Hey I need some not so PC things to print out

hey I need some not so PC things to print out
its for school (freshman bay area)
I go to a very left school
can it also be funny
this is my first post on 4 Chan or on the internet for that mater

Attached: download.jpg (228x221, 11K)

What class?
if you want help we need details user

Save the edge for Senior year.

just go with the usual
>it's ok to be white
>it's ok to be baptized
>boys will be boys
>white babies are beautiful
etc etc

Here ya go, good luck when you get expelled.

Attached: 038BE499-5933-4B7F-940E-D5D193EE2679.jpg (1024x866, 195K)

no just cause
my mom stole my phone
I have 3 hr to my self at school
1 or 2 when no one is there

Attached: crimestats.png (662x703, 123K)

This is another good one.

Attached: educationfunding.png (597x498, 39K)

Niggers Tongue My Anus

>Help me be a le epic troll man
Modern Jow Forums is pure shit

This usually makes their blood boil.

Attached: federalbudgetimpact.png (756x768, 131K)


Attached: whites_are_the_problem.jpg (812x468, 192K)

This will force any shit-brained, pink-haired, lesbo leftist to stare into the abyss.

Attached: racemap.jpg (1080x868, 419K)

I got plenty.

Attached: AF92338E-CEA9-4579-8A5D-AB881EC3CF11.gif (2970x2400, 851K)

Attached: abortion.jpg (640x537, 85K)

This is now a nigger hate thread.

Welcome to pol you zoomer faggot.

Attached: 7D196CF9-5405-4C9F-925D-A3DF8CDBBA5D.gif (2406x1936, 861K)

but i love niggers. even those of the sand variety

Attached: a.png (464x627, 645K)

Attached: 3ED83E7A-ECDE-4E84-86D1-13D52806D66C.jpg (1024x593, 249K)

Attached: 4E08747D-6CE5-43DA-BBC5-F98C3DC39B2A.jpg (800x650, 149K)

Attached: africa.webm (422x338, 2.67M)

Attached: africa1.webm (300x532, 1.95M)

I am just over my Advisory witch is about making ideas build but no
only thing in there is a wast of time and left ideas
and with my grads nether I can afford

also mind my gramer