It’s obvious to anyone except Boomer conservatives that trump is a sellout. So where do we go from here?

It’s obvious to anyone except Boomer conservatives that trump is a sellout. So where do we go from here?

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We have a CHOICE!!!

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H2B visas cannot "take" jobs because these are temp summer jobs and these re the kinds of shit Americans do not want to do. On top of that its mostly white Europeans who do these visas


the companies need the workers

Vote for the craziest Democrat. Accelerate.


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Start voting for third party candidates. The Democrats and Republicans are all garbage

>those aren't real jobs goyim those are imaginary jobs

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It's almost as if Americans wouldn't do this work, or something like that.

You need to bring labor camps back.

That tweet is regarding H1B. If you want to bitch, that one is a legit issue. H2 is just people working shitty temp summer jobs in usually shit conditions in small towns no one wants to work in.

My bad. I thought this was a Trump cucking on immigration for 3 years free for all.

Trump WAS the 3rd party candidate and look what happened. More of the same.

If you Millenials want those Jobs try being less Lazy and Entitled. We voted TRUMP because we want MORE immigration, it just has to be LEGAL. Were not racists. Lowest Black Unemployment EVER.

There are millions of white zoomers and millennials who would do anything for a job. Boomer fucks like you are greedy and only want more nonwhites to continue infesting our nation.

Trump wasn’t a third party candidate. He was originally a democrat who declared himself “independent” for a short period of time and then joined the GOP.

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Found the article.

>Every year, U.S. companies are allowed to import 66,000 low-skilled H-2B foreign workers to take blue-collar, non-agricultural jobs.
>But in a quietly approved section of the February 2019 budget signed by Trump, elected Republicans and Democrats gave DHS authority to approve up to nearly 70,000 additional H-2B foreign workers for businesses.
>To date, the Trump administration has approved additional H-2B foreign workers to enter the U.S. economy every year since taking office

Only 30k?! We need at least 66k. 70k is not enough!

No problem I understand the confusion

If they are so shitty then the employer should pay more instead of importing beaners

There will be a hyper nationalist 3rd party very soon


Look Son, we need the Workers to run the Factories we're bringing back from Mexico. Crops are Rotting in the Fields while you Millenials instasnap on your Smartphones.

Whoa whoa whoa, if we dont vote trumo we will get hillary onstead so we all need to bury our heads in the sand and juat vote for trump

Well a sell out Trump is better than ANY democrat.

They all sell out to israel, the wall was a lie.

I don’t think there’s much “we” can do as in pro American pro white Jow Forums people because I really think Trump is going to win re election. It’s the boomers who vote most

On the bright side the judges Trump is picking are good on immigration. Best case scenario Ginsburg dies before the election and Trump loses, and a Republican uses Trump’s message in 2024 but actually follows through

Just vote for me cock sucker.

stop calling paki-indian curry fuckers "Europeans" please

prove to me that trump is a zionist
hard mode: don't say he gave money to israel or that he appointed jews

Yeah and they’d have to hire American and pay more if not for these visas

Pay is not the only barrier here some of these jobs literally don't have people nearby who can/want to do it and no one is going to relocate for a 2 month temp jobs making beds. Trump actually explained this in one of his debates so you retards acting like this is some new thing need to actually pay attention when he talks.

Pajeets don't want to make beds or work as tour guides

What’s fucking sad is that we actually have to elect a racist to actually stop low iq niggers and beaners from coming in

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It’s almost like you antiTeumo shills don’t know how the US government works. Trump is not a dictator, no matter how much the left calls him one, he can’t just pass edicts on immigration. Fights have to be picked 1 at a time.

Yeah it’s all 4D chess right? Doing the jobs Americans don’t want to do - where have I heard that one before? Go back to the Fox News comments section you Boomer MIGA fuckhead

Not voting for Trump in 2020

Yeah, imagine how much work he could’ve accomplished if the republicans controlled both chambers of Congress.

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Look into Trumps donors, look into the money he received from dual isaraeli citizen Sheldon Adelson to keep the senate from flipping which could’ve meant impeachment, and then look up what Sheldon Adelson has advocated for over the years regarding Jerusalem, Golan Heights, and wanting the US to go to war with Israel and look what Trump is doing. This isn’t hard

At the wages foriegners will work
If they want to keep wages stagnant

wanting the US to go to war with Iran excuse me. Sleepy

Import poor white euros then

>Trump can't veto any of these absurd bills that cross his desk
>Trump can't just sign socialized medicine into law like obama did with an executive order
>Trump can't
You worship an impotent fraud.

