While you were busy honking, we subverted your nation

While you were busy honking, we subverted your nation

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Yeah, he got kicked out with an "Other than Honorable Discharge". Easier to get a job with a felony on your record than one of those.

kek didnt this guy get his nudes leaked with a smol pp?

the fag got kicked out iirc


yep, keep on honking

honk honk

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neoliberalism subverted and destroyed the nation, communism just collapsed on itself and failed miserably.

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don't I look cool on my hog?

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honestly nobody gives a fuck about that

Keep honking

>Easier to get a job with a felony on your record than one of those.

I do.

Yeah. Not tiny but deffo smol.

Behold the mighty Soviet army

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It looked pretty juicy iirc, def. not small


really...you are on the board of big wallstreet hedgefunds and banks ? Wow ...never knew pol would have these high level visitors

How can one man be so based?

When communism happens fir him the bike is taken away. It is a symbol of oppression to communists.

You took over long before we started honking. You're just mad that we are noticing now

that white nigger got expelled, dumbfuck
>all fields
>hide thread

Communist are some of the worst armies in the world. Every strategy they have ends up with some sort of mass starvation in a siege or a human wave attack. Their technology also never seems to fit any useful military purpose and is always designed based off of committee. For everything that does work there are at least 2 things that don't.

>For everything that does work there are at least 2 things that don't.
so they're still better than the US army

you fucking newfags will take any bait

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That's all right, we'll just subvert all your hard work.

Of course, that's why the USSR collapsed without a single shot being fired and China doesn't have a navy.

Remember that one time the most powerful army lost to rice farmers? And then to goatfuckers? good times

guy was actually based tho, psyco sacco had him on the war room after that stunt

You mean the same rice farmers who are now one of the US biggest trade partners? The rice farmers who are now host to Nike and other clothing manufacturers? The ones who are now called one of the four CAPITALIST tigers of Southeast Asia? The same rice farmers who stabbed China, USSR, Laos, and Cambodia in the back for the sake of the US? And tell me more about goat fuckers, the same goat fuckers responsible for humiliating the might of the USSR military and drove the to collapse. The goat fuckers who outright rejected communism for islam. Communism is so bad even muslims hate your guts.

Oh and by the way, the US is still here.

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Every employment form I've ever filled out only cares about Dishonorable discharges and if you're a disabled vet.

that guy most likely memed for the fun of it. Too bad the age of foreveronline got him fucked over

>The US empire is slowly collapsing and americuck doesnt realize it

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Still here.


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>we subverted your nation

and when you come to power you'll subvert yourself to death by starving

Anyone have this guy's leaked micropenis pics???
Asking for a friend.

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This guy is working as a manager at Google now
Life really isn't fair

>communist getting a job

>long grey line

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You're full of shit. You know it. We know it. You know that we know it. So why keep being a retard?

Not everyone can be a NEET shut in bro. Some of us gotta apply for jobs.

Oh look, it's the shermanfag again.


Based google

DOZENS of poltards recognize me by now, my shilling has paid off

Now show microbenis.