Atheists are LITERALLY retarded

Atheists are LITERALLY retarded.

Attached: newton.jpg (800x600, 79K)

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Yes yes yes! Atheism is bad!

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Literally a deist who replaced God with Gravity.


Atheists are retarded
I am an atheist
I am not retarded

Quod erat demonstrandum, you are retarded

Slide thread.

“In the beginning was logos, and logos was with God, and logos WAS God. "HE" was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men”

Fuck off leaf

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But you are retarded. Stop lying.

I have some seriously bad new for you, user.

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uhhhhhh didnt you see i spoke latin can you speak latin

Pretty much what I expected from a retard

Google Latin Translation non potest facere, non intelligentes. Et tale consilium pacto retardantur

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That's Issac Newton. He wasn't an atheist.

A turbo autist, but not atheist.

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Thank you, genius.

Newton wasn't atheist you fucking bonehead.

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>god didnt reply when i prayed one time
>therefore the universe came from nothing

atheism in a nutshell

The brainlets on this site I fucking swear.

>newton wasn't an atheist


Did you make this? The lines are thicc af

This trolling


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The geniuses of pol.

He absolutely wasn’t. He was a bonafide alchemist and theist.

t. alchemist

Didn't he write a lot of stuff about prophecies in Revelation? Not something an atheist would waste his time on.

have fun with your abrahamic magic garbage loser

there are other alternatives bacon lover

Have fun not having access to abrahamic magick, loser.

He spent more time studying theology then he did Physics.

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>came from nothing
>Big Bang theory states all known matter and energy was concentrated into one spot.
>from nothing

This is why people hate christcucks.

you said it yourself. all known matter.

scientists admit they dont know what happened prior to the big bang event.

Atheists live such immoral lives that they can't believe in the existence of God. If someone actually knew the things they did or thought, It would make them feel extremely guilty and remorseful, so they do not believe.

It didnt come from nothing either, was always there.

how do you wrap your head around the fact that something always existed?

Tell me of Bacon, why does he Speaketh So Strangeley?

>>didn't reply one time

Doesn't reply ever, user, to anyone for anything. Doesn't strike you as a bit suspicious?

he literally can't, so called "science" today is just theology in disguise

>just believe me guys, it always existed! Stephen hawking said so cuz he looked at some black holes

Who hurt you as a child?

>“In the beginning was logos
Says who?

well the strange reality is that either it always existed or it was caused to exist. our scientists are doing their best to figure it out but i think its several levels of magnitude higher than what we can figure out.

either way its impossible to explain by our methods.

He was an alchemist and occultist, but he had to pretend to be Christian to avoid persecution and prison.

To this day the brightest minds in all the world randomly misspell and randomly capitalize words just as this great man once did.

Sorry I dont have time for religion, Id rather spend my time doing other things than sitting in a church. Not trying to be a dick, just being genuinely honest

>you are a retard for not believing that god was a circumcised jew



Why doesn’t Jow Forums get into comparative religions and theosophy?
Even atheists would get a lot of benefit from reading about Buddhism and how the memes from Hinduism evolved into it (and Brahmanism into Hinduism) to become a seemingly secular philosophy.
The history of why everyone believed in a soul and all that starts to add up. Good way to teach agnostics, but a long journey.

You can easily apply that to religion.
>just believe me guys, this book says it so it must be true!

Though if I'm being honest I couldn't give a flying fuck if there's a sky wizard or not, I'll never know for sure and I figure theres more important things to focus on anyways.

>be born a human
>be gifted with the ability to perceive a higher power
>reject it
>wonder lost through a mad world
>kill self
Yeah, they aren't as smart as they think they are.

I personally felt like I had a purpose even when I was religious. I eventually realized that you have to come up with your own purpose. That's just my experience with it though.

I find most religions absurd, but I feel that there is a creator. I just dont think the christian creation story is correct. Muslims are terrible people and the religion goes against progress. Most people who say they are buddhist have no idea what they believe.

Congrats for showing us the GREAtNESS of Amerimutts education system.

Or I could just show you the evidence:

Nobody. Who made you so gullible?
Also, can you lend me $1000 -- I promise I'll pay you back

Atheism is only for G-ds chosen people. Believe what you're told goy.