An indian ambassador is coming to my school tommorow,what should i do?

An indian ambassador is coming to my school tommorow,what should i do?
pic related

Attached: poopoofite.webm (480x480, 2.89M)

He's probably coming to ask for advice on how to remove kebab efficiently. It's happening. WW3 confirmed.

Uncage ze elefant

Attached: 1557310918300.webm (640x468, 2.56M)


t. Inbreed muslim

Educate him about the importance of using a toilet.

ask if they have street sweepers in india.


kill him

Is he okay?

Poo on the hallways to make him feel at home

Put up no pooing signs everywhere just in case he gets any ideas

Ask him how many Indian languages he knows. Then tell him Hindi is a shit language and why isn't India doing enough to revive Sanskrit, the original GOAT language. End it with "Shame on you for not respecting your own heritage"

Please keep him away.

Pic related

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How do you cope with being a filthy shitskin?
>Inb4 "Paki!!1!!!"
No, Pakis are shitskins just like you

>cope for what ?
I see you are more butthurt than we are.
black bull stole your woman?

Stfu!! Lungi
Hindi Is National Language Of India.

Let me rephrase for your dumb non-White Pajeet brain:

How do you cope with the fact that you are genetically and racially inferior, undesirable and will never match up to White men?

Or are Indian guys too low IQ to understand the hand they've been dealt in life?

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>genetically and racially inferior
But I'm not white. White people larp as aryans but they are aryan rape babies

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poo in loo, of course.

Be a good guest, you can take him some of your traditional foods as a treat (remember, no beef), maybe a bit of rakija...
Based Apu. Have a beauty from me.

Attached: apuess.jpg (858x1200, 126K)

Treating shit languages with respect is leading the downfall of India

but seriously, whats the deal with India and shit? why do they like it so much? did they evolve from flies? dung beetles?

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Haha, nice try pajeet

i guess its a nation wide fetish

Seriously tho. You know we can travel Serbia visa free right? I was thinking of learning to fire an ak there.

>a beauty
As far as I'm concernes that could have a dick. Makeup doesn't make a female beautiful, I'd actually argue for the contrary.

I think it's ancient mythology which perfectly describes that showering in filth gives you an immune system that the jungle can't win from
it's evolutionary
without poo, the indians would have died out ages ago


i dont even think about huwhites, chinks, koreans or any other ethnicity because my entire time is involved with deal with dravidian larpers, north eastern chinks, commie bengalis, dalits trying to get me accused of casteism, muslims trying to harrass my girlfriend and shit and pakis under memeflags like you.

if you aren't a paki, dispose your memeflag, but you won't because you are one.

literally cannot prove me wrong without removing that memeflag. your job here is to bait indian posters.

whenever we bring the discussion of kebab removal to the table your paki ass gets triggered, you switch to memeflag and try to desperately derail the thread LMAO

Yes, he just step over some shit.

Give him a toilet roll

Beauty is subjective, but I think my Hindu cousins have similar tastes with mine.

Here you go

Indians really are subhuman. We should commit mass suicide. All shitskins should, including Pakis.

Ask if the fecal pollution of the indian ocean can be stopped with poo loo.

You know there's ids on this board right?

Shit in designated street

Yeah and? Poo in loo