In a hypothetical situation where Trump's financial information is revealed and it turns out that he's only worth, say...

In a hypothetical situation where Trump's financial information is revealed and it turns out that he's only worth, say, $500,000, is billions of dollars in debt to Russia/Russian oligarchs, and has always been a lousy businessman, would any of his supporters actually care? Or even believe the documentation?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's a nasty, nasty guy that LyingDonald.

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Really grasping for straws here.

Why not get some one that is electable if you want to get rid of Trump rather than being so confused?

His supporters already knew years before you did.

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I don't know if his supporters knew anything about anything, but Trump's story of falling victim to a collapsing market was always a lie. He was going under when the market was strongest, as proven by financial documents obtained by the NYT and other outlets. He was also making very poor choices right up until the 2008 collapse, well after everyone who knew anything about the market was already pulling back and divesting.

So what?

A community organizer was president.

No, a US Senator was president.

US Senators amount to jack and shit, they do nothing and know nothing.

As opposed to Trump?

Why and how are you still so confused?

What am I confused about?

Liberals aren't smart, that's the problem. They can't evolve.

You are clearly confused about why he was elected.

I know exactly why he was elected. Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate that ran a bad campaign and Trump appealed to the basest instincts of the basest Americans.

OP is what is called Trump derangement syndrome. It’s an acute disorder that affects millions of lefties in the US and abroad. The only cure is to transition as a tran and cut off the penis. With time, suicide happens the the individual will be cured

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Then why are you so obsessed with muh business man, as if that matters.

>Trump appealed to the basest instincts of the basest Americans.

Sigh... because not being a globalist faggot means you are just base and intellectually low end.

No of course not.

Trump could have zero dollars in his bank account, why would it matter?

All I want him to do is keep Democrats out of office, piss them off, and waste their time. He's doing great and his taxes and financial status have nothing to do with that whatsoever.

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There was no collusion.
Mueller report was released.
Move on with your life.

No. We'll point out it is jewish corruption. If your enemy is everywhere it is hard to miss.

Wanting a president to be qualified and capable isn't a character defect, moron.
How exactly is Trump not a globalist?
>All I want him to do is keep Democrats out of office, piss them off, and waste their time.
So your only required qualification for the presidency is being a top tier troll?
Parts of the Mueller report were released. And those parts show that Trump obstructed justice.

>what if my masturbatory fantasies about Trump's corruption are akshually troo?
You faggots let that guy live in your heads wayyyy too much.

And I have to ask, how exactly do you guys believe this image of Trump le master troll? He whines and cries more than any of the people you make fun of.
Unlike you dipshits with Obama and Hillary?

Again, find someone worth electing and fuck off with the games.

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>Again, find someone worth electing
I'm not sure any of the candidates that have run in the last several presidential cycles are worth electing.

Democrats are completely corrupt and are basically just a political party extension of gigantic media corporations.

The best we can hope for is someone who disrupts the system like Trump. He's doing really great.

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Well there you go then asshole.

>And I have to ask, how exactly do you guys believe this image of Trump le master troll? He whines and cries more than any of the people you make fun of.

Look at all the morons like you who are completely obsessed with him.

You've wasted so much of your time and energy trying to take down a so-called whiny moron.

It's hilarious and I really hope you try really really hard to keep trying to take him down.

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>Democrats are completely corrupt
Republicans aren't? Are you retarded or just autistic?
>The best we can hope for is someone who disrupts the system like Trump. He's doing really great.
If the leading businesses in America don't support the business candidate then that should tell you something about the candidate, not the businesses.
>Look at all the morons like you who are completely obsessed with him.
He's the president, retard. Discussing the president is not an obsession. Unless you mongoloids were obsessed with BBC for 8 years.

>he whines and cries more than any of the people you make fun of
Now you’re just pulling our legs, man. Trump is infinitely more likable than Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, and any of the dingbats who currently declared for the democratic presidential ticket.

>Now you’re just pulling our legs, man. Trump is infinitely more likable than
I didn't say anything about likability. I said he whines more than any of the people you idiots make fun of. Which is objectively true. Trump spends more time complaining about how rough he has it than he spends actually being president.

