South Africa Election 2019 General

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What's happening?

>1. The constitution will be changed to legalise Zimbabwe-style land grabs.
>2. This Election in May will be the last election this country will see for a long time
>3. The ANC will win again without a doubt, so voting provincially for secessionist parties like the Cape Party etc Freedom Front Plus are now more important than ever. Vote BLF nationally for accelerationism.
>4. The provincial parties will not be allowed their referendums, BUT it will accelerate the frustration towards the government as the running power outages, continued mass corruption and drought tear the country apart.
>5. As things deteriorate people will be in favour of balkanising South Africa

Quick Facts:
>Farm murders *are* a thing and have gotten more organized in recent months with military-grade gear

>There’s a low sense of urgency with a lot of whites that live in gated suburbs in Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg (especially Anglo saffers)

>We’re sitting at around 35% unemployment and our economic growth rate is abysmal for a “developing” country

>3.3 Million South Africans (of a population of 57 million) Pay 99% of all Income Tax (Guess who that predominantly is) and 17 million blacks are on grants.

Not going to bother explaining the entire background beyond a tl;dr

>Nigs in government flipped the table and are going to seize all property in the country, be they urban or rural.

>Investors will GTFO

>Famine will start as farms go out of business

>Rand will collapse and so will the country.

>Southern Africa which is dependent on us will also go up in flames.

World Implications:

>World platinum prices will skyrocket as 80% of it is produced in South Africa. (thank me later Jow Forums)

>Undoubtedly cause a brand new refugee crisis of some 250 million if left alone

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"fuck niggers"
"thank you for your time"

anyway I voted VF+

I voted BLF nationally. Let's accelerate this shithole

Currently in line to vote. No niggers in sight due to bad weather. Bless the rains

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ZACP is a fucking scam, I'm pretty sure they are there as a net to catch DA voters and get into a coalition with later
>Capcha: Black guy walking towards a bicycle

Ik wens jullie het allerbeste, achterneven. Moet ik aandelen in platinum kopen?

En maak je geen zorgen, Thierry Baudet komt jullie redden.

Might actually have a pretty significant effect on turnout right? My African experience is rain=nigger-no-show.

Their weaves cost like R2000, they aren't gonna mess with rain

VF provincial and EFF national. Hoping some shit goes down soon its all too tiring.

digits confirm. Ties to the motherland will be re-established.

Inshallah één dag

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Yep pretty much. Always sleep easier in the rain because nibs don't generally break in when it's raining.

The last poll I saw had ANC just below 50% of the vote, meaning they'd have to get into coalition. Plenty of potential for chaos there.

What do you think, would they get into coaltion with the EFF or a random assortment of minor parties?

Also, I saw that Freedom Front + was set to double their vote share (it's still tiny) so good for them.

Veel dank, de mijnen worstelen op dit moment, heel dichtbij omdat het niet langer winstgevend is.

Just received my 3rd DA bullshit SMS for today lads

based and redpilled. I waited 2 hours to vote for a party that wants to kill me. Helping bring about the war is the way to go

ANC will get more than 50%

Both FF+ and ACDP are likely to see huge growth for what are quite old parties.

Y'all are a bunch of bunch of deluded accelerationists

Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Keep voting trump he'll save American whites any day now

Kaaplander is n pesudo intellektuele dompoes en die feit dat julle enigsins na hom (en ander e-celeb tossers soos wannabe kaffer Gouws en groot neus poes 'ek kan nie fokken engels praat om my lewe te red nie' Petzer) is outisties. Julle is n fokken meme.

It's better than preparing for a conflict that will never happen. Anc goons are just going to kick you all off your land and I doubt any of you larpers are going to fight the military. War is not fun

>t. Knows nothing of the situation, thinks the military is even functioning and thinks SA has any other outcome besides blacks coming to kill us one day

They are going to evict you and not direct immediate violence. They'll give you a ticket off that God forsaken continent. I suggest you take it or get out with some compensation while you still can

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I always wondered something. People on here always complain about antifa and shit in America, how come nobody's ever magdumped into an antifa mob?

In May 1978 South African paratroopers took part in Ops Reindeer. It was the largest airborne drop in the continent since WW2 and resulted in Cuba's biggest single day loss as the air force almost destroyed an entire armoured column trying to catch up with them. SADF losses were 4 for 700 killed.

They are going to make it so they can take your land without compensation, which most whites won't be willing to give in to.
Or I can just vote for the status quo to continue and get killed in my sleep one day. There's no other option so stop kidding yourself if you think there is. Status quo or violence that's it

Because antifa isn't a serious threat. They show up only in cities and to counteract right wing marches or some shit

evict us? you are a fuking retard

I love that I can just make out what you wrote.

Or you leave like rn

What do you call land expropriation without compensation then? It's an eviction from your property

You know what is even more retarded? Starting a 3 Boer war and losing

Dutch is derived from Afrikaans after all. Dutch is Afrikaans 2.0

paaltjiewagter=wicket keeper

Yeah it's pretty sweet, Dutch comes from Afrikaans, after all.

Nah I'll stay thanks. I'll get to legally kill blacks soon not missing the chance and running away. Not to mention all the whites who have no way of leaving so I must just run and let them all get killed.

I wonder something else. Why is there no exodus of SA boers to Namibia? That place is basically unpopulated, and if you would move in numbers, you would get a huge land with >70% boers right?

