Let's all love one another, OK?

Let's all love one another, OK?

Attached: 6NbKAd81.jpg (225x400, 11K)

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I love all my Scandinavian brothers and sisters.

I’m not touching a dirty white.

I'm pretty sure you know what replies are gonna say OP.

Love and peace for all my brothers and sisters of all races and creeds

Colonize brown women with superior seed

Sure, as long as the white guy wears slave chains and an I'm Sorry sign.

Ok. Bend over.

sounds kinda gay but ok

Your idea of "love"= forcing completely different people to live side by side, which has always only brewed hatred and distrust, go fuck yourself

The ones that also say FAGGOT

Humanity, earth, is a melting pot

islam will dominate.

No, go away with nonsense

Attached: LUh6u9cNj.jpg (755x794, 147K)

Gas the kikes, burn the beans, slaughter the nogs. Race war now.


The Jewish Question is an evolutionary, statistical effect. It is not a conspiracy. There are many groups in the world, conspiring for various aims, but this is not the Jewish Question.

The Jewish Question is average group behavior, and it is a problem to be solved by physically removing the group.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics


Jewish dominated institutions pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. College is a whore factory. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics.

Attached: jewchan2.png (1061x1500, 2.35M)

I love all races, thats why im against multiculturalism.

White people are shit who robbed and plundered everything. White women are whores but mixed race babies are cute, I gotta admit.

I love my non white brothers and sisters. So long as they are living in a different country. I do not hate non whites, I just love white people.

It will not, Mohamedans are getting corrupted by western decadence way faster than any of them would ever admit, look at newest example from France, Eurovision was won by a homosexual morrocan Muslim boy, This Grim Future awaits us all

fuck i hope not. and they probably will fail, unless the world becomes 80% muslim all accross nations. so long as east europe exist, and even most Asiatic/brownies fight back, it should suffice. hard to see western euros do anything about islam, other than giving away their daughters and wives, canada and US might be interesting.

as retarded as islam is, i also respect the fact that they hold onto their retarded religion with everything they have. our darkest nature of men is fairly degenerate to begin with, hence i do admire that they use force upon each other to reinforce the health of the collective, too bad its not Christianity that got to them...

Biologically impossible. The best we can achieve is peaceful coexistence or cheap conflict. I'm ok with whites, they are respectable. My only beef with them is their ugly habit of keeping nigger pets and treating them as persons.

Oh, of course, people who stand up to their principles are the literal definition of what being Based is, I would join forces with them to at least stem the tide, but sadly most of them are so full of themselves about how it will prevail, they don't see the floor crumbling beneath them....

Attached: tumblr_n1ts25vOLj1s9od7wo1_640.png (595x425, 16K)

Kill yourself, nigger

condom free?

yea Yugoslavia turned out well. no wonder they call it balkanization. what they do right now in your country.