And he hated you all.
School shooters are starting to become diverse
we did it, reddit!
That's the guy. Yeah he's a faggot but it's the guy. The female was underage, name hasn't been publicly revealed yet.
He got tackled lmao
The female was transgender
>have element of surprise
>only one in the building with a gun
>can't even kill three people
And these idiots think they stand a chance against us in a civil war?
Fucking ridiculous
So THIS is the diverse future liberals said they wanted.
I wonder what's on his chest and if anybody laughed.
Emos are finally doing their school shootings
That's annoying, I want to know who it is.
Yeah I seen that too. I thought it was sharpie or writing
Makes you wonder if he knew people were going to see it or if he just went so far out of his mind it didn't even matter to him.
Maybe this will kill this stupid colored hair trend.
That's one thing shooters do, they want to be known. If he wasnt such a little bitxh and got tackled, he probably was going to take his shirt off and blow his head off and thr writing would be on his chest with some low tier message.
Idk, the school shooter thing is getting out of hand.
Annoying the girl or fake boy, is not being shown.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sharpie or whatever does take a few days to fade off, even if you have good hygene. Whatever it is ought doubtless to be a good indicator of his state of mind, but sometimes weirdos just do weird things as part of the oddball internal life they're living, especially the kind to dye their hair in order to be seen.
I had a laptop of mine seized once that was covered with what to a normal person would appear to be elaborate occult scribbles, or I don't even know how an ordinary person would try to interpret it, but it had nothing at all to do with what I'd been suspected of. It was just a bunch of reminders and slogans and things about other things going on in my life at the time.
we need faggot tranny control
Looks like the lead ainger of diiv
>18 years old
wewwwwwww he looks 30
>the acne
>literally the most thin motherfucker of all time
>spraypainted "fuck society" and 666 on a car
seems 12 to me
>tranny shoots up school
>just about every twitter tranny has multiple tweets about killing normal people
this has potential
you may actually be onto something there
queque pumped up kiks
Erickson. . Definitely not white. Am I right? And Castillo is the name of the guy that tackled him and stopped the shooting. Kind of ruins half of /pols/ larping or is it another false flag. Can't wait for the explanations on here.
damn worst spellling i have ever done damn mobile
>Tranny kid
Oh that's just the average kid in America
phoneposters should be hunted down with drones.
haha checked
think you're onto something
Lol yaay
>that nose
omfg that's why it was covering its face all the time:D
sloppy job mossad
as always
White women age like milk user
His name was already revealed a while ago, theres a couple threads up rn about it
>t. droneposter
>what is rosacea?
look at "his" neck and jowls
looks like "he" is pushing 40 to me
why didn't this guy just shoot up republicans?
>transgender "female"
One of these things is not like the other
So has your homeland.
Did I miss a happening? What's going on lads?
F to M trannie. Don't you consider such a person genetically female, or do you go with their preferred gender?
school shooting yesterday.
1 adult (fag in OPic) and 1 young hispanic tranny. 7 wounded. police report said only one handgun though.
I think your best hate is reserved for people you know reasonably well. You can sit in on Antifa meetings and profess a generalized abstract hate for fascists. But it's that fucker sitting two seats over that wore the same shoes you did, definitely just to spite you, and he murmured some joke that got people chuckling when you were speaking about some serious microoffense topic. It's hard to get white hot over some dude riding a tractor somewhere, but it's easy to find a local fucker that irks you like mad on a daily basis.
>oy vey