In what can be called a bold and brave move, Google is including non binary gender emojis so everyone can feel included.

Attached: inclusive.jpg (789x540, 40K)

They removed the "Don't be evil" meme a long time ago.
Jewgle is compromised and needs to be stopped

k. but it's neither breaking nor brave. it's just disgusting and gay

meh, let dykes have emojis. if you're using emojis you're a faggot anyway

Attached: honkpill dealer.png (600x842, 154K)

The middle one is just a a twink.

What the fuck is “non-binary?”

Attached: 2D461116-3801-4971-8254-64DF827F8220.jpg (680x680, 35K)

what the fuck is an 'elder'?

Attached: hpl.png (404x507, 223K)

>gender inclusive is just 70's hair

Inklusiv is just female. -.-

"What the fuck is “non-binary?”
Progressive Jargon Aphasia is a fluent or receptive aphasia in which the person's speech is incomprehensible, but appears to make sense to them.
"Then the fascist Nazis bombed Pearl Harbor."
Let them go. They're on a roll

Do these idiots really think gender identity is defined by hair length? Isn't gender supposed to be like, on the inside or something according to these people? Who are they to say that only only women can have long hair and only men can have short hair? And somehow having medium length hair means you're halfway between a man and woman? So sick of this arbitrary stupid bullshit

Is this even new? All of the standard emojis like :) and :( have been gender neutral since forever

>implying nonbinary people make it to old age


Attached: CaptainAmerica1_zps8c295f96.jpg (500x509, 86K)

to be fair like 1 in 200 people are hermaphrodites.

No you're not allowed to be gay any more apparently. Only men can wear pants and if a woman wears pants then you have to call him a man now. Any gay man who expresses feminine traits is now a woman because we all know that gender has nothing to do with whether or not you have a penis but is exclusively decided by how long your hair is.

>"Oh I just never really felt like a woman so this is how I prefer to express myself"

Oh really? What does it feel like to be a woman then? Have you spoken to every single women in the world? Do you mean you never felt like you had a vagina? Because you do, regardless of how you feel. Or do you mean you never really felt like putting on make up and pink dresses and acting like a Disney princess? How fucking absurd and entitled to assume that fashion is what defines womanhood and to put all women in a single box of stupid, flighty princesses. This is 40's level sexism, these progressives would get along great with my grandpa who shares their views apparently. Whatever happened to being yourself? So now we're obligated to perform a caricature of the limited options we have for gender?

Nonbinary people don't exist, they're almost always straight white women who needed an "in" to get victim points and not get shouted down by their progressive comrades. It's a coping mechanism for their "privilege" that ironically reinforces everything they claim to fight against"

>your gender changes with your haircut
doesnt this dismantle the idea that trans people are born a certain way?

Jesus, when is this childish shit going to stop?

hermaphrodites are NOT the same as transgender. hermaphrodites are an actual human defect that is medically detectable and verifiable.

Checkout the massive tits on that female emoji. There is no confusing that emoji with the rock hard cock and orange sized balls of the male emoji. But what the fuck is up with that non-binary emoji? It has not tits or balls.

Attached: averagenip.jpg (757x1200, 112K)

>Old trannies

Attached: 1556517397632.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

What does non binary mean

when the adults take charge again user
