When your pet bites you

>when your pet bites you
Are Jews going to realize what they’ve done to themselves sooner or later?

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It's almost as if the Jews don't have control over shitskins like some people believe




Since when are subsaharan Africans hispanic?

no one said they do, but the shitskins are useful idiots who'll happily flood our countries and vote leftist every time. and the jews' main goal is to eradicate the white race

>plz be nazi so we can batter the kikes without anyone saying anything
How about no, Achmed?

You've obviously never been to New York. This is what the mexicans look like here.

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Oh is that why they have "White Hispanic" and "Black Hispanics"?

Told you guys, spics are based. Embrace the castizo future, white man... A little of that Aztec Savage conqueror DNA will do you some good.

Did they forget that all nonwhites hate each other?


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>You've obviously never been to New York. This is what the mexicans look like here.


They need to learn to accept this culture, racist ass jews. More diversity should sort this out. Muslim would be best, New York has a severe shortage of Muslims.

Nice. Hopefully this means we’ll start getting rid of spics soon. It wasn’t enough that they were simply invading our country, but maybe attacking members of Trump’s favorite tribe will spur the government to action on deporting them.

here frens.... have fun with this

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Oy vey

The real piece of shit globalist jews dont give a fuck if this orthodox welfare nigger gets punched by a bean nigger

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>4 "Hispanic" males
>Obvious Nigger in photo
What did they mean by this?

Nice, they need more though, way more. The jewish community cannot continue to be monolithic and not accept diversity, diversity is our strength.

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Wtf I thought there's only mutt but the niggers have even tainted spics.

I have a great idea, they can move to Israel. They will be nice and safe there, and all together in one nice big safe spot.

The United States is their greatest ally, we will always have their back. They've been such great friends to us afterall. And Europe and Russia, they have so many good friends.

God damn you are dumb.

I love how the whole world speaks English but no one who actually speaks another language will tell you what is really going on. They don't have to be dumbinicans. They could be anything there are niggers everywhere.

Colombian niggers



Peruvian niggers



Bolivian niggers



Venezuelan niggers


Name the place and there are niggers. Too bad none of this shit is in English though.

I truly wonder if all of these "anti-racist" types have drank too much of the Kool-Aid and actually believe that only whites are capable of hate and if they disappeared tomorrow the world would be full of harmony and joy.

Dumb fuck.

You should try learning Spanish. What you would find out will shock you.

They exercise social, political and cultural control, they can't wrangle them all though

I dunno why people fuck with the orthodox Jews, they're not the ones fucking the world over. Its the zionists.

>it's williamburg


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Yes the marketing of niggers as human at the expense of everyone else never stops.


Te He

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Yes they actually have. Best way to cure them is make them live next door to the craziest negro Muslims on the planet. If they survive they usually learn. If not then who cares they are going to get us all killed with this crazy shit.

Border crashers are coming to Jow Forums and getting red pilled on the J.Q.
fucking kek

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South America has been cool, they let the nazis set up shop throughout South America. Pretty bro tier like Muslims and Japanese.

Maybe my eyes are too old, but that teen looks like a Black more than a Hispanic.
Not that it matters... from now on he's a Honorary Aryan.

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>Pretty bro tier like Muslims and Japanese.
Sure achmed

D'ass rite! And he was better treated in the Wehrmacht than he would have ever been treated in the USA.
Don't take my word for it, search Jesse Oven's quotes about Hitler.

6 million beatings later

since hispanic is not a race

this cartoonist is retarded, I've only ever seen niggers do this shit.

What the fuck. I live in Southern California and we got White Hispanics here. Why are NY spics so black? Is it because it's the Jewish epicenter in the US?

Divide and conquer does not work here my jewish friend. I am impartial to them, don't care for their behavior, but I also like the fact that they recognize jewish opression of the world.

Yes, lot of Dominicans and Puerto Ricans who are basically African.

Because their ancestors came from Africa. 'Your' white hispanics are probably from European descent or castizo.

To be fair, Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are alot cooler than central americans. They're slightly smarter. I live in NYC

I'm okay with allying with them out of necessity but they need to fuck off back to their countries.
Japanese are fine because they assimilate while self segregating.


das right schlomo we wuz da real isrealites betta gibs me dis land and dat land too

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I would love to see this happen, like then they made that jew cry on camera.


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>will they learn
history seems to indicate that every time the kikes kike to much eventually they get shoahed and never learn their lesson.

I am convinced now. Muslims and Japanse are bro tier.

>Why are NY spics so black?

Califag here, ours are just native and white, but NYC spics tend to be part black or Afro Latino

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arab do this too

No such thing as the white race. Just white skin.

lol... fucking yankee. those are ACTUAL niggers from spanish speaking countries.

