Salvini - Orban alliance

“If the Left wins, Europe will become an Islamic Caliphate”

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the Italian Interior Ministe Matteo Salvini are planning to fight the current EU agenda.

Orban stated that he is ready to work with dynamic and vital men while calling the EU tired and powerless.

“we will be very strong because if the Left wins Europe will become an Islamic caliphate”

Both men called on the European People’s Party to adopt their views unless they want to commit political suicide. If the EPP decided to follow their example both expressed willingness to work with them.
>8 May 2019]

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-08 Allianz von Orbán und Salvini „Wenn die Linken gewinnen, wird Europa ein is (866x487, 778K)

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utter idiocy

Even Western Europe won't be islamized


>Even Western Europe won't be islamized

Attached: aham.jpg (612x408, 107K)

>Even Western Europe won't be islamized


>“we will be very strong because if the Left wins Europe will become an Islamic caliphate”
I fear that excluding Hungary, Poland, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic all the other European countries will still give the majority to the globalists, and they will attack even more the countries that want to rebel against Islamization

So what.
I'm a former communist and I'll vote for Salvini.
Stopping niggers is the only way to survive, everything else can wait.

lol poland you are drunk