>> tax windfall
They act as if the taxes belonged to the gubbment in the first place

>> loaned less
Its the banks money

>380 million people
>30k temp jobs
imagine being a shill faggot

Here is homework for you faggot. Make a thread asking anons if they were ever screwed by H1B. You will get tons of first hand responses. Now do the same with H2B. You will not get a single person because these types of jobs no one here does or gives a fuck about. I manage a hotel and we use H2Bs because no one wants to work 2 months during the busy summer here making beds, working in the hot boiler rooms and during general shit in the hot sun. You guys don't know shit

Bernie is vocally against this.

and you’re a shill that isn’t subtle at all
kys retard

They're non agricultural jobs dumbass

>don’t have labor nearby
Hey guys let’s just import labor from thousands of miles away

So was Trump in 2015.

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>I manage a hotel and we use H2Bs
So do I, and so do We. In fact, I own a Chain of hotels, and we don't Hire lazy Millenials as a Policy. Brown workers Work Harder and don't give me no Lip.

You can't force Americans at gunpoint to work. Should be no shock that people use these visas to visit the US for the summer so yes they are working shit jobs but are essentially given a free summer trip to the US which is appealing.

Mostly Pakis and Mexicans.

>If they want to keep wages stagnant
They want to drive down wages.

No, a sellout Trump is as bad as any of the Republican and Democrat candidates.
Now, it's apparent he's no better than all the other career politicians.
Anyone who claims some other candidate will be better is a DNC shill, but at the same time, anyone who keep repeating the mantra that he is somehow, in any way, a better option than any of the others is a retard.
They're all equivalent.
They're all sellouts.
They're all cowards.
Voting clearly doesn't work.

Imagine being this much of a faggot.

>> its only 30k people guys
>> its only 30k people once a month for the next 20 years guys
>> its only 30k people once a month for the next 20 years plus their anchor babies and immediate family guys

Holy FUCK youre an idiot

You beat work for nothing or else I will import someone to replace us both. Hxbs just have to squirt out a baby and they can stay forever, or just disappear at any time they are here.

Not HB2

Dream on they never follow through

You didn't have to force Americans to work at gunpoint when rich motherfucking elites weren't paying third world wages to line their own pockets. Why have wages at all? Let's just go back to slavery. Or we could import people from Africa to work for $1 an hour right?

Asks for more workers..
Also somehow not his fault

They don't want to pay people market rates cause they are leaches.
These fuckers can't even see/admit it. We are just lazy cause we aren't little peasants they can lord over. Day of the pillow.

i agree he may be selling out and i am
not a boomer, he has taken too long with immigration and the wall, he is "monitoring" the situation with PJW instead of implementing an immediate response to censorship on the internet, he has signed anti 2A legislation that makes me personally want to puke.. but who else is a better candidate for 2020?
are there any choices on the right? i think they all know they will lose, the left candidates that think they can beat him are delusional. and they do not care, like beto for example.. funded by other people's money and still lost so what does he do? rinse and repeat.. lol guy is a total clown like everyone else running on the left. show me an alternative to Trump please

Yeah white Europeans take temp jobs Americans won't do. Pick one shillpoint and stick to it Chaim

this is true.. sad but true..

Boomers die with each passing day.

In other words they are willing to do that work at lower wages.
Only reason to import foreigners for low skill jobs is to drive down wages in those sectors of economy.

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>show me an alternative to Trump please
You know there's a write in section, right? You could literally vote for yo mama. Your options are not restricted to an immigration-loving, gun-grabbing liberal vs the winner of the DNC primaries.

Do you do the same thing with your manufacturing plants too user? You are soooo successful clearly. Go larp elsewhere homo.

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the write in vote would be handing a win to the left, they have forfeited their rights to play politics for a while. they are in timeout till they can accept reality. Trump needs to stay in office the full 8 until they can learn to play ball. republicans need to quit worrying so much about how "shocking" the left is and accept them as lunatics and continue to crush the fuckers until they are almost wiped out. no more bipartisan, just extermination.

Trump is not a sell out at all, it's 4d chess my fellow migapedes!

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I am

What difference does it make?

These are your words.
>he has taken too long with immigration and the wall, he is "monitoring" the situation with PJW instead of implementing an immediate response to censorship on the internet, he has signed anti 2A legislation that makes me personally want to puke...

People say that they do the work that nobody wants but I did an internet search for more info about the type of jobs under this visa and I found out that it's restaurant work. In 2017 a bunch of Jamacan nationals who came to work in the US under this program sued a resort for tips and back pay.

So they're taking part time restaurant jobs from high school and college students.

what difference does it make if the left wins? starting to see your agenda here.

