Why do you hate Israel, Jow Forums?

Israel is literally an ethnostate, the best actual example of what you always wished to have for white people. Why do you want to destroy it?
>b-but muh Jews
What do you prefer, Jews living and spreading in every single Western country, or Jews staying in their own containment nation? If you hate Jews, you should love the existence of Israel.
>b-but muh Palestine
Let's be honest, do you actually care? Arabs/Muslims never had any right to be in those lands in the first place and they have plenty of other countries to migrate to. On the other hand, if there is anywhere in the world Jews should be, that's historically the right place.
>b-but muh wars for Israel
That's an issue with YOUR government, isn't it? Let Israel fight its own wars and you'll have nothing to complain about.

>inb4 kike
I'm not Jewish nor do I have any semitic blood, but I don't see any reason to hate someone who wants the same thing that I want, i.e. to have an ethnostate and to live in it peacefully. There is literally nothing wrong in being a Zionist.

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Yeah, I do care about Palestine. I believe these people deserve to have a home just as much as Jewish people do. Israel is trying to deny them that right, which I cannot support.

We wish it for everyone
That every race has it’s own nation
Israel wants it only for themselves and on top of that they couldn’t even conquer the land
It had to be guilted to them using the Holocaust and backed up by American Horsepower to keep Islam out

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>Arabs/Muslims never had any right to be in those lands in the first place and they have plenty of other countries to migrate to.
>german flag
So you’re offering, then?

Because they destroyed America and now my country has no future except becoming Mexico 2.0.

I hated Israel when I cared about things like morality and human brotherhood and such now I don't give a fuck about them at all but my Dad likes them so they will be protected for awhile yet.

I meant Muslim countries, but... Yeah, I don't think I need to say more.

>Israel is literally an ethnostate, the best actual example of what you always wished to have for white people. Why do you want to destroy it?
It is the opposite of an ethnostate. its like 20% arab muslim, 50% arabs larping as jews, 20% euros/slavs larping as jews and a mixture of actual jews and literal niggers larping as jews

>What do you prefer, Jews living and spreading in every single Western country, or Jews staying in their own containment nation? If you hate Jews, you should love the existence of Israel.
that's great in theory, but israel relies on globalism to survive by leeching off the West. to maintain that parasitic relationship they have to ensure jews remain in power in the West. so israel actually ensures jews wil continue spreading like cancer here.

>Let's be honest, do you actually care?
i don't. but i'll root for them when they kill some bastard kikes for us. Remember the Liberty. Remember 9/11.

>That's an issue with YOUR government, isn't it? Let Israel fight its own wars and you'll have nothing to complain about.
My government has been taken over by israelis. I would very much like israel to fight its own wars but isreal wants us to fight for them and my government answers to them, not me.

I see an increase in trolls making disingenuous anti-israel arguments. They're the types that spam "zion don migapepe etc" everywhere. Their purpose it only to distract and cause division among the Trump base by insisting that Israeli policy is absolutely the most important issue. Whenever you try to engage in an honest discussion they fall back on their forced memes.

>Whenever you try to engage in an honest discussion
Yet you haven't engaged anyone itt


>Israeli policy is absolutely the most important issue.
it is, all of Zion Don's failures stem from his subservience to the jewish lobby.

>Israel is literally an ethnostate, the best actual example of what you always wished to have for white people. Why do you want to destroy it?

I actually want all Jews to just fuck from every place from the planet and stay there. If they don't, then their homeland deserves to be fucking nuked.

>What do you prefer, Jews living and spreading in every single Western country, or Jews staying in their own containment nation? If you hate Jews, you should love the existence of Israel.

Jews staying in their own containment nation, obviously. However, their banking system should be shut down.

>Let's be honest, do you actually care? Arabs/Muslims never had any right to be in those lands in the first place and they have plenty of other countries to migrate to. On the other hand, if there is anywhere in the world Jews should be, that's historically the right place.

I do not really care about history, however, you are right about this one. Who gives a goddamn fuck about those muzzies either way?

>That's an issue with YOUR government, isn't it? Let Israel fight its own wars and you'll have nothing to complain about.

I do not know what to say about this, however, I wish if West wasn't full of pussies who are afraid to eradicate death cult known as Islam.

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Israel is literally the only existing national socialist ethnostate
why this fact never gets meme'd is beyond me. so much narrative falls into disarray making real discussion possible again

because you are demonstrably wrong. China is a far better example of a natsoc ethnostate, and they do it without being entirely reliant on welfare from America.

you're right it is an ethnostate because fake jews
are really goys.

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The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you. Get cancer kike. Die in a fire.


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Sure, I'd love the existence of israel if it was actually where all the jews lived, but we all know it's not. That's like saying Ted Bundy would be a great guy if he didn't murder people, so we should all love Ted Bundy.

And you really think it's just that our government decided randomly to start wars for Israel? Wake up dumbass kikes basically control our government. And Israel is definitely not an ethnostate; they let non-Jews immigrate and they certainly encourage Jews to go do business in other countries.

This thread: kike shills trying to get people to support the Zionist NWO and gentile enslavement.

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