Hi Jow Forums I'm a criminal defense lawyer, recently I've had a steady uptick in people who are being charged with sexual assault who say they are innocent.
I've also recently lost a sex assault case where the girl was obviously lying - she made up several things in her cross examination, described a sex position that was physically impossible and said she was drunk even though she only had one drink. The judge still found my guy guilty - and I swear he knows the guy is innocent he's just doing it because of fear of backlash.
Recently we had a local celebrity, Jian Ghomeshi tried for sex assault and there was huge public backlash when he got off.
I know - it's leafland and this is what I get for practicing in leafland. Maybe my country is beyond saving. But America is heading in the same direction - it's these SJWs that are no longer just minor annoyances on the internet and college campuses. They are moving into public life and controlling the public disclosure and outcomes on important issues like criminal trials and laws.
And the worst is the media brainwashing - that keeps chanting lies about how women are victims and sex assaults are ignored. And I know this is not public opinion, most people I talk to in the general public are weary of false rape claims. It's like there's a group of people controlling the media that are divorced from public opinions, have the ability to fake public opinion and are using this as a means to control the government and courts in a way that's malicious to the public good and contrary to the public will.
I know Jow Forums is going to scream about Jews and SJWs and whatever but what we need now concrete solution to end this..
What can we do in the face of media induced mass hysteria. What can we do in the face of the SJWing of society. There has to be a way to create a backlash against this shit and turn the public against these people.
Jace Wood
deport the jews. they have their own country they have no right to live in ours
Samuel Howard
like I said, we need something more concrete, given how hard it was for Trump to even deport illegal immigrants, it's a good bet that we're not going to have race based deportations in the near future.
Is there a way to move public opinion in a way that can be achieved relatively quickly - I mean isn't that the kind of thing old Jow Forums was good at
Benjamin Gutierrez
Luis Jenkins
>Recently we had a local celebrity, Jian Ghomeshi tried for sex assault and there was huge public backlash when he got off. There was a huge backlash because of his celebrity. Your average joe wouldn't see such a backlash. The judge was thinking with his dick and white knighting.
Brandon Clark
How was he white knighting when he found Ghomeshi innocent?
Jacob Walker
The only thing you can do is prepare for the inevitable degradation and destruction of orderly society under leftist policies. The counterrevolution is were we will win, but for now, the left will be ascendant.
Cameron Sanders
I was talking about the case you lost ya kike
Daniel Walker
Oh didn't get ya, that's a possibility - and maybe it was the case, but I think what happened to justice Camp and the backlash against Ghomeshi also figured into it, Judges are the kinds of people that are very interested in public opinion and how they are perceived and wary of backlash