Impossible. They ALL whine about him.... even if I spot you that he whines more than one of them, which I am not willing to concede, they whine way more collectively. Now, THAT is objectively true. Fuck outta here with your flimsy, poorly considered opinions asserted as objective fact.

Sigh.. describe what it looks like when someone is "actually being president".

>a whole bunch of people all collectively whine more than trump does!
Are you fucking kidding me? That's your metric?
Trump spends half of each day in "Executive Time" just fucking around in his bedroom, tweeting, calling his friends so they can tell him how awesome he is, and fapping to his daughter.

describe what it looks like when someone is "actually being president".

Stop fucking responding if you don't want to answer basic questions.

For starters, not tweeting all day. That's what tween girls do. Trump has more in common with a 12 year old girl than a President.

Why can't you answer the fucking question?

It is because you know you are full of shit and don't have any answers you just want to bitch and moan about Trump and think that we are going to follow suit.

What was wrong about that suggestion? He is an embarrassment to all the serious conservative men. The tears of liberals were tasty but the man is a clown and a whore on top of that.

I gave you an answer, you just don't like it, you petulant child. Trump doesn't behave like a president and he sure as shit doesn't take being president seriously. He spent more time on vacation and more time golfing in his first two years than Obama did in 8 years. And that's on top of more than half of his time in the White House being spent in "Executive Time."

Let’s see, the left wants me dead or disenfranchised because I’m a straight, white male. They want my kids to be taught by trannies. They want to pay niggers because other niggers sold them to a kike 200 years ago. So, would I ever vote for anyone other than a republican? Lol, fuck now. Suck my dick, then kys.

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You cannot state what he should be doing.

This is party because you don't even know the actual role of a president or what powers he actually has.

>"the left" bogeyman is out to get me
Most Democrats are moderates. Twitter=/=Democrats, retard. If I applied your rationale to Republicans then every Republican would be a Nazi than wants to kill jews, blacks and hispanics in the streets while sucking Trump's cock.
Nice try, fucko. Ignoring what I say doesn't count as an argument.

its already built shill. Second term coming shareblue

>its already built shill
That's one thick bubble you live in. If thew wall is already built then W. Bush built it and we should give him a third term.

Sounds like you vote against your own economic interests, Cletus

>lol oh user. All those articles and people never existed/happened! Really! You can give us your vote
Suck it out my asshole faggot. The only thing I’ll be giving you is a bullet when shtf

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>1 post by this ID
You have to go back

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Wow, what a tough retard you are. I'm shaking in my boots.

Nobody would care because it's not even about Trump the guy it's about what Trump represents.

What does Trump represent?

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Why couldn't he get the wall built when the GOP controlled both houses of Congress?

He’s President now, why are libtards still obsessed with his personal finances?? They are obsessing over trying to embarrass him rather than actually trying to do anything, same with these congressional testimonies, they’re wasting time, money and resources just to get a headline for msm

OP, I know Trump is a bullshitter, he bullshits everything and has no morals (Cheating on his pregnant wife). The Democrats are evil satan spawn, what the fuck do you expect us to do?

>Obama's birth certificate
>voter fraud
Made up scandals and conspiracy theories are a Republican pastime. If you think there's nothing to the current investigations then you should be happy as a pig in shit.

Who cares? What does any of this have to do with policy or helping our country? Will liberals ever get the big picture?

>The Democrats are evil satan spawn, what the fuck do you expect us to do?
Maybe not live in a fantasy world?

The msm brainwashing is impressively strong. They all say the exact same things.

Chronic disorder now, potentially terminal.

How is Trump helping our country? Market analysts say the economy is booming in spite of Trump, not because of Trump, and that a crash is coming quickly because of Trump's policies. He's riding the wave of Obama's economic policies straight into 2008.

They are all pawns, We have a dollar/debt crisis in the near future as all interest on our debt will require new debt to pay the interest. We are at the end game. No one is going to save us, to expect someone to save us is blue pilling yourself. Trump is the perfect President to represent the state of our finances which has been operating this way by both parties for decades.

