these jews are profaning god or they are praising moloch
Choose one
Either way, what they are worshipping is not god

It's ahyh
I am

I'm saying historically and religiously, Jews worship the same deity as Christians. Denying this is actually retarded.

Also, yeah... That's not what atheist means - and I'm not an atheist. I'm agnostic. I have no way to concretely know, but if there is a God, I love him for letting me thrive in this sweet ass universe that he made.

You must not have googled very well.
How does somebody fail that hard?
You have to be over 18 to post here, kiddo.
Read bottom right of pic related and stop posting.

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The jews rejected Christ as Messiah 2000 years ago and have been in rebellion and godless since.

They wanted another King David as the messiah to defeat Rome and take back the promised land and they got a hippie who wanted everyone to love each other.

>You are not worshipping a kike
>You kike
Gotta love them logic skills

Not really, it's largely debated among rabbinic scholars afaik

*just to specify