War is coming

War is coming..

Attached: 00-14-14-2000px-Flag_of_Iran_(official).svg.png (2000x1144, 37K)

IG report and FISA declass is coming. Iranians will slaughter the entire fucking IDF.

Nothing's coming
Nothing ever happens

You are impatient my little padawan, these things take time. Just wait and see.

Everytime Jow Forums says something will happen it never happens

Booooo 0/10 larp thread

I heard this plenty of times before, it's not coming.. I would enjoy seeing Iran being bombed though

Please do it already, I'm sick of those towelheads and I'd honestly rather have a ZOG Iran than a mudshit-controlled Iran

خواهش میکنم دیگه شروع کن را جنگ، ترجیم میدم یهودا قدرت داشته باشن تا آخوندا راستش را بگو

>I would enjoy seeing Iran being bombed though
That's because you're an Israeli hiding behind a meme flag.

>not mudshit

Attached: 56percentInvadesEasternEurope.jpg (634x454, 114K)