Jow Forums is going to be shutdown by a British midget

We always thought it would be due to what Jow Forums did but it will be /tv/ that will be our undoing.

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Other urls found in this thread: davis/page/1/

What's the story?

'splainer pls.
need to know impending cause of death

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>legal response
>from a Mongolian backgammon forum
Im guessing this is fucking nothing

That guy is so annoying. Ruined Carl's adventures.



I guess you can hide tweets now.

RIP user.

The lil midget is going to use the full power of the British legal system to destroy you.

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He was in Harry Potter, Leprechaun, and Willow. He's a British actor.

Does this dwarf understand that pol isnt a person lol

He's on the warpath.

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What? I thought this guy was supposed to be cool.

Probably not

>Getting a response from the "Headquarters of Jow Forums."
The fuck does this dickhead think Jow Forums is?

The hacker known as Jow Forums

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I saw Warwick Davis at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and fantasize about kicking the shit out of his midget ass or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my knees. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him report me to the thought police as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like five Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Little fella, where are your parents?” At first he kept pretending to be a real person and not a grotesque genetic mistake, but eventually turned back around and lugged them to the counter.

When she took one look at his hideous visage and started screaming multiple times, he stopped her and told her to calm down and that “he was the star of Willow,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a movie. After she came to terms with the situation and put the bars in the bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by asking her to place them on the ground for him really loudly.

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name? davis/page/1/

Is midget offensive?


Hiroshimoot is ignoring him kek

Never gets old

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>Jow Forums pls notice me!

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>His face when his jewish manager has to tell him his star power can't stop Jow Forums because it's a federal honeypot

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They are midgets though.

This is what I was saying he was trying to do in the last thread. It's like he wanted our attention for publicity or something.

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Is this /tv/'s doing?

Yeah, they have midget/Warwick hate threads now

Craft a response one word at a time.


We all have our shortcomings, user.

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Doubt anyone else knows or cares who the fuck an obscure British midget is.

I warned the hacker known as 4chin not to take on Willow.

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And nearly every star wars movie

>nearly every
I thought he was an Ewok?

/tv/ is gonna inadvertently get Jow Forums on this guy's ass.
I knew /tv/ was based.

Don't fuck with midgets, it has been proven time and time again that manlets are extremely prone to anger and vengeance, and midgets are the absolute lords of manletness

That's not even the worst one kek.

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>thinking any lawyer will care about a Belorussian youth shuffleboard forum.

its fucking nothing.

You can't put satirical fanfictions in to court and good luck pulling out the moshi nip jew from his abstract mongolian law labyrinth.


Im 5'9 and got Jow Forums to beat the shit out lanklets who make fun of me
Im still fucking terrified of talking to women tho

only to non-midgets

wow, holy shit, /tv/'s gone well edgy.

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Do go on


Watch with the height racism because the bobbies will snatch your bicycle wheel ownership privelage.

de.pornhub com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59b2b00248dcd

Pure kino.... willow 2 when?

>19th January 2018


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>Out of all the boards /tv/ will get this shithole shut down.
They should have posted innocent Hitler appreciation and holocaust denial threads instead.

Lol do it

I'm not sure the World is ready yet for Willow 2, buddy.

What the fuck can I call you, Warwick???

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>ywn pump that little chocolate woman full of jizz

Not sure why he would be ignored, Jow Forums has an official lawyer on retainer and even it's own email for these things: literally legal@Jow

The lawyer is either preparing a response or knows the guy is full of shit so he has no obligation to say anything. If this was a serious legal matter, why bother spouting it publicly and exposing yourself unnecessarily?
The guy is a moron.

if the mods were responsible for user-posted content like this, Jow Forums would've been shut down 10 years ago

enjoy your aids

Warwick? I love ya for Wicket, baby, but you're way in over your head.

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Please tell me that this is the new Doctor Who.

mental illness starts early

Omg so messed up

Holy shit this is fucking funny user

Carlos, nooooooooooo!

Sorry, vertically challenged.


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Yeah the one about his daughter is kinda fucked up lmao

I'd love to buy Warwick Davis a steak dinner. Just a good filling meal, nothing fancy but maybe from a hip upcoming independent steakhouse somewhere in the center of town.

As he finishes off his T-bone steak, steak-cut fries, wedge salad and onion rings, alongside a pint of Brooklyn Lager, I'd ask him if he wants a dessert as well. He looks up to me and says that he's spent enough already today. I tell him that the whole meal - dessert included - is on me. And I'll pay for his Uber home as well.

I thought the first one was kinda funny but after reading davis/page/1/ that is some of the most fucked up and degenerate shit I've ever read. This is what people actually do? Probably incels. If somebody talked about my daughter like that I would stab them in the fucking face.

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Would you call the cyber police and have consequences never be the same?


this is unironically true. There are studies out there that proof this.
>the smaller the man the more he tries to be dominant.
not that it helps

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Just do the cartman strategy, and keep laughing

e's that little willow faggot


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what was he even doing here?
you need to be 18 to post here

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>Is midget offensive?

they all are... always midgeting around, getting into things, going through your couches for loose change.

Warwick must have backtracked it. /tv/ has done goofed.

it's literally just pasta I'm sure of it but he has the right to be concerned. a lot of psychos out there.

this just killed me, nearly shit myself laughing so hard.
>her once tight dwarven pussy is now permanently lose. a once pristine virgin pussy, now blown out like an arby's sandwich quivers with each thrust. she's going to cum, and so are you.

The leprechaun strikes back

> davis/page/1/

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this is exactly what I was going to post

Just pick him up as he's flaying around and put him back down once he gets tired and sleepy.

L-look! They even put a little suit on him! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHA


I don't get why midgets hate the word midget.

like the old freak shows probably they are still butthurt about that

This man still gets more pussy than you incels and that is a f*cking fact. The truth doesn’t care about your feelings.

What a faggot.