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What's happening?
>1. The constitution will be changed to legalise Zimbabwe-style land grabs.
>2. This Election in May will be the last election this country will see for a long time
>3. The ANC will win again without a doubt, so voting provincially for secessionist parties like the Cape Party etc Freedom Front Plus are now more important than ever. Vote BLF nationally for accelerationism.
>4. The provincial parties will not be allowed their referendums, BUT it will accelerate the frustration towards the government as the running power outages, continued mass corruption and drought tear the country apart.
>5. As things deteriorate people will be in favour of balkanising South Africa
Quick Facts:
>Farm murders *are* a thing and have gotten more organized in recent months with military-grade gear
>There’s a low sense of urgency with a lot of whites that live in gated suburbs in Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg (especially Anglo saffers)
>We’re sitting at around 35% unemployment and our economic growth rate is abysmal for a “developing” country
>3.3 Million South Africans (of a population of 57 million) Pay 99% of all Income Tax (Guess who that predominantly is) and 17 million blacks are on grants.
Not going to bother explaining the entire background beyond a tl;dr
>Nigs in government flipped the table and are going to seize all property in the country, be they urban or rural.
>Investors will GTFO
>Famine will start as farms go out of business
>Rand will collapse and so will the country.
>Southern Africa which is dependent on us will also go up in flames.
World Implications:
>World platinum prices will skyrocket as 80% of it is produced in South Africa. (thank me later Jow Forums)
>Undoubtedly cause a brand new refugee crisis of some 250 million if left alone