Globohomo is already here to stay

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we know, evidenced by your continued existence

How do we stop the globohomo agenda?


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The pendulum always swings back... to the opposing extreme

Sorry I got my earplugs in... what?

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By taking our kids out of public school and homeschooling them.

The federal government fears a generation which is divided based upon the "red pill/blue pill" dichotomy.

We also should break away from the federal government and form our own nation on American soil.

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>In 1994, the US Department of Defense was looking into theoretical chemical weapons that would disrupt enemy morale, debilitating enemy soldiers but not going so far as to kill them. So, researchers at the Wright Laboratory in Ohio, a predecessor to today’s the United States Air Force Research Laboratory, began exploring some alternative options.

>What existed, they asked, that would distract or delude a soldier long enough to mount an attack, without causing the soldier any bodily harm?

>The answer seemed obvious: sex. But how could the airforce make that work to their advantage? In an act of brilliance (or insanity) they came up with the perfect plan.

>They put together a three-page proposal in which they detailed their $7.5 million invention: the gay bomb. The gay bomb would be a cloud of gas that would be discharged over enemy camps “that contained a chemical that would cause enemy soldiers to become gay, and to have their units break down because all their soldiers became irresistibly attractive to one another.”

>What they couldn't figure out was how to bypass gaybomb immunity via Jesus factor. So after more money and toil they finally did it.

>They made the Gaytheist bomb.

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>The Gaytheist bomb proved successful in it's testing stages. Camp after camp started showing signs of late night orgies and secret meetings in worship of a deity they call Saiens. Rituals were devloped where they would shove fruit up their anus to spite the Christian God they progressively began to hate.

>This, however, had a toll on rations.

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