I wanna free Venezuela from dictatorship so much.
I wanna free Venezuela from dictatorship so much
Other urls found in this thread:
I want Venezuelans to stay in Venezuela so much
I want to see Venezuela refugee porn
>muh dik ljhgalshsdahkhk
Fuck you Jew, they need to re-open Jasenovac and toss you and the Amerigolems who support any Jewish wars.
Ugly gypsies, like your people are.
They aren't living in a dictatorship.
t. meme flaggot incel
Just like you britbongs aren't?
Yeah ... Amerifats should flatten the place with freedom bombs
The world Wil never be a white Disneyland..... Learn to live with others or kys.... Incel bastard.
Why isn't Gaydo in jail?
Fuck em, they had a golden opportunity twice now and didn't rise up. If they want to stay in a commie hell let them.
gib spic gf
Unlikely to happen. If Maduro is overthrown, and the new government declares the former an authoritative dictatorship, then there is a good chance to nullify any debt owed by the former government. Meaning that western creditors have 160 billion reasons not to keep Maduro in place.
go to columbia
lots of venezulanas
problem solved
*reasons to keep in place.
goli otok would be a far more gruesome of a fate
Rise up with what? Their government took away all their guns just a few years ago. Besides, their soldiers are beginning to abandon the country now too. So, it's really just a matter of seeing the siege through until the army itself expels MADuro or simply gives up and stops shooting civilians. It'll happen soon without any need for military intervention.
i remember getting a lot of messages from top tier Venezuelan girls on okcupid and pof way back in like early 2017 or so. they seemed pretty desperate to leave the country and were insinuating that they would be willing to fug me a handful of times in exchange for me marrying them so they could get citizenship. wish I took them up on it.
Seriously. Then they'll emigrate to the US for yet another refugee crisis.
>The world Wil never be a white Disneyland
learn to spell nigger, and dont worry, we'll fucking kill you
Most of Venezuelas debt is owed to Russians, Chinese, and Iranians...
WHich is why the west is so eager to put a new government in that will refuse to recognize that debt..
>screws over China, Russia, and most importantly, Iran
Ask yourself who wants Iran hurt the most and is greatest ally to the US?
So the solution? Remove Maduro, and have the new government honor those debts.
Handrubbers are now in crisis because of the new shoah...
problem solved
any feet pics of this goblina?
>be auth left socialist state
>starve your own people
>run them over and shoot them in the street
the entire world: wow this is bad
you want to free your dic in Venezuela you said?
Lololol nice pitty party. Oh no AMERICA invade ASAP! save them from the guy that gives everyone a box of good every month that the USA is trying to cut off
I can't get over how stupid these people sound to fall for it again
>so much
You are the perfect retard is all i can say to that
This so much
What this user said so much
>damn it america! hans off ~VenEzUEla~
>to fall for it again
And again and again. People are fucking stupid and will get what they deserve user.
Im not suggesting we invade and I never would, doesnt mean Im going to start autisming about how awesome maduro is
>stay in Venezuela so much
Me too
using that word awfully liberally are we?
t. schlomo homo
You're repeating the war propaganda , you're supporting a war
America doesn't care about human rights.. it's used as a ploy to get the American populace on board with preplanned wars
>I wanna free Venezuela from dictatorship so much.
I wanna free her feet from her shoes.
Oh, so y'all talk such shit about 'muh white ethnostate' but as soon as a cute spic walks by and your cocks harden, suddenly you abandon all beliefs and former held morals. Faggots.
fun, but not for breeding
me too
Holy fucking BASED Sven
There will of course be exotic concubines in the brothels of our ethnostate
Every huwhite man will receive his state-mandated non-white fucktoy
>go to columbia
If you can't afford a goblina in Venezuela, you sure as hell won't be able to afford her once she comes here.
i hate all south america, nuke it pls.
There is a crisis already and few ones that USA is getting are the one that profited from socialist corruption
schlomo homo
I'll bet the Argentine government is starving your brain for calories, this is the only reason why you would question our FREE STUFF LMAO
I want leaf juden gassed
>He unironically believe spic have the same patience and durability as sandniggers.
Also, it is impossible to go from SA to NA trought land
This. I was in Costa Rica and saw a lot of Venezuelans and they all said they hated CR and how Venezuela was much better. Yet they were in CR for years with no plans to go back. This was when stories were coming out about street gangs fighting over prime garbage bins next to restaurants.
The true story is that “refugees” are almost always ingrates who hate their destination countries. western countries were sold a real bill of goods by taking them in. Hell look at how the Jews have repaid us for or generosity in the 19th and 20th centuries.
It unironically we would be bettee as USA plantation.
Countless of time we have demostrated we can't govern ourself.
TPS people never ever ever fucking leave.
Trump tried to get people who have been here on TPS for 20 years to go home and the (((courts))) denied it. Even though the situation that led to it ended 19 years ago. It’s a scam.
>pointing out shit is shit is PLAYING RIGHT INTO THE SEWERS HAND!!!!
youre a fuckin moron pal
I'd give her some "dictatorship" if you catch my drift.
That that cunt Rubio still has a political career is incredible.
Sure would be nice to have a senator that cared about my political persecution as a proud white man.
Now let's go spread some more Democracy.
What else will they bring? more trannies fads? more feminism?
What else will they (((enrich))) us with?
Read about him for a laugh. The guy is a total fucking moron, a legit 80 IQ retard, who has been propelled forward in life by powerful Jews for the small cost of selling his soul to them. With guys like that in charge we are well and truly fucked.
A repulsive creature for sure.
I wish I could have gone to one of Lubios Foam Parties
wath this whole thing, he admtes to going to them
0:40 faggot confirmed
>Maduro's future
We can only hope
Not sure if you are serious or not but it doesnt matter.
checked...sounds like some cows are gonna get soon. might need some red cross... might need some protection for that red cross... well it's a only a small barracks for the soldiers to protect the medics. Wow look at all the people coming for food and medicine. Might need more protection.. Oh it's only a temporary airstrip.. We'll put it back..
Gotta feed them hungry brown children bra.
I am 100%.
I have had enough with all these echaitos pa lante in my country.
Also, i guess you are voting for christina.
All that resitencia con aguante finally comes to an end it seems
Tell that to the africans throughout Europe you stupid fuck
And yes south America has had decades of leftist gorillas in the past and will get them once again throughout the region.. millions of people consider Chavez a cult hero and America's puppet has no intrinsic support for himself .. people just hear him hint that America will overthrow maduro for then if they keep rioting
The geography is different retard.
There are part of the jungle that have never seen man and dangerous fauna that can give Australia a run for its money
i dont mind this as long as its not muslims or niggers
i been to Venezuela back in 2008 they are very nice people
Venezuelans build Venezuela. If you don’t want to live in Venezuela you should be against Venezuelans living here.
are masons actually a powerful thing in south america? I keep seeing these pictures with people like bolsonaro with masons
In america it seems to be like the old dudes social club
I want to take a brown war bride
Woah... same thing hot girl wanna have sex???
>are masons actually a powerful thing in south america?
Powerful enough that every leader happens to be in them. That should answer your question.
>At least the women are thin
THIS desu