>I love how the whole world speaks English but no one who actually speaks another language will tell you what is really going on. They don't have to be dumbinicans. They could be anything there are niggers everywhere.
>Colombian niggers
>Peruvian niggers
>Bolivian niggers
>Venezuelan niggers
>Name the place and there are niggers. Too bad none of this shit is in English though.
Hispaniola is a majority black, when Colombia landed the small population of taino people (natives) either died from disease, or where over worked to death and few remained virtually extinct. So in order to work for mines they imported black slaves, and then for sugar some more. The Dominicans are blacks larping Spanish culture in denial that the are black. They think they are better than Haitians just cause there side worked on cattle while the other did agriculture.

They are black in america but in DM they are "mestizo" they won't acknowledge they are black.

>White Hispanics

Agreed they do not belong in our homelands, but we piss people off saying jews need to go.

So instead we embrace diversity and bring a shitload of Muslims, who hate Jews.

Then they can't criticize them, and when mumticulturalism predictably fails, /ourguys ride in to save the day.

This is what western elites are doing, they didn't just decide to start giving a fuck about Muslims. It's just a tactic to wake people up.

Try talking sense to liberals, it doesn't work. Make them live beside Muslims and they get all pissed. Two birds one stone.

We all know the story of the golem

Hasidics are anti zionist and anti degenerate

And they really are bro tier in the sense we can be allies. Japs are often pretty cool, honorary Aryans for sure.

based post

every new world latin country had slaves and deals with niggers, no one speaks of this

To my knowledge the chasidics aren't really landlords more traders and pawn brokers etc. Afaik these particular Jewish people don't own that neighbourhood.

them Hispanics have more ball than you wypeople

You have mexicans there. Mexicans have niggers but you probably won't see mexican niggers in America. Even spics in mexico don't know that there are actually niggers in mexico. All of their niggers for some reason got trapped in an underdevloped part of mexico and the bred with the indians to create a nigger-mexiandian mix. If you're good at seeing race you would know but if you are not you won't. They don't look like nigger niggers but only because they are not mixed with whites, they are mixed with native americans so they look different.


The bitch in the picture is actually mexican on paper, but she doesn't speak Spanish well enough for me to say she is mexican in my opinion.




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>"The White Invented Knockout game"

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Dumb fuck making them black hispanics.

The left is an alleyship of people who hate each other. women hate trannies. (All the women, I know hate them)

Blacks, Hispanics hate Jews.

The whole thing is a giant tinder pile, It's amazin that they keep it all together just by focusing the hate on white cis christian males. Of course, they've almost defeat white cis males to the point that they can't honestly balme us anymore.

I think the Jewish male is next on the list for hate targeting.

Japs have the highest average (and most untainted) racial consciousness egregore throughout history. At the same time, they recognize the European racial egregore is capable of enormous feats of leadership and invention when it comes together which is why they pay so much respect to the Aryan symbolism.

Also when they beat the Russian (and how) pretty much cemented their status on "on the level" with European status

I have to wonder if White Hicks didn't invent it. I just don't see it likely that blacks have the collective intelligence to come up with it. It makes more sense for them to have seen other people doing it. Maybe, the MSM invented it and then blacks started to doing it.

*status as

Doesn't really matter, they'll get to play the victim either way.

Interesting claim. Care to back it up?

Didnt Nigers invented the game when they flash a loaded weapon to each other to see if the other Nigger has a weapon?
A couple ended up dead.

It was the goal all along. Any jews that dont move to israel or are in danger of assimilated, the zionists would rather see dead. Israel has even been directly attacking other jews for decades to scare them into moving to Israel or at least keep them controlled by Israel as they will be living in fear and donate/support israel as their plan b.

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Agreed japs are based as it gets

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this isnt a secret morons, you can watch a single game of baseball and half the team is south american niggers that look like DeShaun but are named Jorge

Is that really a "Hispanic Male" ?

Jews are white, communists however are not people and communist Jews are dying off rapidly.


Just give the world time,
the entire world will grow to hate the jews
then there will be no place for them except israel
then its time to nuke them

A jewish Hasidic man
was punched in the head
The perpetrator was hispanic
And that man had fled

Actual Hispanic here
If you see a black Hispanic you can safely assume he's Dominican or Honduran in 90% of cases
Over here we see some niggers waving the Dominican flag
The more you know

If they had the ability to learn from the past they wouldn't keep doing the same thing over and over again. I don't like the idea of biological determinism but when you see the same pattern repeat itself over and over again then it's really fucking hard to buy into.

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No one says they have direct manipulative control over shit skins. They control them indirectly by playing as a minority along with them. And since many shit skins are largely incapable of independent thought, they are led right along.

Anyway, besides that, Jews see the benefits they get from their position as worth the occassional hate crime

100% spaniard

hard to not buy into*

>what is divide et impera

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Hilarious how arabs and hispanics hate jews more than you white people, then you sterile cumskins try to remove us afterwards, you whites really deserve extinction.

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