>legally kill blacks soon not missing the chance
That is some psycho shit right there.

What's the point of running? If I ran today where do I go? Why must my children or my grandchildren suffer for my cowardice? We either run and die or fight and die.

I refuse to be that boomer who ran from something he could have went against

>"just leave your land and move to a desert bro"

it is a dessert. its just sand

Because they are lazy.

Just voted. Another DA win for my ward guaranteed.

It's a dessert - you can only visit on sundaes

oh boi, they are literally feeding the country

>putting halfbreed brown girls as the OP image during a white Genocide what cuckoldry is this

go make a reddit post

owwww shiet i coudn't go to aquanarium in Durban because of todays election
fucking hell, i will not return here during next voyage so my chance is over, life is just simply unfair

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Fellow South Africans voting accelrationism. Daily reminder if you voted EFF or ANC or BLF you're no different than any other nigger and sand nigger. Enjoy your aids you Afrikaans Christian fucking faggots.

>.t DA Voter


>"don't worry some party will save us and the country vote "

They're having fun man relax and have a honk with the boys.

Leer om te spel, poes

Veel geluk

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Hello Renaldo, fuck the DA

mah nigga

Who is John Galt?
He ain’t no communist nigger.


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Man so niggers don’t like to swm and don’t like rain.

Are they like vampires?

is there a khoi party?

He’s definitely put the breaks on the leftists.
And things are slightly better now than in 2016.

If I where to just give up and vote for Bernie or Yang I would likely be in your situation in 20 years rather than 60. Accelerationism is nothing more than political suicide.

Yes, but its a meme party like the cape party

suig my piel mof gat. ek spel nes ek wil. as jy n probleem het oor dit gaan na reddit en moan daar oor my spelling, hier gee niemand om nie jou dom kont

Nah vampires are too pale and a whole Transylvania castle can't be stolen

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Hou op om van fokken e-konte te praat, God alleen weet, ek wil in my broek kak as mense dit doen.

Encouraging airsoft larpers to fifht

This will not end well

I feel sorry for all the good south Africans. i had great moments in that county during the 5 years i was there. it worth mentioning that south Africa's infrastructure is getting worse by the day due to what seems to be corruption and mismanagement. Nigger and white trash are a problem but specially niggers. SA has the worse kind of blacks and the worse kind of whites in this planet

Here, is dit die beste wat jy mee kan opkom? Is jy 'n Downie? Is jy outisties? Het jou ma bloutrein gevat toe sy swanger was? Wat de fok is dit? Slaan bietjie twee breinselle saam en probeer weer.

Khoi party FTW! Bantus BTFO! Europoors BTFO!

kak jy baie in jou broek?

You could also try fleeing country of the apes. There is no winning if the government or some random kaffer tries to take your life.

There really is no other option. You merely a few hours away from being Zimbabwe 2.0. Come to Texas, it is a lot like south africa’s economy and climate.

So all its going to do is keep things from getting worse rather than fixing anything of note? Sounds like it's just slowing down the inevitable. I mean if you can get it done properly that way then good on you go for it. Difference is though is that you still have a white majority we don't so nothing will ever get better it can only get worse. Whites decrease by the day so why not cause it to end now rather than later when we stand less of a chance. Any white who thinks there is any other option is delusional and bought into the DA dream.

You say fuck the DA until things don't turn out as bad as you though and all you saffers fear-mongering was for naught.

wat doen mense om jou as jy in jou broek kak?

yeah there's one but most are in Gatvol Capetownian which couldn't run in the elections so they supporting the Cape Party

>yeah there's one but most are in Gatvol Capetownian which couldn't run in the elections so they supporting the Cape Party

Take them with you idiot. A small vinyard or what ever you have is not worth losing your life and your family’s lives over. You can try to apply for political asylum. Take advantage of that retarded UN migration pact, if you can.
Go to America, Go to Australia, Go to new Zealand, Go to Argentina, Go to Uruguay.
Just get the hell out of there with your life.

Hello fellow Easter worshiper, it is just a joke Afrikaners are not being targeted

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$400 a bottle. Communists, everyone.

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this will be said for Americans next, then the next country then the next and the next until there is nowhere to run anymore

By the way, how can I support the boers struggling in South Africa? Any charities to donate for or something?

source your facts faggot

uruguay is a very easy way out for saffers

Handjies klap, koekies bak. Terug spesiale klas toe met jou.

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i need a new gfx card

say the man who literally shits his pants every day

Well you need to understand two things.
1. Our president is powerful but does not have absolute power.
2. Congress has more power than the president and is divided three ways into MAGA, Never trumpers, and insane leftists.

It is very difficult to do what needs to be done, when a force larger than you works against you at nearly every turn.

For what Trump has done good, its been mainly his forgine policy and exposing just how insane leftists are. That last one has done has pushed more people away from the far left and towards the center left than any other factor.

Send me qt emo Finnish gf

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Best of luck phaggots!
Our Election has only just been announced.
Who are the Goy Party who'll save South Africa? Is there one?

imagine being this much of a gay retarded newfag lmao

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I agree. We really are going to be the last domino.

But our political climate is not genocidal against us yet and it helps that our black population is at only 13% and dropping at a gradual rate. We in the United States have time to work this through and bring light to the unenlighted marxists and afrocentrists.

The only party who can save SA is Heckler & Koch