Full grown adults with kids work at restaurants, its not just a college or highschool kid job. Most people in the kitchen are always older. Regardless, we shouldnt be importing anyone for jobs, we should be demanding jobs pay livable wages and fine them for trying to cheat Americans out of work because they want to maximize profits by hiring non Americans and pay them shit. Fuck Trump and anyone would be a better replacement. Republicans supporting Trump are worse than any liberal in my book. I would have rather HRC won so i could still have respect for Republicans, Trump has been the ultimate black pill

Have you tried paying them more and making the working conditions more attractive? Oh wait that would cut into your margins so you petitioned the government to import foreigners.

Rent seeking boomer trash who are turning the country to filth to have cheap hotels.

>1 post by this ID

Because the Left hates you, you literal fucking mong. You think all those articles all these years about how terrible you are because you’re white, straight or male are a joke? You think them cheering the thought of your races extinction are a fucking joke? These people hate us. They want us dead. They want our kids to be degenerate faggots. They want us panhandling under freeways because some rich faggot 99.99% of us aren’t related to bought niggers from other niggers. The mere fact that you want some kind of parley with these evil cunts means you’re either a shill or a complete fucking idiot with no sense of the current zeitgeist.

Don't ask questions if you don't want them answered.

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i asked you to support your own argument here and you have now shown your cards. "write in candidate" because: "the jews" aka leftist attempting to demoralize republican voters into self sabotage

honestly considering yang. 1k/month is more than trump ever did for me. fuck him.

*if you can't handle the answers

yeah yeah.. thanks for playing.

Yang won’t survive the primaries you massive autist

i plan on entering a state of self preserving denial.

thanks fren. watching julius evola right now. survive the jive.

Who are you voting for?

to war with Iran

Trump, because Rand Paul is wisely not running yet. in 2028 Rand Paul will hopefully have the Presidency after Trump takes 2020 and we have a democrat for 2024 because: cyclical and i am realistic, so hopefully 2028 or 2032 will be Rand Paul's time to shine. so yeah; Trump 2020 because everyone else sucks worse. nobody is perfect and he has done a shit load of positive things. he has gotten a shit ton done..son. -=] there is still more to be done and he needs to address the censorship problem of conservatives on twitter and youtube and facebook etc.. one man can only do so much, but seriously, why would you not vote Trump 2020?

accelerationism. we need the most fucked up anti white socialist to win 2020

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If everything is so obvious, you're probably just an idiot.

Get a load of this tryhard. Answering a question that I asked him. Hahaha. You are willing to vote for somebody you yourself describe as an inept gun grabber? Hmm I'm starting to see your agenda here...

You are a massive faggot, Trump is ensuring no Republican will win again. Rand Paul should have been president 2016, Trump is such a cocksucker in the debates he even asked why Paul was on the stage. Trump doesnt care about right, left, or independent.. he has identified as all. He has empowered the left and has past the most progressive agenda to date, as well as increase funding to Israel. Average Americans arent benefitting from the economy, the rich elite are. As he stalls on curving illegal immigration he is passing legislation ensuring more immigrants and work visas. Illegal immigration is at record numbers... lol this country is doomed and you still are supporting the guy speeding up the destruction because duh liberals. No liberal has ever had such a progressive presidency and done more to hurt whites than Trump. You're are worse than self hating whites and worse than (them). Traitors deserve the rope before the foe.


The problem with being a hero is you never know when someone will come along with a sadistic choice.
Something narcissistic boomers and xers are too up their ass to understand.

"we" meaning the white national socialists? the "nazis" the "white supremacists" need someone who will speed up the will of the white man to start the race war? i feel bad for you user. chances are i have read all the books you have (well maybe not all) and yet here i sit, a white german/irish decent American that is not jewish but Catholic, reading your philosophy thinking to myself how you got to be on the wrong path so hard? every time you push that pro nazi hatred you spit in the face of my family and ancestors who fought in world war 2 against that maniac. i realize you feel anger for current events and the left being so anti-white and anti-christian and so many other anti-white culture things, and i do not like it either, but racism never wins man. at least not in America. we are a melting pot here in this country. get over your hatred of other people because of race and religious beliefs and you will be so much happier in life. hating people because of their skin color is wrong, and if does not matter what color is doing the hating, it is wrong.

is that your strategy? once realized i have exposed you, you attempt to turn the tables with mirror tactics? yeah, get a load of me.. "write in candidate" "what difference does it make if the left wins"?

tell me more about me..

Vote whoever the anti-eatablishment candidate is. I prefer Yang, but Tulsi Gabbard ia good and at this point I'd vote Bernie over Trump.

>racism never wins man. at least not in America. we are a melting pot here in this country.
my sides..

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Amazon destroys two third of the jobs, then imports 80% of that away.
Voting will not solve this.

you are behind the curve

guess you missed that..