How can one be so economically illiterate?

How can one be so economically illiterate?

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>paying for rideshares instead of driving drunk

Where do these stats even come from

I mean, he is a marxists, that makes him economically illiterate by default

Reminds me of that great line from Fight Club...
"We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

>crumbling economy
Wait what?

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Friendly reminder, Christmas is the most anti-capitalist time of the year and almost half of the consumer economy relies on it.

ohhh, they're not wasting money, they're job creators!

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>Where do these stats even come from
Liberals' asses.

This is your brain on demand-side economics.



You mean restaurant that charge 5x the price of the actual ingredients used
yes like alcohol

Both are nonessential. Now if you picked grooming, then I would have agreed with you.

Actually retards buying shit makes me rich. All those captchas you fill out on Jow Forums, all that starbucks covfefe you drink, makes me rich. Feels good to live the NEET life and invest my entire paycheck man

I have already nearly 100k invested at the age of 22, while these consumerist drones are spending on debt and putting the rest on their mortgage to make me rich.

>Personal Grooming

What the fuck is subscription boxes? Drugs?

How so, is this guy $1 billion in debt or something?

Gotta work on that efficiency user. Drive WHILE drinking

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based and red pilled

So explain to the thread how cutting back on consumption improves the economy, retard.

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>How dare you try to enjoy life goyim? You are to spend your entire life working for me or facilitating to work for me.

I directly enrich my fellow faghots by commissioning large quantities of diaper vore furrie art.
In doing so I arouse the Jew and lead them to great pain as their nose elongates pinnochio style to be furthest reaching part of their body.

Cant wait to see USA turn full socialist with bill of needs. I will die that day from laughter.

Promotion of an economy of austerity and lack of consumption is what further fucked Eastern Europe in 2008. But ofc that they had to say " ugh guys spending is fine go do it " 5-6 years later when it was more profitable again.

Fuck capitalism and fuck socialism. Not consuming is bad and consuming makes some fucking cunt rich.

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My immediate sane reaction, too.
>Through sheer incomprehensible idiocy, Lefties are fucking lunatics and are a
danger to themselves and now to the whole country, possibly the world.

Jesus $93/month on subscription boxes. That's how they live in Jew York City and think it's normal.

It stabilizes the boom-bust cycle by lowering the debt load on the average person. This only applies to people who spend wealth that they borrow thought. This process is also a response to the interest rate level that is currently artificially set by the central bank. We don't have a free market and the central bank creates consumerism which leads to bubbles and large amounts of instability. Focusing purely on the amount of spending is a Keynesian short term way to manage an economy that only works for so long before crashing.

What's a subscription box

That story is bullshit advertising for some life insurance company pretending to be news. Look at their shitty web page.


Some nigger kidnapping a white woman with their mulatto rape baby in tow. Life insurance is a ripoff non-essential payment, except maybe this jungle-fever cartoon girl. She needs life insurance due to her risky life choices just like Nicole "Brown" Simpson.

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While their stats may be bullshit, they are right.
When I started tracking my spending, I found I spent an absurd amount on stupid shit I didn't even need.
Nobody needs to eat out multiple times a month, just pack a sandwich if you're going out.
Water is free at literally every establishment you will visit if you were somehow stupid enough not to carry a water bottle with you everywhere.
Add in what foods these people are purchasing when going to the store (nobody needs doritos, oreos and pepsi) and are just filler and result in more costs when visiting dentists, doctors, etc.

I started cooking my own meals after and saved hundreds of dollars each month since I no longer buy frozen meals or prepared meals or any junk food.
You think
>But it costs so much for certain ingredients!"
ALWAYS BUY IN SEASON. Buying out of season is supposed to be for the wealthy. buy apples in fall, strawberries in spring, etc.
If you compare the costs of a home made soup to a store bought soup, for the price of the store bought you could make 5x the amount for the same price therefore massive savings.

there are only two kinds of news stories, propaganda and advertising

it's unbelievable how bad the news has become

If you charged what the ingredients cost there would be no reason to be open because you wouldn't even be able to pay your staff or keep the lights on dipshit

A box of cheap chinese bullshit sent to your house with a "theme"

Everyone knows eating out is expensive, but cooking at home costs you TIME. Some people put a value on that. I know I do, if I only have a few hours of my day for personal stuff saving one hour is worth a lot to me.

Capitalism itself is an unsustainable model without the kind of strict regulation that the corporate oligarchy have locked away in the annals of history. At this point the global economy is a fuckin' game of hot potato, and it can't be corrected simply by telling all the goyim to go into hermit mode.

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Dollar shave club would be one with a somewhat decent value and purpose, or maybe hello fresh for lazy people who want to cook, but mostly it's as the other guy said... a bunch of random cheap chinese crap you don't need sent every month at an overpriced markup. Aka, marketed to women spending someone else's money on (((fashion and trends))).

Why do you want us all to be impoverished serfs with no expendable income OP? Yeah the economy would collapse if everyone became a dirt poor with no discretionary income to by conveniences. The industrial economy was based on buying new and better goods and services not only buying what would keep you alive.

Our country is fucked because superwealthy Americans don't believe that they have a moral debt to America. Ford and Rockefeller gave more than half of their fortune away to Americans, usually in the part of the country they were from. Bill Gates literally wastes billions giving niggers preschool and another few billions on medicine for niggers in Africa because apparently we need more fucking niggers. Who the fuck knows what Zuckerberg does with his money. jewish americans give their money to jewish groups or israel. This is why we're fucked: the superwealthy are not truly americans. they don't care about you. it's as if a foreign company owned all of our money.

With more wealth equality we'd have more individuals in the 200k to 4 million a year sweet spot. Those people have more conspicuous consumption which means more employment for Americans.

>I don't have time to do the one thing that keeps me alive
If you don't have time to make basic foods, you need to re-prioritize. Cooking doens't take you hours every day unless you're making something fancier.
I can make soup in less than 1 1/2hours, and most of that is letting it sit in the pot and cook. I also get like 20 bowls of soup out of it.
Crock pots also are self cooking, chop some potatoes, throw in some carrots, beef, onions and a few other ingredients into it, takes about 5-10 minutes tops, leave it on for a few hours to slow cook. Bam, donezo, you just made beef stew with 5-10 mins of effort, all you had to do was let it sit there.

Congratz on learning how to cook, enjoy saving thousands of dollars a year with this one thing alone.

food and healthcare are nonessential goyim didn't you know that? Now inject this onions green into your blood stream.

>mcdonalds is essential
actual american thinking

So basically you’re angry that rich people don’t give you more handouts.

Do you really know so little about the true causes of the rot?

>food is non-essential

unironically this is Canadian thinking. All money in Canada only goes to importing Muslims and financing tranny surgery.

Stupid burger

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