
He blew the China trade deal and now North Korea and Russia are just ignoring his dumb ass.

How’s the wall and the coal jobs coming?

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t. geopolitical brainlet and subconscious racist who thinks asians operate just like white people

Suckin dick. Hyuck hyuck

zion don...miga...

Going good, how's the Poop-A-Roni in San Fran?


trade deal will get done this week. This is all last minute showmanship and posturing to make sure it gets done. You white boy incels haven’t learned nuffin bout the Trumpster yet

wait until he gets on twitter
he's gonna btfo of the libtards, guys


You're still a salty little bitch so I got what I voted for.

Is he still making all the people who hate whites scream and shit all over themselves? Then he’s got my vote. I’m a simple man.

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At least he gave 38 Billion to America's greatest ally

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Same. I wasn't even gonna vote in 2020 but everyday the shills here and leftists in general just convince me to vote Trump. I really don't care about anything else anymore.

China spergs over tariffs. China is losing and defaulting day after day. Its just a matter of time. North Korea will do whatever we pay them to do.

god he is on track to be the worst president ever

I mean Nixon got a good deal with China, don't see why he failed completely.
Will you come to pol and admit you're wrong when that falls through? Or will you be really quiet and pretend no one remembers you said that?
He's letting those people into the country in the greatest numbers ever.

>he’s letting those people into the country
He’s letting journalists and Democratic politicians into the country??? We really do need that wall ASAP.

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>How’s the wall and the coal jobs coming?

We have the lowest unemployment rate since the 1960s.

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mc jobs. yay

I was about to say that.
How can anyone support this idiot anymore?


Op is a total faggot

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half the country is 80 IQ

>We have the lowest unemployment rate since the 1960s

Sadly, we also have stagnant wages.

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This is what the fucking lefttard tranny shills are reduced too, lol. Don't worry the corrupted career criminals you bitches elected to destroy the country have only two cards left to play and they both suck. One somehow Trump is impeached over nothing it goes to the senate who obviously vote to acquit ot (here is the fantasy) somehow Biden through luck and corruption wins the election and spikes the investigation, maybe the third time is a charm...I doubt it though...

>lock her up
>lock her up


>I mean Nixon got a good deal with China, don't see why he failed completely.
He didn't fail completely. Empirically validate that bullshit opinion. Quantify it if you can. China sucks at everything they build, and I bet their economy is built like those buildings that keep toppling over in China.

Who cares about the gooks and commies?
stay mad hilshill!

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You wish. Every business is hiring. Every fucking business I go into. Help Wanted signs, shit there are UPS help wanted signs on the telephone poles around where I live. During Obama you were looking and applying online and employers would cherrypick employees. Now it's a job seekers market. The only people who aren't working, aren't, because they have unrealistic expectations or they are fucking bums.

so, you're paid to lie here. got it

HAHAHA!! How's the obstruction and collusion coming? How's that impeachment coming? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

>He blew the China trade deal

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