
> capitalism
> a system that rewards the ones that least deserve it.

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>t. jobless NEET who is salty at hard working business men

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>Thinks he should make $95,000 a year for teaching Middle School gym.

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> business men
> hard working

Good goy

Busness men are fucking leeches worse than neets.

Yes keep believing your corporate overlords deserve it americuck while they sell out your future.

Stay seething faggot, you will never amount to anything in your shit life. Stop blaming that fact on others you nigger.

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Speak for yourself faggot.

Any criticism and opposition to the dominant structure/system is met with hostility from the people who are dependent on it, thus reinforcing the oppressive nature of the system, these people do all the work willingly for the oppressors.

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Bankers, investors, marketers,sales people, business owners, what all these professions have have in common is that non of them create anything, they all deal in abstractions that serve the capitalist system which is also an abstraction not rooted in the real world, they dont produce any real value.


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Property is theft, private property was invented by wealthy people, the monarchs, to make it legal to own slaves, its a form of control.

I think you got a Fedora that is one size too small.

You are only as free as the system allows you to be.
You are free to make your own decisions but only if they are deemed ok by the ruleing established order and culture, you are allowed to consume the products that are used to oppress you and your senses, you are allowed and encouraged to use the technologies that manipulate and control you. But you aren't allowed to step outside the system or oppose it, then you are labeled as a terrorist or evil person who wants to take away peoples "freedom".

You can't have the concept of theft without the concept of property. Private property wasn't invented, it was a spontaneous solution to the coordination problem as our species went from a hunter-gatherer to an agricultural societies. As resources dwindle and people had to live in closer and closer proximity to each other, the concept of private property arose as a type of Schelling point to organize human economic activity in a Hobbesian state of nature. Those people who adopted this schema were better suited for complex societies and were able to grow faster and over take societies that didn't.

There is no real freedom in capitalist society
You either have to work for someone else to survive or start a business but then you are still beholden to the investor and the market, either way you are oppressed.

For sales people I can somewhat agree, but the rest help facilitating flow of capital for investment, either by filtering for viable businesses or by making sure the money allocated is properly used.

No private property was invented by the monarchs because they were losing power to the arising merchant class, so the monarchs went and told the merchants that they couldn't do what they did instead they had to work for the monarchs instead, and that the beginning of wage labor and the corporation, its a means of control.

>capitalists demanded the endless procession of social programs that take money out of your paycheck to fund niggers and single mothers

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Yes they are like the priests who know the language of capital and can speak to the market, and manipulate it playing with other peoples lives, if the market didn't exist they wouldnt exist same at the priests and the church eventually lost its power as Christianity lost its hold.

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>No private property was invented by the monarchs
LOL, the idea of property has been around since people started living in permanent settlements. If anything, the merchant class would have the biggest influence on our concept of private property, since they wanted to own something that the monarch couldn't tell them what to do with it. The reason monarchy and feudalism fell goes back to the printing press--1) Increased literacy lead to the Protestant Reformation which weakened the Catholic Church's power, which meant people could organize religious life (and then economic life) as they saw fit. 2) Cheaper production of books lead to increases in science in technology, which lead to the age of exploration and colonialism. This allowed for more settlements and experimentation with ideas, which lead to more states, which lead to more competition, which further increased the need for strict definitions of property rights.

>Thinks the means of production organize themselves and aren't the result of risk and investment by entrepreneurs.

Fucking this. I think that people get emotional and look to the bankers and assume 'Those are the capitalists!'. Yes, they are, but it is not a fair representation. Capitalists are also doctors who own their own enterprises. Engineers who own their own companies. Industrialists who create real value. In a society that is not capitalist, these people are injured most. Bankers still get away with their shit.

> LOL, the idea of property has been around since people started living in permanent settlements.
I'm not sure about that, but property maybe but not private property, as in owning the means of production.

Anyone who owns a business or enterprise is a capitalist.

So who are the actual most productive people who deserve the $$$$?

The workers who do all the labor, manual or intellectual.

>the owners don't deserve their wealth
>but we can't create our own businesses because that's too hard and the owners actually offer something of value
>but they still don't deserve their wealth
>it's not because of envy i swear

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Yeah, I'd throw your whole family from a helicopter. Failed subhuman.

Nice argument americuck.

Capitalism is state-sponsored usury, Marxism is a resentment Ponzi scheme. There must be another way...

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The economy is doing fine. Niggers ruined everything else.

You know there's quite a few places on this planet you can go and live and no one will know you're there?

Do you think a nice office job is harder than living in the woods?

I seriously do fuck all and have plenty, this society is magical compared to what my great grandfather had.

Everybody keeps conflating usury with capitalism. Why is this?

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slide thread
into trash it goes

Capitalism broke down once people stopped placing what they needed above what they wanted

This has lead to the finance system of today, to fuel and feed off the cult of desire

Those who could dictate and provide desires, could essentially farm individuals

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You are right. You should quit your job and start your own company, it literally will take you no work and you can get free stuff!

Why aren't you doing that OP?

Why would I become the very thing that I'm against?

Guess who wrote das Capital