South African Elections

So, white South African here. National votes are being counted in our country now. The EFF, radical marxists, cut the throats of the whites etc. stand a good chance of taking away a big slice of the vote. One of the parties’ slogans is literally ‘white land or death’. The country could very well go full nigger before the night is done.

Any fellow saffers/interested anons out there willing to start a thread on this and follow the results as they come out?

Controlled media means its hard to get reliable information.

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A very sad day in South Africa

if you're white and still live in south Africa you're a nigger loving idiot. no reason why you shouldn't have left 20 yrs ago.

Any way to watch these results as they come in?

Get the fuck out now, White boy. Only a matter of time before the Nogs "necklace" you.

Good, send the whites back to Europe and the blacks back to Africa.

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Good luck boys. Be ready for the inevitable.

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Namibia is comfy, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had/has a place there.