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The biggest news network is Trump propaganda 24/7. Your msm argument is disingenuous at best.

>fantasy world
>haha fellow channer! You’re silly!
>there haven’t been articles
>speeches from politicians
>social media rants
>celebrity attacks
>on normal white people! Vote for us!
How many times do I have to tell you to fuck off nigger. Or dox yourself. Either one.

Jesus christ you are a mindless drone

Just look at you, he’s absolutely ruined your whole party. You obsess over him in your world of msnbc and late night television, constantly looking for an embarrassing story to run or quip about him, but never exiting your tiny, inconsequential bubble. It’s why you lost and will lose again, you just never quite get it.

imagine being this much of a deluded faggot

>1 post by this ID

What the fuck "our".
You make it very clear there is no "our" country.

Trump has exploded the debt faster than any other president.
You really are mentally ill.
>Obama's a Kenyan Muslim queer with a secret husband!
You sound unpatriotic as fuck, comrade.

A US ambassador died in Benghazi, as well as US servicemen, it’s not a conspiracy theory, how can you be this brainwashed? Voter fraud is a huge issue, even within the democratic primary, like when Hillary cheated against Obama in nyc. But you all ignore that too...

It’s always eye opening to get a window into your thought processes, explains a lot.

You know I love, OP? Watching you cunts lose your shit daily. And wait - all you have to put up in 2020 is a creepy fucking pedophile and old faggot cocksucker that let a fucking hag walk all over him. We are going to kick you in the nuts so hard in 2020 you’ll be spitting out mouthfuls of sperm and nut chunks. Your rage is nourishment for my very soul, faggot.

Go larp on reddit faggot.
Even for fantasies are delusional.

What an amazing rebuttal that totally invalidates what I said. Oh, wait. You didn’t refute anything, turbonigger.

It's the nature of the beast, deficit spending is included in the GDP and we're at the point where this "everything bubble" is quite literally too big to fail. We are on the precipice of financial calamity and the general public are too busy with political bullshit. If you thought our politics was broken, just take a fucking look at our finances which are spiraling out of control.
That's why participating in the blue team vs. red team is damn near irrelevant. Once this bubble pops the main concern will be finding food to eat.

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>A US ambassador died in Benghazi, as well as US servicemen, it’s not a conspiracy theory, how can you be this brainwashed?
Show me proof of wrongdoing by Hillary or the Obama administration. More time and money was spent by Republicans on that than the Mueller/collusion investigation, so surely something was found, right?
>Voter fraud is a huge issue, even within the democratic primary, like when Hillary cheated against Obama in nyc. But you all ignore that too...
Again, show me proof of widespread voter fraud as alleged by Trump and the GOP.

What the fuck am I supposed to have patriotism for?

The USA is dead and over.

The more pressing issue is climate change. There literally won't be enough food or drinking water, and only one party cares about it.

That’s not what market analysis says, did you read the latest treasury report? He has pulled us out of foreign wars, tremendously boosted the economy, positively restructured trade agreements, finally confronting china on its unfair trade practices, supported constitutional rights in the courts through nominating judges, made every effort to shore up our disastrous immigration policies, supported our military, averted disaster with North Korea and engaged in diplomacy, restored relations with Israel and japan, allocated significant money to respond to the opioid epidemic, reversed frivolous overregulation, drastically decreased unemployment and I could go on.

This is what I mean, you liberals are all feeling and no substance. Every complaint you have in this thread is emotional, even the op post is an emotional appeal. The real world requires substance, stop obsessing over the stupidest, social bullshit and wake the fuck up for once!

hypothetically you are a glorious winged faggot

Wanna know how I know you’re from rebbit?

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Nah they would not care, MIGApeads just puppets

She was notified multiple times about security requests and denied them. Their deaths a direct result of complacency and incompetence on the behalf of the State department. As head of the department it is her responsibility. This is publicly available information, or you could actually watch some of the hearings.

There are several non partisan analyses that show pervasive voter fraud including dead people on voting records and illegals voting. The nyc example is pretty blatant as well, Clinton got 100% of the vote in much of nyc including Harlem and Washington heights.
some of you clowns really look foolish.

