What's causing this?
U.S. suicide rates have increased more than 25% since 1999
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incel nintendo fans
Must be the video games
I have no clue, but it's helping overpopulation and it weeds out the weaker faggots so I am IN.
say it with me
Probably video games
Women pretty much untouchable unless you have 100% consent and a really shitty job market from 2007 - 2016 don't help much.
>flyover conservitards say their states are comfier, less stressful to live and more white than liberal coastal states
>yet, they lead the pack in the rise in suicide rates
REALLY makes you think...
videogames and op
White men are getting sad they can't see boobies on tv
>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks Make sure to check your spam box!
We aren't overpopulated, monkeybrains.
The things you consume and the ideals youre force fed
Off topic posting
the notion of after-life. If people were aware that there is NOTHING after your death people will value more their life.
Who wants to live like a slave
My brother killed himself in 93. His pregnant gf started saying the baby wasnt his.
cia niggers
>people are reporting that they experience more and more stress every day
>less economic stability and certainity, many young people forced into min. wage jobs with zero perspectives to change this
Lol of course, the only state that hasn't made prostitution illegal is the one that has a decrease. Proves my point in
>tfw 1000 people died from Opioids in my city last year
economic despair
gee i don't know maybe that wages are stagnant or going down while rent/housing costs are skyrocketing and you or your parents have to spend $100K or more on 4+ years of schooling if you want to get a decent white collar job where you can do boring shit for 40 hours a week so you can eat and have shelter. trump is making america great again though, so we're good.
This just makes it look like colder temperatures make people wanna die. Also if you live in the fucking boonies midwest you are more likely to commit, who would have fucking thought?
We will always be overpopulated so long as weak faggots feel the need to be a bitch and self-diagnose/take their own lives. Morons.
Was going to point this out too, based
Social media making everyone obsessed with their own self image is a huge thing
Being raised in a place where there’s nothing but drugs and open space ala the Midwest a big thing.
At least most niggers live in cities. If you live in the Midwest, your only options for opportunities are to move, do drugs, or kill yourself
The media normalizing it.
Jesus fuck, West Virginia calm down.
why not just cope by going 2d
>percentage of increase of a percentage
this basically falsely put the places with the lowest rate on top, as one death increase upon 10 changes the percentage more than 1000 extra death over 1000000000
Boy I sure do love video games.
There is a reason for that.
They are trying hard bruh, one syringe at a time
Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?
Mutts are a plague.
off topic posts on /v/
His main voter base has the highest rates of poverty, drug addiction, and suicide.
He sold them a pipe dream just so he could make under the table deals with Russia.
What makes you think it's the conservatives who are killing themselves?
wage growth is not keeping up with inflation
the looming fact that you'll never be able to live the life you were told you could have if you worked hard is becoming stronger and stronger, just so CEOs and investors can increase the amount of money they hoard
But I'm doing fine sucking dick. This can't be right
People are failing to HAVE SEX.
incel tranny discord fags have to make at least a 50% of those suicides.
I'm honestly surprised the overdose rate is so high in Massachusetts
Why are white people killing themselves?
I unironicly think Japanese honorific should be taught in schools.
They targeted gamers.
Conservatives confirmed for being trannies.
Lel this. Its particularly hilarious when you hear people talking about some stupid shit like great replacement or how jews are doing everything to prevent people from starting families.
The economy is preventing people form starting families. You're not going to be starting a family when you and your partner both work minimum wage job with shitty hours and no perspective for change.
Likewise, I don't know anyone who even imagines that they will own their place in the future. The only way to get your own home nowadays is to get indebted to a bank for the next 20 years or something.
Because Republicans don't pretend to care about me like Democrats do. Not to mention, fuck minorities.
Little Donnie needs the break, though. That graph looks a bit like his finances.
i thought north east was supposed to be a white zone but is infected by drug addicts.
Of course you do
You fuckin' WEEB
Mutts don't know how things work or how to figure shit out for themselves because their basic education is 3rd world-tier.
user this isn't bideo games
>South Korea is that high
nothing of value was lost. Shame their suicide rate isn't higher.
>S Korea
>"White people"
I don't get it, non burger
Because blacks are killing eachother
White people hated the mere sight of Obama, so they voted for Trump out of spite and lost all of their health insurance, what’s left of their job industries, and what little gibs they had. It’s poetic, really.
>south west ohio
Yep, we've been having a rise in drug overdoes in the past few years. Pic related actually went viral a while back
What do you think Arabic numerals look like, user?
But it STILL exists.
I just looked it up, and prostitution is NOT legal in the entire state of Nevada, but there are licensed brothels throughout it.
Cold war propaganda is so deeply ingrained they'd rather become unironic nazis than look for alternatives.
>video games
based black people killing blacks, why do we hate them again?
where are the video games
>Americans unironically voted in a failed businessman.
Can't wait for him to do to America (massive deficits, high debt, rip off the bottom 95%) like what he did to his own finances and businesses
Americans are such bootlickers.
>Ignoring """white utopia""" pooland
Japan is of significant economic relevance, being able to understand such a cornerstone of their society would be immensely useful.
That's WEEB-san to you
oh no no no
I know on the Monster can it's the Arabic initials for 666
okay vlad
We can do better, let's keep it up until it's 100%!
Worthless chart without Lithuania
Literally this. The dollar has far less spending power than it did in 1999.
They're not white either. Also Hungary is the based country on the eastern block.
wtf I love California now
Lack of good video games.
prescription drug overdose is very, VERY common for whites.
Don't they work themselves to death?
That's not a good way to live.
>liberals are now trying to make Obama out as the reason trump got elected to distract from the utter embarrassment that was hillary Clinton
Vote for Trump 2020
because it would also be high in the most liberal places