Why the fuck are you still here?
Over 900 of us on >Neinchan
Your an absolute check if you are still hanging out with betas on this shit tier Chan
Ez captchas
Based mods
Based captchas
Why the fuck are you still here?
Over 900 of us on >Neinchan
Your an absolute check if you are still hanging out with betas on this shit tier Chan
Ez captchas
Based mods
Based captchas
Alright yids, get in here. We've found a new website to shill! We can't let the goyim wake up
nice honeypot, FBI
reddit thread
reddit site
Hi mossad
Why Jow Forums split off by country? Divide the player base. What could go wrong?
Every time you make this thread, I start talking about plausible deniability and recorded history of connection of an IP to a honeypot and then suddenly the thread 404s. This will be no different I bet.
I support this nu/pol/ taking all the newfags and idiots out, please continue shilling your honeypot OP
It has a main pol the other country generals just clog the board
generals shouldn't exist period and they didn't for a long time, although I doubt you were here when that was the norm
based fuck glowniggers
don't trust mods, ids, digits or flags
the closest thing to generals in old/pol/ were euro / christian ancestry appreciation threads of year 1 Jow Forums. Anyway this 'new Jow Forums' is a honeypot at worst, pale copy at best. "Based mods" is a matter of perspective considering they ban for nothing with no explanation. Its pretty much dead on arrival.
That’s the point nigger they don’t exist
The fact that they let these threads stay up when the 8 threads were deleted immediately tells me it's an uber honeypot.
More fake shit they haven’t banned anything I’ve been there 3 months
No the mods are asleep it’s 1am
you must post like a pussy then
The owner admits to doxxing people and says he will continue. Fuck your honeypot
Please take the pagans with you.
You're a faggot I got banned myself over nothing, no explanation, just banned forever. They are retards killing off their own userbase. Go fuck yourself nigger your shit chan is dead on arrival and will go nowhere because its an obvious honeypot made by nu/pol/.
Will you fuck off already?
yeah, but it has worthless boards hat appeal to limp wristed faggots
just do everyone a favor a drink a bottle of bleach before bed
Interesting because the server is more active than ever. Im not sure who banned you, but they were not supposed to do that. Weve removed some edgy younger mods to reduce these issues. If you would like to come back follow the discord link on the red flag image I posted above. Our apologies.
What are you talking about retard? We had a moderator that banned everyone because he was a crackpot has since been purged. Only reason I hired him was because I was low on staff in the beginning plus he made good honks
>leave home goyim
>let us take care of the old Jow Forums
>it was just a rogue mod
>if you want to come back
>follow the discord link
It doesn't look like forever.
another redflag
then dont nigger it doesnt matter either way. you're like a woman
>Browses a Chan that literally has the same boards!!!
Mossad is getting bad at this KE E E EK
It was a ban that "will not expire" obviously it wont be there forever given the earth will be destroyed by the sun soon enough but it is what it is.
Get a VPN you whining faggot
what is so bad about discord?
Your such a whining favor get another VPN jeezus why waste time with Mossad shills
hello fellow american
ok nevermind sperg
Nothing we haven’t had any issues
Nah you're like a nu/pol/ zoomer that actually thinks your nu/pol/ clone facilitated by DISCORD will actually eclipse original Jow Forums and not just dwindle into obscurity like basically every other copy. Enjoy your honeypot that moves at a snails pace though
Mossad is here
>buy a VPN so you can post on my honeypot
>everything I dont understand is a fed/jew/glow
how about you just continue to fail to shill your faggot nu/pol/ site here queerboy? Kek
Keeek they are getting sweaty...
Getting nervous we’re going to take your traffic!
We have your IP CIA we know where you post from...
It starts with an I...
8ch isn't obscure
Eclipse? When did I say that retard? It will never be the same thing. We are our own community.
To avoid the ban you dumb nigger. That’s assuming your already used VPN doesn’t have another country to shitpost from.
Jeezus the Mossad shills are so bad now HAhahah
you don't have to by a vpn to bypass bans
How retarded are you
Every time we shill here we get a few good people on board. Thanks for trying to obstruct the efforts of other white men you fucking jew.
Yeah why would we want a mossad shill like you there?
...we dont
8ch went through multiple Jow Forums boards before settling and is basically just a glownigger zone.
You dont have the same freedom of user created boards, yours is locked down from the start and relies on tards like you and the idiot mods banning random people forever. Its dead on arrival, womp womp
injure (dot) me/c/pol is better
Even better thank the shills for the bump haha
yes just another offshoot copy that will dwindle into obscurity because you missed the boat by like a decade.
Are you projecting?
We have one Jow Forums board it moves just fine.
Always happy to have new user though
I was banned for posting tits. just another faggot run honeypot
No why would you say that Mossad?
