Corresponding images as follows:

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Other urls found in this thread: RF12


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a thread died for this

Will Elon Musk save the world?


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I told you I have high quantum influence, you didn't listen

retribution for hacking into my computer

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Please be real

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i hope not

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It's not. Someone who knew the nasa/musk meeting was going to take place, and used that to prank Jow Forums. Hurr durr i predicted this so it's true.

Jow Forumstards will actually believe this.

oh no (((they))) are here fear not brethren, we will soon be free

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don't try and meme this out of existence, you can't

just call Bruce Willis he'll fix it

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So when is it going to hit?

do it you double dildo semenator with extra dickles

this one is a strong bet to hit Earth. RF12

I predict nothing's going to happen
I also predict you'll get banned
I predict I'll get banned later as well

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never or probably some obscure unpopulated region of the planet where nobody will notice

Fuck off nigger.

Where have I seen this movie before?

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earlier they emphasized the year 2029. now it's 2022. why do they keep changing the year to a nearer one? will 2019 be next, thus the truth revealed?

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probably 2021 or next tuesday

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>we will soon be free
Your sources say 2029

I remember running to the sea
The burning houses and the trees
I remember running to the sea
Alone and blinded by the fear

And the river flows beneath your skin
Like savage horses kept within
And all is wasted in the sand
Like breaking diamonds with your hand

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>He doesn't like doomposting

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May 25th

Oh wow. Some “leak” on Jow Forums. I’m sure this one is true and and not bullshit, they rarley are
official thread theme music.

Wow user could you sing that for me

i kinda believe op, because almost every day of the fucking week the media keeps shilling this asteroid and op said this would happen.

Can we speed this shit up?
I'm tired of waiting

there's a six month warning on where it hits. they'll spread whatever shitheap of npcs it was going to hit around the country. you can't escape progress goyim.

Yea, you know Space X and all the civilian private sector efforts. Yep the military has no use for any of that. They haven't been going up there since the 60s. Naaaaah.
We certainly wouldn't have anything you know, the size of submarine up there or anything.
Or several.
And technology that would likely shock us of we knew of it, which we absolutely would not.
And an asteroid would never likely be able to hit us, unless they grabbed ahold of one, and slung it at us.
Which they might do, if it produced desired results.

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Seriously, my entire life at this point is just running out the clock. Early dismissal via asteroid is preferable to the lonely decay I am most likely to endure.

I mean, in reality who cares? Welcome death with open arms, and he guides you as a friend would.

We all die sometime, anons. Might as well eat a meteor to the face.

>t. wyoming resident, asteroid will probs trigger yellowstone eruption and I'll get blasted to the moon

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same. there's no future worth pursuing at this point. surf the kali yuga.

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>never or probably some obscure unpopulated region of the planet where nobody will notice


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Get saved fren, this life sucks but at least you could look forward to Heaven

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pls be true

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i'm atheist, but thanks.

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I want this to be true so bad but it never is

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I'm sure it's real this time.

7 meters! We are all gonna die.

try 1.5 km

this desu. if im going to die, taking a fucking meteor to the face is one hell of a way to go. I wouldn't even be mad.

>above earths hemisphere

Nice try faggot

See you on the other side Jow Forumsacks.

so at this point, what seems more likely? war with iran sparking ww3, or this asteroid?

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its very unclear atthis point, sure iran can kick off. But that can take time,so is this fucking rock.

Based and Royksopppilled

Fuck off Nasa.

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Atheists are dumb.

I dont want to close my eyeeeessss I don’t want to fall asleeeeeep

Why don't we just blow up the meteor with a nuke

memeflag. Opinion discarded and bias formed.

What makes you think a nuke a would do anything? Most of the detonation energy would just be liberated into the void.

> kali yuga
you mean your a new age spiritualist and still need to be saved.

Seems pretty based to me. It's time to take bets where the astroid will hit. I'm placing my bets on Yellowstone national park. The force from the impact should be enough to trigger a huge volcanic eruption and global earthquakes enough to make the ultimate habbening.

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I'm betting on Cuba.

What he's saying is that he's a jew and he's damned to an eternity in hellfire.

Maybe try a bunker busteresque approach, delay detonation until the delivery vehicle is sufficiently embedded. Then boom. Not sure if that's possible with the impact energies involved though. Maybe if you were to reduce relative velocities enough while maintaining penetration ability.

Neat. Been a while since we last had a world ending prediction.

i say somewhere europe, thats why (((they))) are going full immigration mode to populate the zone zero and easily conquest middle-east

Probably in an ocean

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I hope not. That would be gay as fuck. Best we get is a Tsunami wiping out either the west coast of Europe and East cost of US or west coast of US and East coast of Asia. Terrible habbening.


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>prevent FUTURE cataclysm
It's just a test bro

larper thread?

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Come see me after it hits and I’ll baptize you.

“The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”
Revelation 8:10-11 NIV

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2nd impact

>watch meteorite movie
>Always some doomsday cult that worships the event as god
>Always seem a ridiculous shot at spiritual sorts
>Come to Jow Forums

...Are we the bad guys?

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>5 and a half months since post
>no new Oumuamua-like objects

>This is serious, we're all going to die.
>But for safety reasons, I want to stay safe - this is my last post, so I don't get killed by them.
>But we're all going to die remember when I said that a minute ago
Garbage tier larp

its ok to pretend fren

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I seriously hope it does happen
I'm tired of it all
I just want it to be all over with in an instant
No people suffering, just finding the grace of God
Except the jews, they can live in the hellscape of the aftermath. fucking kikes

so what was the simulation that these nasa fags did?

New York gets dunked on.... BONUS!!!

The date is what’s interesting

You can die by choking on your own vomit covered in nigger shit and you wouldnt be mad, because you're dead you stupid faggot.

Earth is flat.

I work at a manufacturer who just got some tesla plart plans, highly doubt musk would be bothering with this kind of shit if the world is ending in a couple weeks.

This. It's so depressing day after fucking day.

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Literally the plot for that stupid Netflix show lmao nice try

Kek. Imagine a front row seat watching some faggot getting launched into the sky wearing a fedora, carrying his waifs pillow. The ayyys will find your corpse and wonder wtf....

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>tfw NASA is nothing more than viral marketing for netflix anymore

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>Except the jews, they can live in the hellscape of the aftermath. fucking kikes
Sometimes I fantasize about every race on Earth except for the Jews disappearing over night. Leave the chosen people to be their own goyim. Probably wouldn't take long for the elites to convince the lowborn Jews that they were never really true Jews, though.

Never. Ever. Something. Happens.

Aerosmith really gassed their credibility with that one.

I feel your pain, brother. Hopefully some type of swift and sweet doom will befall us and end this nightmarish existence.

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>another fucking doom larp
go back to /x/

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Shut up cunts. If it happens on the 25th there isn't shit you can do about it. If it'a supposed to happen in a few years, there isn't shit you can do about it. Just enjoy the ride you insufferable faggots.

> Hacked into networks that are completely removed from any external internet connection
> Hacked into computers that house this sort of information that lies in literal Faraday Cages that prohibit cell phones and external storage devices from bring brought in
The man is a literal fucking idiot for claiming he found this on internet-capable machines within the US Military. You may think the military is incompetent, but their network security isn't. The breeches of information related to human fault due to social engineering, not network breeches.

predictive programming

Why are you like that user? letting people grow hope only to see them suffer when nothing happens againg