The difference is the mueller investigation was started based on a partisan dossier that turned out to be completely bogus. Benghazi was based on the violent death of Americans, how do you not understand the difference there? The deaths of ambassadors in such a way is always investigated, as it should be. Are you saying it should be ignored??

Talk about climate change when your dollar can't buy a loaf of bread. Are you going to be starving while hugging a tree? get a grip. Climate change will be the least of your worries when you can't afford to eat.
Check out this site.
It's modeling the end of the current USD banking/fiat system which is on schedule. China and Russia are hoarding gold and insulating themselves by de-dollarizing. Keep talking about climate change when there is a mass exodus of people leaving this post financial crisis 3rd world country.

Sigh.. what do you want to be done asshole?

White people are already not having enough children to even reproduce themselves thanks to the propaganda you love so much.

Choke to death on your lust for carbon taxing.

What has that got to do with voting for Trump or Biden?

>say, $500,000, is billions of dollars in debt to the kike banks
corrected it for you senpai

We sort of went off on a tangent, I was trying to explain to this individual that Red..vs. blue is irrelevant once you account for the debt/dollar crisis which is on the horizon. Even the liberal love child Ray Dalio is calling for a 30% haircut on the dollar within the next few years. People's perspective are all out of whack and not focusing on the most important issue..debt..The can that's been kicked for decades is now a heap of jagged aluminum.

>That’s not what market analysis says, did you read the latest treasury report?
The Trump Treasury?
>He has pulled us out of foreign wars,
No he hasn't. He said he would, but he actually hasn't.
>tremendously boosted the economy,
Specifically how? None of the "deals" that he's negotiated with companies have panned out.
>positively restructured trade agreements,
For Canada. The restructuring of NAFTA helped Canada, not the US.
>finally confronting china on its unfair trade practices,
With a trade war that hurts our economy more than China's.
>supported constitutional rights in the courts through nominating judges,
That has nothing to do with the economy, retard.
>made every effort to shore up our disastrous immigration policies,
Except actually getting anything done. Why couldn't he make a deal with his own party?
>supported our military,
Every president supports the military, retard. Obama increased military spending more than Pentagon even wanted him to.
>averted disaster with North Korea and engaged in diplomacy,
We're in the exact same position with North Korea we were in when Obama left office.
>restored relations with Israel and japan,
You idiots hate Israel, and when was out relationship with Japan in trouble? Abe is massive cunt that hates America, but Obama didn't give him a wedgie.
>allocated significant money to respond to the opioid epidemic,
So did Obama, largely without Republican support in Congress.
>reversed frivolous overregulation,
Yeah, it was so frivolous that now entire counties don't have drinkable water because of rolled back regulations. How grand.
>drastically decreased unemployment and I could go on.
So did Obama, but you fucks said the numbers were fake. Now that Trump is in office and the same exact metrics are used you don't have any issues with the numbers. Workforce participation has gotten slightly worse under Trump, not better. The unemployment numbers are just as half-true now as they were under Obama.

Cannot talk about debt when one side of the political spectrum thinks the government must be expanded in size every single year.

How is any your canned bullshit making your side electable?

27 posts. Seething

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Al Gore is a politician, not a scientist. His business is selling climate change as a threat, not doing anything about climate change. The fact that you conflate Al Gore with climate science shows how fucking stupid you are.
Give me proof. Those are the accusations, not the facts.
>The difference is the mueller investigation was started based on a partisan dossier that turned out to be completely bogus
The dossier was commissioned by the GOP and purchased by the DNC so it was pretty fucking bipartisan. Oh, and nothing in it has been discredited.
>White people
You're fucking pathetic.
Russians also hate jews.
Sweet not-an-argument, bro.

You are too brainwashed, there is no hope. GG. Don’t kys when trump gets reeelected.

So Republicans don't think the government should expand even though they expand it more than Democrats?

Sweet not-an-argument, bro.

Serious conservatives? Haha kill yourself faggot. “Conservatives” in power are worse than dems.

>his supporters
they don't matter. Only independents matter and exposing this fraud would impact their choices.

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