Look at these absolute zoomer kikes unable to accept that old/pol/ still posts here despite all the shills and that they will never transplant it, only nu/pol/. Dumb faggots
Oh yeah is that why there is 900 users? We’re half the size of the 2k active users that browse 8Ch every day
the zoomer response to any opposition
This mossad shill needs his catheter replaced soon otherwise he will experience overload. Too many hours athe computer is too much even for internet Jew defense
what homos
How am I a kike for telling you you kan just use free vpns to bypass bans, fuking kys
>a whole 900 of us
went to the site, slow as fuck.
Implying this place isnt?
I got the impression it was mostly just edge fags, I saw it shilled on youtube so I know thats what itll be. pretty sure Kommandant posts on it.
Mods dont see it as a threat like they did cripplechan, not to mention mods are lax as fuck now since the last few months.
memeflag begone
another issue I immediately saw. Why the fuck is the site banning people for no reason? shitty mods? The site isnt even fast enough for more than a few mods, so why the fuck is it such an issue?
You can make an appeal if you want to be unbanned, though. However, assuming the place really is a honeypot it would be better to just use a vpn anyways
But it’s true you are mossad. You provide no evidence then say I’m the shill
KEE E E E E K they are not sending their brightest from Tel Aviv!
>8ch went through multiple Jow Forums boards before settling and is basically just a glownigger zone.
"900 users" implying thats active users browsing and posting regularly, kek the catalogue has threads months old. Also the number you were touting was over 1k a while back which means you're losing users, either through mod bans or people just leaving because its so slow and shit. Go fuck yourself nu/pol/
>discord link
Correction from my last post, its definitely a honeypot lol.
Literally glowing.
No porn is allowed on 4kike? What’s the diefferece?
Jeezus the shillz are not even passing training anymore KEE E E E E K
glow harder dickheads your nu/pol/ is doomed to failure because its pozzed, womp womp
what is so bad about discord
I'm not shilling for nu/pol/ faggot
fucking kys
kek funny how you losers have to come here to leach users like the 8ch shills of old while simultaneously suggesting this place is shit and cucked and only cucks post here
your nu/pol/ is doomed to failure because it was dead on arrival, deal with it
No one is getting banned there isn’t even a ban log you dumb cunt.
Why are the Mossad shills lying this bad.
Surely they wouldn’t give themselves up this easy would they?
It’s cucked becuase there a few Mossad shillz like you that will never come over! The users see your here then immediately move!
Thanks mossad!
>multiple people stating they got banned for nothing
>respond by stating it was the work of rogue mods
>more people confess to having been banned
kek you tards cant even keep your story straight and then you accuse Jow Forums of being shills? While you shill you nupol honeypot along with discord? fucking kek
>just respond to me in this liberal social media site that collects a shit ton of personal information from your device.
>respond to me on a site that literally bans right wing groups en masse, but mine isnt banned yet even though its directly connected to a right wing site.
Thats not suspicious at all, right?
Mossad is getting upset
They are tired
Time to Change catheter goys
>you dont like our nu/pol/ copy that bans forever randomly? MOSSAD
Based site. No jewgle captcha.
Multiple people posting from same Tel Aviv military base
K e e e e ek
Try harder pleeez it’s almost comical at this point mossad
>respond to me on a site that literally bans right wing groups en masse
pls tell me more
Still hasn’t got it changed.
No evidence in replies
Continues to act like all traits of a mossad shill
Jeeeze why is Tel Aviv not training well?
funny how this post was ignored. They are embarrassed because they are actually losing users. Which means its because its a shit chan nu/pol/ copy with barely any content except for the croatian Jow Forums board, or because all their mods keep banning users. kek
Finally the based Anons showed up
either an edgy admin/mod that doesnt know how to respond to glownigger posting,
glownigger that doesnt know how not to glow.
>pls follow our discord link to this nu/pol/ copy pls you bunch of cucks
You’ve already outed yourself as Mossad your just making it worse for yourself at this point we’re getting flooded with traffic by your awful shilling
Thanks Mossad!
Jeeeze why are they so bad
Running out of replies...
There is no script for this...
Help me please...
I have to go pee...
Change my catheter...
To late...
I wet my pants boss...
K e e e e e e e e e e ek
>reddit spacing
>calling anyone that questions his nu/pol/ copy as mossad
kek dumb cunt
btw how come you were gloating to having close to 1.5k users a few weeks back but now its only 900? That means people are leaving. which is either by choice because it sucks or because they are getting banned in the hundreds. Which is it, reddit?
no one who matters can comment here, google captcha stops anyone and everyone who actually has something to say in a never ending "pick the motorcycle, now pick the traffic lights... etc etc " forever, even normal comments can't get posted here.
Nienchan has 71.30K views per month
It isn't much
Pretty much all sourced from them shilling it on different chans and reddit, people going over to look, then leaving. They are losing users by the hundreds according to their own shilling which was stating they have 1.5k users a couple of weeks back. Now its 900. And they keep avoiding this because it means they are either leaving because its boring and shit, or getting banned in the hundreds. kek
In the first month that’s pretty good.
Also that’s users not page views. We’re at 200k
8ch is user created boards and the original Jow Forums made there ended up crashing and burning because of shit mods, which happened again, and now there is one that has been there for a while.